Saturday, March 18, 2006

NYC Experienced (Act II)

For those of you just tuning in and for those of you that are returning, the following is a recount of my New York trip from my friend and traveling buddy's perspective. I, for one, think she's a talented writer and I'm very much enjoying the story. Hopefully, you are too! (If you missed the first part scroll down a post or two or simply click here.)

Y’all are familiar with the term “butt crack of dawn,” right? Well, this was the first of two mornings that we would be up before the sun. We were scheduled to take a tour, so we had to get up early. We also got up a little earlier than we needed to, because we had to figure out the subway system. It was really easy to do, and I’m glad we did it on Monday, because that would be the last chance for us to experience it. (More on that later) I like riding the subway. The funny thing was that Steffany and I were the only ones talking. People really keep to themselves around here, so it was just me and Steffany chattering away in our not so discreet accents. I wonder what our fellow patrons were thinking as we sat there talking. We arrived at Times Square, but had to walk a few blocks to 48th St. to get to where the Party Shuttle Tour was going to meet. On the way, we stopped at Starbucks (there’s one, sometimes two, every block).

Steffany and I tried not to eat at chain restaurants that we could eat here at home, but to me Starbucks didn’t count. Steffany said that it did count as a chain, but didn’t fight me on it. She was really great about my frequent Starbucks stops. In fact, anyone who knows what I’m like sans morning coffee would also be willing to give in on this one.

> Play >
We arrive at the shuttle where we meet Tom, our tour guide. Tom was absolutely wonderful, and Steffany and I both just loved him to pieces! When we first met Tom, my gaydar went through the roof. I thought who better do show us around New York City than a gay man that has lived her for over 30 years. For those of you who don’t know, I’m a total fag hag. Anywho… the driver, Ron, gave me grief, because I was wearing my Dallas Cowboys sweatshirt. Again, for those of you who don’t know, I love the Dallas Cowboys more that I love my own family. If you knew my family, you’d understand… anyways... The tour was awesome. We went to Strawberry Fields, which was amazing to see in person. We also saw were John Lennon was shot. It was very intense.

When we got back onto the shuttle Steffany pointed and said, “Isn’t he cute?!” I didn’t know who she was talking about, because she was pointing to the old man with his wife in the seat in front of us. “Who are you talkin’ about?” I questioned. “Him,” she replied. WHAT? Steffany was in deed pointing to the man in front of us! I turned to her and said, “Steffany, what is it with you and guys on Social Security?!” If there’s one thing I know for sure, it’s the fact that Steffany and I will never fight over a guy, (not just because we’re best buddies) because she has the weirdest taste in men. I think she as an inner Anna Nicole Smith… without the nudity, drugs, TrimSpa, and extreme mental disorders…. But I digress. He and his wife were very nice people as was everyone else on the tour. There were people from everywhere. It was great!

>> Fast Forward >> Empire State Building >> Wall Street >> George Washington Arch >> China Town >>

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The most fun for me was the pier. We ate lunch, bought souvenirs, and took pictures in front of the Brooklyn Bridge. Steffany ate a Nathan’s hotdog. I didn’t know what the big deal was until she told me that they sponsor that huge hotdog eating contest. I was a little disappointed that I didn’t know that, because I would have eaten there instead of the dinky little Chinese fast food place. We took a couple pictures, and then we headed back to the shuttle, because we were off to ride the Staten Island Ferry.
The ferry ride was really windy and very cold, but I thought it was great, because we past by Ellis Island and Liberty Island. I got so excited when we saw the Statue of Liberty, that I took so many pictures. Now, I regret all of the pictures I took of lady liberty, because I have about 983 useless shots that I could have used for something else.

After Staten Island, we saw Ground Zero. Actually, we saw a big fence with plastic on it surrounding Ground Zero. They are constructing the new building and memorial site, so we didn’t get to see much. All I remember about that was that it was really cold, and I had to pee really bad. However, we did see the church where the 9/11 rescue workers stayed. It was really beautiful and awe-inspiring. After that stop, we went back to Times Square were we said goodbye to Tom, Ron, and our fellow tourists. Steffany even got her picture taken with Tom.

When the tour was over, Steffany and I went back to Chinatown on a mission to find some Louis Vitton for some friends of hers. I have to say that this was one of the low points of the trip for me. I had been up since 5am, it was extremely cold, I was tired as hell, and let’s face it, it’s not like the purses were for my friends, so I couldn’t have cared less. It was cold and everyone and their mama was trying to shove some useless junk down our throats. I can still hear them in my nightmares… “You buy! You buy!” “Twenty-five dollar! Special for you!” OH MY GOD! LEAVE ME ALONE! However, I’m not gonna play it off like I didn’t get anything. I walked away with a beautiful cashmere (yeah right, it was acrylic) scarf.

After we left Chinatown, we took the subway back to Times Square to grab some dinner. Yes, I’m fully aware that we could have eaten in Chinatown, but I wasn’t in the mood for Kung Pao anything. We ended up at a Paks, Pacs, …something that started with a “P” Wholesome Foods eatery. I had a slice of pizza, a macaroon, and a Pepsi. Wholesome my ass! After eating, we looked around Time Square a little more, and bought some of the more expensive souvenirs, which I kept for myself. (I gave my friends those cheap ass I heart NY t-shirts. Ha Ha) We were both really tired at this point, so we took the Subway back to the Hotel Newton. I must say, the staff here was great, and I recommend them to anyone traveling to the city. It’s nothing fancy, but it was safe and clean. We had to get up early the next morning, so we just watched a little TV and went to bed.

For the record...I do not have a thing for guys on social security. I find men attractive. I can't help it if some of them happen to be older than I am. Believe me, there are plenty of not so attractive older men out there too.


mikster said...

Did you insert that disclaimer at the end of the post in defense of what I might say lil missy?

Seriously....sounds like the day described in this post was a busy and fun day for you girls.

This has been an interesting read...and yes...I'm still looking forward to the answer and question session at the end of the story...more than ever!


Steff said...

Jamie: It truly was an adventure and I loved every moment of it! I'm leery of posting pictures because there are some real creeps out there, but I'm sure one or two will probably end up on here.

Mike: You're so full of yourself! Nope...that last part was for anyone reading. So sometimes the guys are older but a lot of times their my age...she was just making a I'm sure you're already formulating questions for poor D. I'll have to warn her about you!

jess said...

I still love reading this... Doesn't sound like you got a chance, but if you go back to the city, take the Staten Island Ferry at night. Seeing the skyling lit up is amazing... cold, but worth it. If you want to warm up a bit, you can drink beer on the ferry too... they have a little cart inside. ;)

I'm not even supposed to be here today said...

A fag hag and a chick with a taste for old men... yeah, I don't foresee any arguments over men between you two!

What an action-packed trip! Whew, you must be beat!

Steff said...

Jess: I'm glad you're enjoying it! I'll probably post at least one, maybe two, more parts. Deniece has such a talent with words! And no, we didn't get to go at night, but I can only imagine what that would have been like. The transit strike really put a damper on our trip because we were way uptown and didn't have a lot of extra cash for taxis. Still it was a fantastic trip!

Rachael:'s nice to know that we'll never fight over a guy...unless it's Tim Gunn! It was a fun trip and we were worn out when we got back!

mikster said...

Good morning sunshine...are you holding out on us? Is there something in 'Act 3' you don't want us to see?

just wondering


Steff said...

Mike: Keep your pants on...I actually went back to work today so I wasn't able to indulge my inner blogger during the day. I'm posting right now.

mikster said...

How did you know my pants were off? Peaking in the windows again lil missy?


mikster said...

I wonder if you're wondering if I misspelled a word in the previous comment? Hard to tell I'll bet huh?

*snickers*...a lot

*~Annette~* said...

I love the play by play!! Too fun! My mom and sister are up in NYC right now visiting. I'll be making them an album... I'll have to employ your help!