Friday, June 09, 2006

Out Of Pocket...

I'm blowing this joint for the weekend!!! I'm going to Arlington for The Great American Scrapbook Convention with some friends. We're going to talk, crop, shop, and eat...sounds like fun :o) Anyway, if you've stopped by feel free to check out the last few posts for your reading enjoyment. Now, I've got to lick the white powdery donut stuff off my fingers and load my car!

Have a great weekend!


mikster said...

Have a nice weekend goofball.

Deb said...

Enjoy your weekend!

Why do I get this feeling you're in law enforcement of some type? *wink*

Beth said...

Hope you have a blast!! I went two years in a row to the GASC, but decided this year just to go to the CK convention in Valley Forge. Kinda sucks, we could have totally met for lunch or hung out. Still hope you have a great time and don't spend too much $$$!

Beth said...

Hey-Chalk it up to a crazy week, but I would not been able to go to Texas to hang out -I always went to the GASC in Chantilly VA!