Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Prisons And Pregnancy Tests

How many people read the title of a post? Do you read the title or do you just skip to the meat of the post? And for those of you that do read the title do you ever stop and think about it? I mean do you ever start reading and think "What the heck could this post be about?" I know that some are really self explanatory and then some are puzzling but what about the ones that just seem...well like Prisons And Pregnancy Tests? Whatever could I mean? Maybe I'm pregnant and it's going to be like a prison sentence. Or perhaps I met a guy in prison and now we're expecting a baby. come up with your own. I'll wait.

(Hey...quit reading and start wondering...that's what this time is for!)

Okay, I'll spill. First, and most importantly, I am NOT pregnant. Secondly, and a little less important, I am NOT going to prison. There...your hearts can slow again...especially your's, mom.

Well, if you didn't know, I'm moving. I got a teaching job and it's about six hours away. This past weekend my parents and I went down to find me a place to live because like I mentioned this place isn't exactly close by. I won't bore you with trip details (and count your lucky stars) because how interesting can I make a six hour car trip where I'm confined to the backseat? Not very.

Now, on to the prison and pregnancy part of this post. When I first went down for my interview I couldn't help commenting on the number of bill boards and clinics that posed the questions "Alone and Pregnant?" "Need Confidential Pregancy Results?" "Free Pregnancy Tests Available" These signs and clinics were just about on every corner. The prison part comes in because this place is the home of Old Sparky and there are just about as many prisons as there are offers to tell me if I'm pregnant or not. Kinda makes you wonder where exactly I'm fixing to put down some roots...

Well, the more I drove around the town the more I realized that if I ever find myself in a situation where I need to know if I'm on my way to Mommyville then I'm in the right place. And you thought corners were just for ladies of the night or being mean and nasty.

Okay...I think I've probably ran this prison and pregnancy part into the ground. Moving on to the really great news. I have a place to live. It won't be in my car, though at first this was a distinct possibility. For those of you few that are reading, if you've ever been a landlord or lady let me just say that I mean no offense. Just remember this is coming from someone who will admit to being slightly (though just slightly) spoiled.

We headed down with a very short list of places to look at for rent. This is partly because after the hurricanes came through there were a lot of refugees that moved here. Also, the local university is remodeling two dorms so kids and displaced people are all over the place. There were only two apartments that even had openings. One was okay. There was no washer and dryer, but it would do in a pinch. And then there was one that resembled the no tell motel. Yeah...I didn't even get out of the car on that one. And then there were the duplexes. I went into the first one (with an open mind...I'm not completely shallow) and discovered that the walls were still plywood. I asked if it was being remodeled and the lady told me no. They were going for the "natural" look. I told her thank you and left. I could go on but you get the point. Anyone that has had to look for that first apartment or rental knows what I'm talking about. One person's cute is another person's tacky.

Finally, after much crying (yes I teared up...) and wondering if I'd qualify for a home loan my mom said we should look at this last mobile home. I know...I said mobile home. Promise not to think too low of me, but all I could think (and with the way my luck was running it was a reasonable thought) was trash. Mobile home parks are usually reserved for trash. Trashy people and trashy yards and well I'll stop. I'm sure I've royally offended enough people. Anyway, that's what I thought. But much to my surprise, this place was small (only three rentals) and everything was very well maintained. It wasn't as horrible as I'd imagined. Come to find out, the home had just been refurbished on the inside. I'm talking new floors, fresh carpet, fresh paint, clean. And considering it was the last thing on the list I was inclined to be more open to the possibilities that this might be home.

Thankfully, when we met with the lady that owned the property she was sweet and very picky. We were a perfect fit because I'd been darned picky all along. To make a long story short, I signed my name and I won't be homeless when I move at the end of the month. I'll post a picture in the next few days.

I still think that this move and starting a new job scares me, but I'm excited about all the changes that are coming my way. And the town is just beautiful and the people are very friendly. I just wish the move was over with and I was settled. And I'm sure there will be plenty of more blog worthy events to come!


mikster said...

I remember doing a post about a "dream" vacation...with hints in the title and the blog about the dream part...and few people got it.

Glad ya found somewhere to live that's acceptable for ya.

WordBearer said...

Trailers, just like apartments, vary steff. I have stayed in some nice trailers and some flea bag apartments.

I am glad you found a place. Now, like every other woman, you can spend the first three months there trying to match curtains and carpet or whatever the devil it is you ladies do.

If you get lonely just remember your humble WordBearer is not to far away. I'm a nice guy with time on his hands.

mikster said...



thanks for the phone call..even if you called me by mistake.


Steff said...

Mike: Oh yeah...thanks for reminding me about how you pulled the wool over my eyes.

Wordbearer: Like every other woman? I think I'm falling in love with I'll keep your offer in mind. I might need help hanging those matching curtains ;)

Mike: I have to call you these days because you never write and never call. I feel so neglected.

Christian: I'm so excited for your move! I hope it all goes smoothly. Take care and stay in touch!!!

Jamie: Yep...first home away from home. The school dorms don't count. I'll post them as soon as I have more time. Goodness...all I need is a little more

Deb said...

Congrats on finding a place! I always seem to look for a nearby hospital just because I'm neurotic and all. I don't think a pregnancy place would help me very much. A prison? Definitely!

Good luck!!!!

Staci said...

Yea Steff!! I am so glas you found a home!! I can't wait to see pics! Is it big enough for us all to come sleep over? LOL

mikster said...

Did someone mention a sleep over?


Steff said...

Deb: I looked for the hospital too! I said it'd be terrible if I was in an emergency situation and I had to stop and ask directions to the local

Staci: It's big but I only have one bed (a full at that) so you guys better bring your sleeping!

Mike: A bunch of women, you, one small careful. I hear that stuff is hard to get off of the computer keyboard.


mikster said...

Yeah...pepsi can be a sticky mess huh?


Steff said...

Mike: Now who is the tease in this relationship? lmao

Trina said...

I definitely want to see pictures of your new little abode.When we use to move, I loved it! A fresh new start, very exciting!
Are you nervous about staying there all alone at first? Im such a baby....of course I've never had to, but I know I would

WordBearer said...

You need to get a gun Steff. A lady living alone needs to be able to defend herself.

My gun has saved my life in the past so I would recommend you get one.

Steff said...

Trina: I'm pretty excited about everything being mine and not having to share with roommies. And I'll post pictures soon...just need to get them off the camera.

WB: A gun? You are entirely too pessimistic for your own good.

Anonymous said...

Bethany just read this whole blog entry out loud to me. I'm not sure you "made a long story short". LOL.


Anonymous said...

Steffany, I'm so glad to here that you found some digs. I think it sounds wonderful and it sounds like almost any place to live is a good place. Good luck with the actual move. I'm still praying for you.


Steff said...

Fin: Believe could have been longer! Hope you enjoy your visit to the South :)

Bethany: Thanks for the prayers. I ended up quitting my part time job so I could get some things done before we go. Hope you're enjoying Fin's visit!