Friday, September 15, 2006

First Year 'Itis

More tales from the classroom...can you believe it? These days I can't seem to blog anything that isn't wrapped up in second gradeness. I'm kind of blah about that. Anyway, on with the educational recap...

Funniest things my kids said this week:

"Miss Stewart we're out of vanilla paper." (This came from one sweet little girl that likes to copy me. I was saying manila paper and I guess she translated that to vanilla paper. I've tried like crazy to correct them, but it is going around...everyone wants vanilla paper to draw on!)

"Don't forget she went to college. Give her a hard one like 100-10=!" (Today we were playing a math relay game. My kids are terrible sports so we play games where it's the teacher against the class or where everyone is a winner. I disagree with this policy but when the councilor says to not promote competition then I'm going to listen. Anyway, today it was all those little kids against me. I made up a math problem for them and they made one up for me. It's hard to purposely loose! They were thrilled to have beaten me...considering, as one boy put it, "she did go to college!")

So...this itis thing I've caught. Sunday night I noticed that my throat was sore. It could have been the screaming at Schlitterbahn or maybe a combination of the cool weather and rain and being wet. Perhaps I picked up some bug at school from my nineteen little darlings. By Monday morning it felt like I was swallowing glass. I'll skip all my pain and angus but Wednesday was completely miserable. I was coughing (the deep in the chest kind), running a little fever, breathing even though it hurt, and fighting off a killer headache. So, I came home and went to bed. I slept, albeit fitfully, for about 12 hours that night. I called in sick and got a sub for Thursday. I also got into the doctor and came away with a couple of prescriptions and a diagnosis of bronchitis. I was back to school this morning...still a a little under the weather but getting better. It totally warms my heart when my little darlings come up and hug me and tell me that they missed me. That was the best!

Well, anyway I was told not to worry. I've got my first dose of first year itis...where I catch everything that comes my way. Oh goodie...

Other than that, I'm going to spend a little time tomorrow hanging up wall art, a little time shopping with a new friend, and a lot of time catching up on grading.

Hope your weekend is relaxing...however you choose to spend it!


Edtime Stories said...

have a relaxing weekend dear and beat the sore throat

*~Annette~* said...

ROFL!! I remember my first year teaching! Let's see, my suggestions: hot honey lemon tea. Airborne (the fuzzy tablets to help prevent colds). Extra Vitamin C and Folic Acid tablets (trust me on those!!). And gargle with warm salt water. And yell from your gut, not your throat. :-)

Hope that helps!

Anonymous said...

Awww "itis" is awful! We homeschool so we can keep it to a minimum, but my best friend has a son who is in SECOND GRADE (thought you'd like to know)and he has already missed 3 days of school. If its not one thing, then its another. The problem is that her kids play with mine and than we get it. I also call the cul-de-sac she lives in, the Petri Dish....hehehe Living in the country up here keeps us pretty virus free. LOL

Anonymous said...

I sure like reading your teaching stories. I love the "vanilla" paper.

Sophia said...

Your kids sound great. And as a mother I can say my child would have come home talking about her teacher and how they did better at math then her. So great job at building them up.
Yes it sounds like you have fist year itis. That is my professional opinion and would like to tell you wash your hands during Gastro season (you'll know what it is when it comes around ) *snicker*
Have fun with your little darlings and enjoy the hugs