Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Trick Or Treat

I've never really been into Halloween. I mean, yeah, I enjoy the occassional party (you know when I'm not Shirley) but I'm just not that into Halloween. We don't go over board on decorating the yard or the house. Actaully...now I know this may shock and enrage some devoted Halloween fans...we don't even carve a pumpkin. GASP...I know.

But, before you write me off completely, let me say that every year I buy a bag of candy. Not the off brand kind, but the really good name brand kind of candy. This year just happened to be M&Ms. The peanut and plain variety too. There is just one small problem...we never have trick or treaters. Probably in the 24 years that I've been alive about 5 kids have come to trick or treat.

I don't live in a bad neighborhood. I just live in an old neighborhood. And when I say old I mean as in the age of the neighbors. There haven't been a lot of kids around our neighborhood for a lot of years so the candy thing doesn't really happen at Halloween. But just the same, I always buy a bag of candy.

And now I have a bag of peanut and plain M&Ms to eat. Please someone come by and trick or treat tonight so these little bags of calories don't end up on my hips!!!!


I'm not even supposed to be here today said...

Sure - send them over, but make sure you include your return address so you can take all these fucking kitkats off my hands!

I'm not into candy. Dressing up is fun, but the candy part of halloween sucks. I always throw away about 3 pounds of candy away about March 1st, when it's clear no one is going to eat it (and I have three kids!) Just in time for easter candy... which I throw out right away, but not before I rip the heads off all the "peeps!" I hate those things. I can eat a little bit of candy, but it's gotta be good stuff. Peeps should be extinct by now!

doodlebugmom said...

I have a 6'1, 120 lb 15 year old son. He takes care of any candy at our house. He is a runner, so it never catches up with. He came home from practice one day. His coach told him: Eat whatever you want. As much as you can.

He is still a bean pole.

Not fair!

Of course you know the year you don"t buy candy, you will have little goblins knocking!