Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Deck The Halls (Part II)

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas. At least the boxes are gone! This morning the head elf was in a happy mood so I grabbed some spare minutes and snapped a few pictures to post. Yes, I know...shock...I'm going to attempt something technical. The pictures are currently still on the digital, but I promise they will be coming shortly. The pictures are mostly of things on the good list from Part I.

This Christmas is Dexter's (kitten that will now find his name on Santa's naughty list under tree distroyer) first Christmas. Tuesday (when the tree actually got decorated) Dexter was napping on my bed during the morning. When he came into the living room in the afternoon he started to walk past the tree and then stopped and stared. I could just picture the little wheels in his's the biggest toy I've ever seen! Those of you with pets (especially of the kitty variety) proably know what I'm fixing to share.

At first it was funny to see him look at all the low hanging ornaments and gently tap them with his paw. When he discovered that they wouldn't bite back he started to play a little more rough. (Side Note: each year my parents and I each get a new ornament for the tree. We have a fully loaded tree.) Apparently the Christmas tree is just too much of a temptation for the little guy. First it was the ornaments. Then it was the pom poms on the tree skirt. Finally it was the lights. And here we come to the main part of this little tale.

The pictures that you'll get to see will be special ones because the entire tree is lit up. Tonight while we were at church Dexter had free access to the Christmas tree...our fault. We came in and the first thing we do is plug in the tree. That's when I noticed that only the bottom the bottom fourth...wait...the bottom row of branches were the only ones lit up. What the heck? That's when we discovered that a string of lights had been chewed in two. Yep folks, Dexter just broke the Christmas tree. Tomorrow my dad said he'd go about trying to wire them back together but you know how impossible a task like that will be. I'm afraid that our tree may not recover from Dex's first Christmas.

Anyway, check back for the final installment of the Deck The Halls mini series where the pictures will be up!


Anonymous said...

Just testing.

Tracy O'Brien said...

oh that sounds so cute! Poor Dexter! such a fab name for a kitten.. sounds so mischievous! We haven't decorated here yet, I must go and buy some lights etc. tomorrow, it is a student apartment so nobody will be here for the Christmas.. it's just to cheer us up during the exams!! Looking forward to the next installment!!

mikster said...

Safe to assume there wa no shock treatment involvrf here?

Steff said...

No shock treatment though I wanted to shock him. But there is good news! My dad fixed the lights so we have total tree light up once again! Daddies are the best.