Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Bare Naked Ladies

Q: Does swimming really do your body any good?
A: If swimming is good for your body, please explain whales.

Exercise is one of those things that I don't really like doing, but I do it because it's good for me and blah blah blah. My exercise of choice? Water aerobics. I really do like it...much more than I'd actually thought. There are several good things such as: meeting new people, getting all the advice I'll ever need about grandkids and menopause, getting to wear my swimsuit all year long (no Mister there will NOT be pictures), the obvious health benefits, and the fact that chlorine isn't as offensive as the smell of sweat. While on the whole I love water aerobics....I hate the women's' locker room.

This strong dislike of the locker room has nothing to do with the cleanliness aspect or the lack of good equipment (namely the hot tub) but with bare naked ladies. Perhaps there is something about being at the YMCA that just frees some people. Modesty is shed right along with the clothes they wear into the building. Whatever it is, there are several ladies that have been infected with the need to walk around and shower naked. Okay, so everyone showers naked, but I bet you at least pull the shower curtain closed. I was trying to avoid this but I don't think you'll truly get it unless you picture it. Feel free to use the little black bars or that blurry thing in your mental pictures!

Today, I came into the dressing room to change and I noticed that there was a naked butt being reflected in the mirror. My eyes widened a little, but I'm becoming used to this. I continued into my little changing room and did my stuff. I came out and put my things in a locker. Nothing strange about that. I grabbed a towel and headed out to the pool via the shower room. This is where the "some material may not be suitable for children under 18" comes in. I heard the water running full blast, but all of the showers were open. Thinking that someone just left the water running I investigated. We're practically in drought here so we should conserve water wherever we can. So, I get close and turn to reach in and turn off the shower and come really up close and personal...the naked kind of personal with an elderly woman. Yeah...it was pretty nasty in real life too. Anyway, as I'm stumbling over an apology she just smiles and turns around. The front wasn't any better than the back. Ick. I quickly turned and found my way to the door. Then it dawned on me that her shower was open. My goodness the woman should have been charging an entertainment tax!

I wish I could say that this was a one time thing, but I don't think it will be. I was comforted by one small fact. According to the male life guard, the men are naked from the time they enter the locker room till the time they leave the locker room...even in the hot tub. Makes me thankful for small mercies such as the fact that all the women use the hot tub in swimsuits...at least I hope they do...


mikster said...

Why do I sense that 'Mister' was directed at me? Any how....I'd still be satisfied with pj pics.

(baby steps, baby steps)


PokerGodo said...

ugh, hate to say it, but I've 'been there'. But at least I haven't 'done that'. I feel for ya!! Guess I have another 50 or 60 years before I'm THAT comfortable!!!

doodlebugmom said...

Since I am 41 now...all I can think is I am not all that far away from "Ick"...oh depressing!

Linda :o)

mikster said...

And to think you wanted a camera installed in my shower...sheesh....lol

Steff said...

Mike: Yes that comment was directed to you. I thought I'd head you off at the pass. lol

Shari: Well it's not something I'd wish on anyone. It was not fun...lol

Linda: I'm not exactly advertising that I want people to look at me in the shower, but I think it was more the shock that someone would be that confident to leave the curtain open rather than anything I might have actually saw. I can't remember exactly what I saw because I'm practicing mental blocking.

MIKE! I did NOT want a camera installed in your shower! Now you've got all these good people questioning my moral fiber! Go back and check your post...that wasn't my idea. :op

mikster said...

It has come to my attention that I may have erred on my recollection of events there....maybe this is the comment I was thinking of.

steff81 said...
Oh Mike...your poor butt. I just had my hair cut on Monday so I can relate. Wait...no I can't relate.

Well, just think of it as a nice variation for all the other hair on your butt! You don't strike me as the kind of guy that indulges in hot wax being poured anywhere near his manly parts, so I bet they enjoyed it.

I can't believe that I just spent two paragraphs talking about your butt hair.

My most sincere apologies steff....am I forgiven?

*snickers*....and runs like hell!!

Steff said...

Mike: You'll get yours.

Dumb Ox: That's exactly what one guy in our water aerobics class said. He said that nudity is even worse over in the men's locker room!

Trina said...

That is hysterical. You are an incredible writer, keep it up!

Tracy O'Brien said...

he he he that's funny! People stew.. eek that's gross!

Steff said...

Trina: Thanks for the compliment!

Baloobas: You know I've never thought about the hot tub that way but it makes so much sense. :op

momto3blessings said...

Hahahah, That is hilarious. Nothing like a great visual!! LOL

Anonymous said...

As to why so many middle-aged or older women seem so comfortable spending long periods of time naked in the locker room? I think this might be a big part of it?

From 1940 through about 1980 it was mandatory that students had to shower after their gym classes in Junior High and High School. And the showers were almost always communal group showers that were completely 100% out in the open with no privacy what-so-ever. In fact if you went to High School in the 1980's you probably still had to do the same group shower thing.
I think that the majority of those people wound up becoming comfortable with being nude in locker rooms because of it.

Interestingly, my husband says that the men at our gym are pretty modest in general and do not get naked in front of each other much at all. Whereas a large number of the ladies at our gym are all to happy to walk around in the nude for long periods of time.


Anonymous said...

Thank u :-) check out that emo boy style at this blog: