Tuesday, January 03, 2006

The Boxes...They Have Returned

The boxes have made their return to the house. Yesterday they were just stacked on the back porch...mocking me. Today, I had to get up close and personal with these dreaded boxes. The boxes in question are those same boxes that drove me batty before Christmas. Yet this time, it's time to take down all those decorations and send them back to their vacation home (aka: the store room).

I can't decide which is worse...there is no better to this side of the holidays. It does seem that taking it all down has gone a little faster than the actual putting it up. At last, the house is starting to resemble it's former pre-Christmas self.

On another note, I am shamelessly stealing the "guest author" idea from Hick. The next few posts will be centered around my recent trip to New York City. I had a really good time (with a little frustration thrown in with the public transportation system). Anyway, my good friend and travel companion will be making a guest apperance and sharing her take on me and our trip. This should be fun! She's a great writer and I think it'll be an enjoyable read. No promises on when her post will appear because I'm a procrastinator (ahem...the Christmas pictures) so it might be a few days or even next week, but I promised her a big intro so she'll get her due.

Well, I'm off to bed. Tomorrow, the boxes and I are going for Round Two.


mikster said...

Looking forward to reading this. I thought it was a neat idea myself...and hey...it only took Emily 2 months to do one for me after the 1st announcement...lol

I'm not even supposed to be here today said...

Let those boxes know who's boss Steff! I had to take my Xmas stuff down right away. I swear, if it weren't for my kids I would be a complete scrooge. For me, the decorating and undecorating are just extra chores... and believe me, I hate chores as it is... so sweeping and dusting AROUND things is just plain aggravating. Personally, I'm glad life is returning to normal!

Have a Happy, Healthy and Prosperous 2006!

Steff said...

Mike: I'm pretty excited about her post too.

Rachael: A complete scrooge...and after you defended Santa. I don't believe it. Right after that post I found a quote that I thought would fit you just right...Those that do not seek magic will never find it.