Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Care Packages

When I first started blogging, I really thought that I'd lose interest really quiCkly. I had a few friends that blogged and I figured that they would probably stop by from time to time, but that for the most part it would be me navigating blOgland. Thankfully, that wasn't the case. I really am amazed when I think about all the different people I've met (okay I haven't met them but I feel somewhat connected to them) through blogging. Well, toNight I dedicate this post to one such individual....~deb.

~deb is someone that at first comment I took to be a smart ass and I got my feathers ruffled because I didn't understand her...the whole Texan/New Yorker thing coming on the heels of a trip I'd taken. But, she had an interesting perspective on things so I kept reading. And then I discovered that I likeD her. While I've never met ~deb in person or had human contact of any sort, I'd feel safe in calling her a blogging friend.

Well, a few weeks ago, on a random stop over to her piece of blogland, I noticed that she'd asked a question and said if you answered correctly you'd get a prize. I thought she was joking, but nevertheless I knew the answer (pleading the fifth on how I knew the answer because I have a reputation to protect) and in a haughty tone (still under the impression that this was all a great way to have fun) demanded my prize. Well, the next thing I know I've got a response comment asking for my home address. Now I have to be honest. I was hesitant in giving out this information to a virtual stranger but I live at home with a father that owns a riffle and down here in Texas you're pretty much born in the NRA so I figured if she did decide to send NY goons after me I'd be okay. So I gave it out...okay the carrOt of getting something in the mail was a deciding factor too. Sue me....I love mail. Anyway, after ~deb has this information, she lets me know that the prize is related to the question. It's only fair to tell you that the question had something to do with s-e-x. I was leery about what might be arriving in the mail...especially after she told me not to open it up unless I was alone. So, I waited and waited. I'm not patient so I send ~deb a little comment about "where is my prize you promised?" and her response was that it was coming and that I could wear it in New Orleans. Huh?

Well, the other day, here is my package waiting for me in the mailbox. It's smaller than I'd pictured but size doesn't matter...most of the time. Thankfully, my mom wasn't home so I didn't have to sneek off to my bedroom to open it. I cracked up when I finally got the box opened and the packaging taken out. Eighteen of the gaudiest Mardi Gras beaded necklaces came out. And attached to the necklaces were these little plastic pouches that said "Ready To Roll" and "Prepared To Party!" Yes, they had soMething inside the pouch. I've left some clues as to what that something was hidden in this post. Anyway, I cracked up. What was I going to do with all these prizes? (Yes, ~deb...I know what to do with them but I'm not umm active at the moment long can I store these babies?

Well, like any good friend, I took them to a party (totally unrelated to anything having to do with my prizes) and shared them with friends. Everyone had a great laugh. We even decided that once you've "worn" the prize then you have to wear the necklace (sans plastic pocket thingy) to church (where the most of us would be seen). So far, no one has been seen around town sporting the necklace. It was a great little gift and did a lot to lift my spirits on a day that hadn't been the greatest. So, just conSider this fair warning to all of you who might be thinking of answering a question over at ~deb's place...the consequences obviously will match the crime!!!

Thanks ~deb :o)


Deb said...

HAHA!!!!!! This was hysterical! I read your post and was laughing! I am so happy you enjoyed your prize. But I do believe you should enjoy it in other ways! ;) haha!

I promote safe sex and a Christian life, so abstinance is the best way to go! (ha) Being a lesbian will not get you pregnant...err...but I'm not sure that's your goal here. (ha) Just had to ADD A JOKE IN THERE! I know you're straight as a pin sweetie!

I hope that your church friends enjoyed the festive decorations hanging around your neck. Please give some to your pastor and elders of the church.

Yours truly,

P.S. Dental damns are available upon request.

P.S.S. And I also think you're a great blogging friend----you have to be a great blogging friend---because you put up with my wise cracks! And I thank you for that. :)


God bless!

mikster said...

God bless Deb and her concern for you and safe sex....and not to mention...unwanted pregnancies huh?

mikster said...

Yanno...just for those times when the pj's are crumpled up lying on the floor....just saying.


Steff said...

Deb: Well, I'm not concerned about getting pregnant at the moment, but it's good to know the issue will be "covered" should the need arise. :o)

Mike: Awww, your concern for my safety touches me...somewhere.

Tease? Am not....I'd go through with everything I've mentioned in various places....lmao.

mikster said...

Hmmmmmm...regardless of the warranty issues?

Steff said...

Mike: You have health insurance right? lol

Deb said...

I just put another "Deb's Prize Question" and Stevo answered it without the intention of giving his addy. Damn these people! (lol)

Now go have fun with the prizes! What's Mikey talking about with all these warranty issues? There's only a few holes poked in them.

BA ha ha ha! jk!

Steff said...

Deb: One shouldn't answer the question if one doesn't have the intention of claiming the prize...that should so be a rule! I couldn't find the question???

You'll have to ask your "husband" about the warranty issues. If you ask me...he's just a big

Trina said...

Well Steff, I think you should show up to church where not 1, but 4 or 5 of those necklaces at the same time. Now that would be funnneeeeee!

Trina said...

"Wearing" is what I meant to write...always thinking clearer then I type, thankfully. But I am sure you got the gyst!

Steff said...

Deb: I just read that and I guess "got it"! I thought you meant holes in the warranty but you meant holes in the prizes. Bad girl....

I'm calling you if anything

Steff said...

Trina: I'm going to do it. I'm going to wear four necklaces to church and see if anyone says anything. LOL...inside jokes are always the funniest! Eaten all those cupcakes yet?

Deb said...

Festive little things, aren't they? I bet Sister Mary is gonna want a lil' piece of that action. ha!