Monday, March 27, 2006

Etiquette Schmetiquette

Warning...I'm on a tear today but since the real issue is still too raw to even blog about (though don't worry I will find the strength to post about it) I'm after all those people who are just plain tacky when it comes to most things etiquette related.

Seeing as how I'm not married, I've never had a bridal shower. I have, however, hosted a few and attended my fair share. For the most part (not withstanding the whole always a bridesmaid never a bride rant) I really enjoy them. Yeah...even the clothes pin game. Anyway, a few weeks ago I got an invitation to the bridal shower of a friend's sister. I went to school with B and we were pretty good friends. Now though, we're in different stages of life and different towns and we hardly stay in touch. So, I'm already thinking how come I'm getting an invitation to her sister's shower? Sure, I know L, but we weren't close and I was a year ahead of her in school. Maybe showers are one of those times it's okay to invite every single person you've ever known who might bring you a gift?

Now...the gift. We're getting to the real part of what irked me. At the bottom of the invitation (and it was a very pretty invitation) it says "Please bring an unwrapped gift.". Who thinks asking for a gift (unwrapped no less!) on the invitation is just a tad bit...TACKY? Sure, the whole point of a shower is to get showered with gifts, but to come right out and ask for one...blows my mind. And what is up with an unwrapped gift? I love presents (ask anyone that has ever given me one!) and I love to wrap too. I just couldn't understand the point of an unwrapped gift. Maybe it's supposed to save time for the bride, but unwrapping is half the fun. At least for me. Anyway, anyone want to guess what I did?

I bought the obvioulsy required gift and WRAPPED it up in pretty tissue and put it in a gorgeous sack. And no...mine wasn't the only gift wrapped. There are other rebels out there! That's what my mom called me...a rebel because I don't usually take well to being told what to do....such as bring an unwrapped gift. And for all of you out there rolling your eyes at me I didn't grudgingly purchase the gift. I do like L and wish her and her hubby-to-be a great life together. I think she enjoyed it just the same...even if she did have to unwrap it.

Another thing that really gets me, etiquette wise, is people who do not write thank you notes. I know in this modern age email is so prevalent and the good old telephone is good too, but it really shows you appreciate a person (and the gift) when you take the time to write a handwritten thank you note. Can you guess who had to write thank you notes after every birthday and Christmas from the time she could write? And I'm not complaining...I think it's where my love of letter writing started. I'm just saying people a few lines about how you liked the gift (even if you hate it) goes a long way!

And one final thing...don't slurp your extra milk from the cereal bowl. It's uncivilized. Use your spoon.

Ahh, I feel a little better. I'm still plenty hacked, but that post will have to wait. I'm in the middle of trying to resolve it and I want to post once I have all the facts together. And I'm kind of hot tempered and can say things I often regret in the heat of the moment so a few days to cool myself down isn't necessarily a bad thing.


mikster said...

My, my, my.....sounds like someone is a lil upset here. Don't you love it when people do tacky things?

Any time you want to get me a gift and wrap it I'd be happy. I'd probably even write a thnk you note.

Steff said...

Jamie: Sometime frank is the way to go. And yes, letter writing in any form is falling by the way side. What a shame.

Mike: I'll admit...I've done some tacky things and I don't like it when I do it. Hmmm there is something missing from the offer. You never know...I still have a few of ~deb's prize left.

mikster said...

Well...since you went there....they always say it's always a good thing to 'wrap' that rascal too.


Steff said...

Mike: Well I do like to wrap.

Oh geez...*snickers*

Deb said...

Oh I feel your pain on this one. I have to go to my friend's bridal shower this month, and the best is----"I'm registered at Macy's"...which means----going there, and finding out she wants the most expensive things in the whole fricken store! Who thought of this whole 'bridal shower thingie'? To me? If I had a shower, I would not ask people to bring gifts, UNLESS they wanted to. But it's customed and it's the way they do things.

If your friend didn't write a 'thank you' card---then that's just rude on "her" part. Usually people will send you a card thanking you. That is just courtesy.

Don't get me started because I'm already pissed off I have to go to this fricken shower. I HATE showers---and the WORST thing is going to a baby shower! NO ALCOHOL for crying out loud!

You know how us alcoholics get when it's a bit dry--especially at a 'shower'.


I need a drink.

Steff said...

Deb: I would think most people would know to put a variety of prices on their registary. And I just meant thank you cards in general...wasn't pointing fingers at anyone! I was on a real bitch trip yesterday. You always make me smile...go get a drink!

mikster said...


Trina said...

Did you find out for sure WHY they wanted UNwrapped gifts? Was it truly out of laziness on her behalf....laughing so hard. If that is the case...Oh my goodness!!!

Steff said...

Mike: Votre accent me conduit le chéri sauvage.

Steff said...

Trina: I asked her sister and she said it was so she could spend more time visiting with her guests than spending time opening presents. To me, that is half the fun!

mikster said...


mikster said...

So in other words....french to boot...I drive you nuts huh?

Steff said...

Mike: Something was lost in translation...the

Isn't French a beautiful langauge?


mikster said...

Shall I regale you with a tale in spanish?

Damn...I gotta quit flirting with you young

Steff said...

Mike: Promises promises. lol

Trina said...

I agree opening is half the fun, plus the wrap is what sets it apart. Next time you should ask if she wants the receipt taped to the outside too...hahaha
BTW..your tooth necklace that your dad almost made, made me laugh so hard. I responded to it at my blog.

Steff said...

The thought crossed my mind to leave it in the Target bag with the receipt in there, but I have some standards and I just couldn't.

You know...I'm going to brag on myself. I didn't sub today but I did do four loads of laundry, made a cake and frosted it, made dinner, and managed to blog for half the afternoon. Talk about multitasking!

mikster said...

You're a talented girl!

PokerGodo said...

I like slurping my extra milk from the cereal bowl, but I do it in the privacy of my own home, and am usually all by my lonesome. Does that make it better??

PokerGodo said...

oh, and your thank you card should be in the mail soon. Really I had planned on taking a picture of it with the picture in it and sending it to you and haven't yet made it to wally world to get the picture developed.

And really I had planned on doing it before your rant reminded me that I hadn't done it yet. . . Really honestly. . . Really

Beth said...

I chuckled when I read your post because so many people show true colors when it is Wedding or Shower time. ITA with you with the asking for a gift thing-that is just nuts! Plus, if you are going to ask everyone you know to bring you a gift, at least work a little by unwrapping it :) I enjoyed reading your blog!

Steff said...

Shari: I guess it's okay to slurp when you're alone. :o) And I WAS NOT pointing fingers. After I wrote that I thought about three people that I had recently sent something to that hadn't sent thank yous and I thought "oh crap...they're going to think I'm talking to them." I wasn't...I was just ranting in general.

Beth: Thanks for stopping by! It's always nice to see new faces! I agree...the least a person can do is take the time to admire the wrapping (some go to a lot of trouble with the presentation!) and then unwrap it!