Thursday, March 16, 2006

New York City...Explained

For those few of you out there that were patiently waiting for "the rest of the story" from Deniece well here it is. I'm happy to say that it was a very good recount of what happened. And I personally think D has writing talents that are amazing! So, sit back and enjoy. (This will appear in parts because it's very long. )

For at least the past 7-10 years of my life, I have wanted to live in New York City. Sure, I had never been, but it just looked like so much fun on TV. I desperately wanted to be Carrie sipping on a Cosmopolitan at the Rainbow Room or Monica relaxing with an oversized cup of coffee at Central Perk (which doesn’t actually exist, but you get the picture). So when Steffany and I started seriously discussing a trip to New York, I jumped at the chance. I had to see if I, a girl from Graham Texas, pop. 8986, could really by all right in The Big Apple.

>> Fast Forward>> Months of Planning >> Finances Going Wrong >> Almost Backing Out >> Belinda and Henry (Steff’s parents) Were Amazing >> Preparation >> New York City, HERE WE COME!!!!!


When we arrive in New York, my immediate thought its, “OH MY GOD! I’M IN NEW YORK CITY!” I was just surging with so much excitement!

In my family and most circles of friends, and am the one who always takes pictures. I take more pictures that anyone in the whole world… or so I thought. Right when we came off the plane, I heard a sweet southern voice say, “Could you take our picture.” It was Steffany asking the first of many strangers to capture this Kodak moment in our lives. To tell the truth, it did get old, but in hindsight, I’m glad she took so many pictures that I can make copies of!

>> Fast Forward >> Baggage Claim >> Crazy Shuttle Ride >> Cozy Hotel >>

> Play >
When we arrived at the hotel, we didn’t have much time until we had to be at the Broadway Show. So we put away our luggage. Actually, Steffany put away her luggage, and I just threw mine around my side of the room. I’m a little sloppy, but Steffany loves me despite that. J We were really hungry and couldn’t wait until after the show; so we grabbed a quick bite from Subway, and took it back to the room. Just for the record, I have to ask, what the hell kind of a Subway doesn’t have Ranch dressing. Hello… this is still America!

Anyways, we got ready, and both of us looked very lovely if I do say so myself. We hailed a cab; which neither one of us really knew how to do, but I just raised my hand like they do in the movies and it totally worked! I felt so cool. Yes, I realize that millions of people do this everyday in every corner of the world, but it was a first for me, so just humor me. We drove into Times Square to 42nd St, and it was the most amazing sight. Times Square did not disappoint at all. It looks just like it does on TV. There are advertisements everywhere and neon as far as the eye could see. We got out of the cab and walked just a little ways down to our theater to see Beauty and the Beast.

Steffany and I had been planning this trip since the summer, and we booked the show tickets along with our airline tickets. Therefore, when The Great Oprah Winfrey announced the December 1st opening of the Broadway production of The Color Purple (my absolute favorite movie in the entire world), I was a little disappointed that it was too late to be able to see it. However, I must say, Beauty and the Beast was wonderfully enchanting.

> Play >
We had great seats, and sat beside great people, a lot of which were also from other corners of the country taking in Christmastime in New York City. I sat next to a man who was treating his daughter to her first Broadway show. It was so sweet. He bought her everything from those ridiculously expensive silk roses to a cute little charm bracelet that featured all of the characters. It was just very sweet. The play itself was wonderful. Not only was the acting and singing amazing, but I was very impressed by the production of it all. The way they changed the scenery and stage was really awesome. I would have loved to have seen another show just to see if everything works the same way.

After our charming evening at the theater (picture me saying that with a haughty British accent), we had a death defying taxi ride back to the hotel. I absolutely loved this cab driver, because he was the embodiment of every stereotype that people believe about cab drivers. He was even wearing a turban, which was so cool. That’s something you just don’t see in Wichita Falls. Anywho… we got back to the hotel, changed, and went next door to The Key West Diner where I had the best bacon cheeseburger in the whole world. It was pretty much empty, so the owner paid a lot of attention to us. He was really nice, and we actually ate at that diner more that once. After dinner, we are both very stuffed and very sleepy. When we got back to the hotel. I took a shower, and went to bed. I was out as soon as my head it the pillow. It was nice.

That basically sums up day one. I'll post more tomorrow night. Oh, and if you have any questions, Deniece will be holding a question and answer session at the conclusion of the story!


mikster said...

Sounds like a fun-filled 1st day...of would to this post....just saying.


mikster said...

Oh...and a question and answer session? that is something I'm all for.


Steff said...

D.Ox: I can see where your trips to NYC might be colored with some melancholy. I sincerely hope that you're doing much better these days. Thank you for stopping by and sharing your thoughts!

Mike: Okay, just yesterday you told someone it was okay NOT to put pictures up because there were weirdos out there. lol. I'm afraid to ask what kind of questions you might be thinking of asking. I'm sure they will be snickery and hint at lewdness. :o)

mikster said...

Hmmmmm....are you thinking I'm a weirdo now?

Deb said...

First of all, let me just say how well written and how you perfectly painted an imagery in our minds. This was amazing. Being that I live in New York, it’s amazing how this city draws that magical energy within us. I’m glad you got to experience it all.

I always wanted to see The Color Purple, which happens to be one of my favorite movies – ever! The story with the father and his daughter sitting next to you was sweet.

As far as ‘our’ Subway having ranch for a dressing… ARE YOU KIDDING? Dis’iz New YaWK—you crazy or sumptin’??? Ranch is for the country bumpkins!

Anyway---I really enjoyed reading this. Thanks for the great story!

P.S. You two coulda' cawled me up for sum' cawfee or sumptin' ya know! I see how youz are.

Steff said...

Mike: Of course I think you're a weirdo...but not in the scary chop me up into pieces kind of weirdo sense. Can't you just feel the love?

Deb: Deniece is my guest blogger so the story and writing talents are all hers. And like I've said before, if I'd only known what a neat person you are I'd totally have called you for some coffee or something. Stay tuned for more to this story. It was just so long I felt I needed to break it up into parts.

mikster said... know how sensitive I

Steff said...

Mike: Sensitivity in a guy is so rare these days...we must nuture and care for this sensitive

mikster said...

Do I sense a 'tad' bit on irony in that last comment lil missy?

Tracy O'Brien said...

sounds like you girls had a great time!

jess said...

i absolutely love NYC and i'm fortunate to live nearby... i love hearing about the simple things (hailing a cab, etc.) that we take for granted. your post made me smile... and want to get in my car and head to the city!