Thursday, April 20, 2006

Pain In The Neck

I've come to the conclusion that I know too many old people. Okay...maybe I should say older people. I know of two people who aren't what I'd call old...okay I would call Mike old but I was brought up to be respectful of my elders...that have had or are having neck and back problems. And I think it's wearing off on me or I'm having some dang strong sympathy pains.

I went to the doctor last Friday because I'd been having some severe neck pain and headaches for about three weeks. Why wait three weeks? Well it could be that I have a man issue...why go to the doctor when you're actually not feeling good but it was more like I thought I'd just slept wrong. So, I shoved the pillows all off my bed and slept with one. I tried using some fancy neck pillow. I gave up and just started taking a daily regimen of Advil. But, when the headaches started I figured I'd better have it checked out.

Well, the first thing he asked me was if I'd had any head trauma recently. I said no, but that I had accidentally hit my head on the window seal next to my bed. (And get to wonder what I was doing.) It did occur about the same time but I really hadn't put it together that that might have caused this. Anyway, he feels around on me and says that I need an MRI of my neck and writes me a prescription for some pain medicine. (I have issues about taking heavy narcotics so I was leary and to be truthful I've only taken two since last Friday. They pack a punch.)

Well, the MRI was yesterday afternoon. Now, I'm not normally a claustrophobic person. And I'd had an MRI about three years ago when my migraines were diagnosed. It wasn't too bad. They gave me headphones with country music playing so it sort of drowned out the jack hammering of the machine. Well, no headphones this time. And I was in a different room and the table had a neck brace thing I had to wear. Also, they put a mask type thing over my face. I'm not even in the tunnel yet and I'm already starting to feel sick to my stomach.

I calmly asked how long this would take and then nearly flipped out when she said I'd be in there about 30 minutes. Seeing as how I'm 24 and big girls don't cry, I took deep breaths and started praying that I wouldn't flip out. I went in up to my chest. Okay...this wasn't too bad. I closed my eyes so I wasn't seeing just how trapped I was and there was a nice breeze in there so I thought I'd be fine. Then the jackhammer noise started. I wanted out! And then after the first round of pictures she pushed me in even further.

I tried to think of all kinds of things to take my mind off the sound, the tight space, and the trapped feeling. I thought about being on a beach with wide open space. I tried thinking of how I'd write this post. I thought about taking a nap. And then I started thinking about being in a casket. I guess I started to wiggle because the tech came in and said I couldn't move my legs and hands so much. After that I told her that I didn't like it in there and she said it's okay...most people don't. Anyway, I did manage to make it through the entire time without throwing up or flipping out...too much. When I got out of there I had to go and have some neck X-rays taken.

Talk about a pain in the neck. All I have to say is that I'd better have something wrong with me to justify those thirty minutes of hell in the MRI machine.


Deb said...

Wanna hear a scary story? Sure yer do. Listen, … at a local hospital where I live, they had this woman go into an MRI machine. I know---totally scary because I’m freaked out by them too. Well, it was after hours and they were shutting down the MRI room, and the staff was in this huge rush, and ……..FORGOT ABOUT THE WOMAN LEFT INSIDE THE MACHINE! …. Yes, you read that right. She had to wiggle herself out, and maneuver her body to where she could get out. It took her hours she said. She sued the hospital for negligence and distress—or whatever they sue for and she won.

Another scary story, … still with me?.... Some kid was in an MRI machine, and you know how that huge machine is one big fricken magnet, right? Well someone opened the door, and a metal tank that was outside in the hallway flew in and killed the kid lying in the MRI machine.

I hope YOU are okay. Don’t wish for something you don’t want. Sorry for the long winded stories, but had to letchya’ know I hate those damn things!

Deb said...

P.S. As far as Mike's age....Ummm....I think it shows in his post for today. Go take a gander!

mikster said...

I may be old but at least I'm not young. At least I don't hurt myself in bed like there.

mikster said...

AND...if you're going to be a pain in the ass don't blame your neck...just saying.


Steff said...

Deb: Thanks for those stories...I'm just saying no to any more requests for me to have an MRI. lol I can't believe they left her!!!

Mike: How're old and nothing interesting happens in your bed.


mikster said...

lol...good one...but I was thinking nothing painful happens there myself.

Steff said...

Mike: Well maybe you need to expand your

Trina said...

That sounded terrible steff. So sorry, I sure hope its nothing and it just made for a great post!!

Anonymous said...

Oh I'm so sorry... and I hope this old person didn't send any pain your way. And, I certainly hope that your 30 minute test is not justified at all. Call me selfish. :)

Steff said...

Trina: Since being in the hospital all these days with my great grandmother I've discovered that there are a lot worse things than having a MRI.

Bethany: You're not old! I haven't heard back from my doctor yet so I'm assuming that if it were truly something to be worried about he would have called me ASAP. It wouldn't surprise me if stress were playing a part in this. Have fun on your trip and I hope your back is doing well!

Jamie: Still no news so I think that's probably good. If it were severe I think he'd have called me to come in. But I'll let you know what the outcome is either way!

*~Annette~* said...

I couldn't have sat still through all that. I wish I'd known you had to do that.... I'd taken you out to lunch after that or sumpin'.

doodlebugmom said...

Hope you are feeling better Steff.

I had a bum hip a year or so ago, omg how old does that sound? I had xrays, my doc poked, he yanked and twisted my leg in a chiropractor-wanna-be kinda way, and gave me some meds that left me on la-la land two days after the fact.

The only thing that helped my hip was a really bad ankle sprain. That kept me off my feet for more than a few days.

Take a pill and sleep all weekend, it may not make your pain go away, But you wont care! lol

Linda :o)

Beth said...

God-after that your neck may hurt worse from the stress. Hope they figure out what is wrong so they can fix it!