Monday, May 15, 2006

Doing What I Shouldn't

Ever have one of those days where you're doing everything you shouldn't?

I shouldn't be blogging at school. Especially since the computer is near students' desks instead of at the desk like at the other school.

I shouldn't have spent my planning period resting my eyes. I shouldn't have enjoyed the little day dream about lining up these brats and shooting them...with a cannon. Okay, I don't seriously want to line them up and shoot them. I don't look good in orange and life behind bars doesn't appeal to me.

I shouldn't be thinking about taking another trip to NYC with D again. She wants to go and I admit that I probably could find someone to take me bar hopping....hint hint Deb!

I shouldn't be wearing these shoes. They hurt my feet and aren't particularly flattering, but my mom bought them for me so I'm trying to break them in.

I shouldn't be whining because nothing is really wrong...just busy and wishing I could have slept a little later this morning.

So, what shouldn't you have done today?


*~Annette~* said...

blogged... just like you!

Steff said...

Annette: Well obviously I'm doing it again...blogging at school. But today I don't feel quite as bad about

Jamie: I don't normally look on the dark side...sniffle. But yesterday they were brats and today they are perfect angels. Go

mikster said...

You whine?....whoda ever thunk that?

Deb said...

You know who to call if you wanna go bar hopping with me girly! I'm here---just shoot me an email and let me know when you're arriving! We'll show ya a good time! :)

Steff said...

Mike: Are you saying I whine? Don't you have dicks to line up or something?


Deb: It's not a for sure thing. I enjoyed myself a lot this last time but I just assumed it would be one of those once in a lifetime kind of things. But if things change you'd better be sure you're buying me a drink!!!

mikster said...

No lil said you were whining...get with the program huh?!

Steff said...

Mike: It was the tone

Anonymous said...

I don't know about all of the other responses to your blog but I can tell you the thing that I shouldn't have done this morning was eat a whole bag of poppycock for breakfast. I know that it was bad but it sure tasted good. What else have I been doing that I shouldn't. I love regular soda and I am diabetic. I think because of the move and all I have been on a sugar high for a couple of days. I really like looking down from above the clouds. Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.

jess said...

i must say... today i've done quite a bit of stuff i SHOULD be doing. although, it's not nearly as much as i should but i'm doing it. as for the shouldn'ts: blogging, surfing, myspacing, biting my nails, staring out the window, thinking about cancelling my client (but i won't), and about to give a very close friend some not so great news.

I'm not even supposed to be here today said...

I probably shouldn't have opened a beer at 3:00 in the afternoon. I shouldn't be blogging when I have so much to do. I shouldn't have bought Saturn when we've just begun to recover from four month's of unemployment. But hey, the kids got to school on time, they've had their dinner, and they're almost ready for bed... and that's about as much stress as I can handle today!