Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Just Your Typical Day

I'm busy people. Yeah, I know you're probably thinking "How busy can she be?" and the answer is extremely busy. And unfortunately, blogging is suffering. Oh blogging isn't the only thing, but it is certainly an important thing. I never would have thought blogging would be so much fun or relaxing for me, but it is. And I hate having to say I don't have time for a post....though I do have some time to skim my comments and leave a few comments on other people's blogs. Anyway, I thought today would be a good example of busy and it might entertain my readers. And hopefully, it will show that I truly am busy and not just blog slipping. Hang with me people!

5:45am (I know!...who knew it came twice in one day?) The alarm goes off. Thankfully it's set for a country music station so I'm not rattled out of bed by a ridiculously loud BEEP BEEP BEEP

5:46am I wake up enough to at least find the snooze button and hit it. Because I was tired last night I didn't take a shower on the pretense that I'd take one this morning. Thinking I could just do a fancy updo to my hair (which do better dirty) and do a quick hit-the-main-areas wash Id' be fine.

5:51am The alarm goes off again. Damn. I hit snooze and turn back over...again. Then I do a quick foot run down my calf and feel the stubble. Crap. (I have dark hair from the top of my head straight on down my body to my toes so it's noticeable when I don't shave.) I turn the alarm off and stumble into the bathroom.

5:55am - 6:25am Go to the bathroom, wash my face, shower, shave, dry off

6:25am - 7:15am Put on my make up, dry my hair (which frizzed by the way...nuts), dress. Thankfully, I had time to plan what I was going to wear while I was in the shower. Actually...how sad is this...I knew where the jewelry was to a certain outfit so that is what I wore. I'm a girl that likes to coordinate from jewelry to shoes to handbag.

7:15am - 7:30am Eat breakfast, look at what is in my email inbox. I didn't check it...just saw what was in there. Read my blog comments and made a morning stop at a few favorites. Packed a lunch (fruit and a hot pocket for those of you wondering), said goodbye and went to school...err I mean work.

7:30am - 3:15pm School. Not a lot happened during the day. The art teacher was there (that is actually a really good program...a local artist teaches some type of technique (today was blending colors) through the local museum) so I got to sit at the back of the room and read a book. Seriously...I got paid a sorry sum of money to read. I got through 14 chapters of a book by one of my favorite authors. Uhm maybe I shouldn't brag about that kind of thing....

3:15pm - 3:30pm Drive over to my part time job. Yawn and think this is like the middle of my day. I also thought about why I stretch myself so thin. I tend to get cranky (shock...I know) and I also tend to get these huge dark circles under my eyes when my body hasn't had enough rest. Resolve to spend at least three nights a week at home....starting next week because I'm already booked for this week.

3:30pm - 6:30pm Part time job. Today was interesting. Starting with the fact that the lady that sets out the snacks left milk (yeah you read that right...milk) for the kids. The cartons were warm to the touch. I refused to give the kids hot milk, but a few (two boys...go figure) drank some of the curdled milk. I'm gagging just thinking about it. Anyway, to cut out a lot of grossness lets just say they didn't end up drinking that milk. We cleaned our room. I should say I supervised and the kids cleaned. I finally got what my meant about having kids so you don't have to clean anymore! We watched a little of Pirates Of The Caribbean. Johnny Depp is so hot. Hmmm Sorry..where was I? Oh yeah, we let a kid go home with a lady that wasn't authorized to pick him up. Thankfully, that situation turned out okay but we're expecting a staff meeting just anytime this week. Finally...time to leave.

6:30pm - 7:00pm Take out...again. I read somewhere that it isn't healthy to eat in your car. If the fast food wrappers in my front passenger floorboard is anything to go by I'm obviously not following the food pyramid. Anyway, I eat and drive out to a friend's house for a Creative Memories party.

7:00 - 9:00 This party...that I've been to about five times before. I'm sick of making these dang story card things! I said at the last one that I'd turn down anymore invitations to this kind of thing. I do scrapbook, but I'm not all about the CM cult. But, another friend has just started being the sultan...I mean consultant and I couldn't say no. Bad Steffany...Just Say NO!!! Well of course I couldn't leave without buying something so I bought this little sorter thing for photos. I think I'll actually use it. But NO MORE CM PARTIES STEFFANY!

9:00pm - 9:30pm Drive back into town and catch up with a friend I haven't talked to in a few days. Decide that other friend lives too far out in the freaking country to be driving alone at night.

9:30pm - 10:20pm Catch my mom up on all the latest gossip I heard at the party. Watch the tail end of a show, watch the weather, turn back my bed, think about putting off blogging and crawling into cool sheets and sleeping, decide no, I haven't blogged in a while.

10:20pm - now (currently 11:08pm) Blog about my day like people actually care about the ins and outs of my daily routine. You do right...I'd hate to think this was all for nuttin'...lol.

Well, there you have it folks. This is what my life will be like until the end of school and then I'll fall into a more normal routine...hopefully. So, while I might not make it to blogland as often as I'd like, or leave snickery comments or comments period very often please know that I still adore my blogging buddies. I just can't show it right now. Be prepared for some pretty fluffy posts until I can learn to balance!

Okay...bed is calling and I'm answering.


mikster said...

This is so very tragic....how do you cope?


Deb said...

You're missing one very important ingredient in your agenda here missy!


Everbody needs a little happy hour in their life!

Come see me!

mikster said...

Yeah...you young pups just can't keep up.

Steff said...

Jamie: I know...you should try actually living it. Today was the same except take out party and add church.

Mike: My coping involves ________. You remember what the blank is all about don't you?


Deb: I need a good happy hour buddy...up for a trip?!! Anyway, if I had to pin point happy hour in my schedule that day I'd say it was my chicken sandwich from Burger King...love that thing!

Mike: Can't keep up? Guess not...I'd like to be able to sit around in my underwear all morning watching tv and having lewd thoughts about my cleaning ladies.

*snickers....big time*

Tracy O'Brien said...

poor pet you need a break! things were just as crazy here for the past few weeks, but I finished my exams yesterday so it's a little quieter now thank God! Just have thesis to think about now.. oh well! Hope you get a chance for a happy hour soon, mind yourself, don't get too run down it's not good for you!!! Best thing is find a tall dark handsome man to cook and clean for you.. and attend to all your needs ;) hehe

Sophia said...

You busy little bee. I can so totally sympathise with you. But I do fit happy hour in at least once a week. Even if it doesn't involve the main ingrediant I try to get at least one hour a week for me. Yes Me. But I hear you on those days when you leave at 0730-0800 in the morning and start walking back in your front door at 10-11 o'clock at night.