Monday, May 29, 2006

My Daddy Is...

Early last week I had some severe allergies. My mind was fuzzy because most of it was running out of my nose and down my throat. I still sounds gross. Anyway I was doped up on Advil, throat spray, and kleenex. I even took a day off from my various jobs to stay in bed and moan and groan. And while I was at it I watched a lot of tv. Mostly CMT...I think the music helped lull me into fits of restless sleep. And that brought about a question.

Who's your daddy?

Yeah, I know this is supposed to be some sexual reference, but could someone please explain that to me? I mean who is thinking about his or her daddy in that kind of way? Sorry, I hope I don't have Arkansas readers! But, come on...who's your daddy?

This is everywhere. Once I started thinking about it I started to hear it everywhere. Heck, I even flippantly said it to a certain daddy aged reader in my comments. First, there was this movie. I don't remember the name (I barely remember anything from that day...something to do with my brains running out my nose...) but there is a couple in a little bed. Apparently, they are visiting her family so they are staying in her father's house. Well, they sure have some nerve because they are getting busy and he busts out with "Who's your daddy?" And it wasn't just once either...he said it like four times. Finally, you hear a shout through the wall as her daddy says "I am...I'm her daddy." Seeing as how I've never personally been in this situation I can only assume that would kill the mood.

Then, back to the CMT thing, there is this song by Toby Keith about who's your daddy. And some other song by someone about how "you've got the only daddy that'll walk the line...". All these songs about guys being the daddy...and I don't think we're talking about the paternal kind of daddy.

Okay, one last example of the whole daddy craze. Have you ever noticed how older people call each other Mama and Daddy? I know that when I was growing up and I'd visit my grandparents my Papa would call my Mimi "Mimi". And when we're all there (all kids and grandkids) she calls him "Daddy". Do you suppose they've forgotten what their names are? Do parents lose their identity and forever become "daddy" and "mama"? Don't get me wrong...I think it's kind of cute.

Anyway, maybe this makes no sense....I am still sneezing a little bit. But, ah the things that come from a drug induced recovery!


Staci said...

hope you feel beeter soon

mikster said... long as you know who your daddy is it'll be ok.

Steff said...

Staci: I am feeling much better now!

Mike: Yeah...I know who he is.

Jamie: LOL...I know some of the things you talk about at crops! I can only imagine your unique spin on this term...LMAO :)

Sophia said...

I don't understand the whole daddy thing either. I hope I don't get lost in my older years and become mom only. I kinda like my name and hope Richard doesn't forget it.