Sunday, June 18, 2006

This Gem

My soul is restless tonight. My body is weary. My heart is in a state of confusion. My mind is exhausted. So many things are on my plate right now (some blessings and some curses) but amid all the drama and excitement that is my life I can find a little peace and stillness by looking at God's handiwork. I've mentioned before that there are a few people in my blog roll that capture nature in a way that doesn't make me run for the kleenex or bug spray but instead just simply look and enjoy. Tonight I found this gem and couldn't resist putting up!


*~Annette~* said...

You're right!! Great picture. Flowers always give me the warm fuzzies!

WordBearer said...

Not a big fan of flowers myself. Guess it is because my mom has so damn many and they are all she talks about. Stil I am glad you can find some comfort in their pixalated imitations.

Sophia said...

Jamie does have a way of comforting us even if it is through pixalated imitations