Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Bubba Jake

We have a new addition to the family!

Sunday night our neighbor knocked on the door and let us know that we had a baby kitten crying in our backyard. He thought he might be hurt so I went out to investigate. This tiny furr ball was wondering around the backyard crying. He was covered in stickers and his eyes were matted with leaves and goo. We brought him in and it was pretty much love at first sight...first pitiful sight. After a little warm washcloth bath, a quick call to a friend that knows about babies, a little warm milk, and a bunch of warm towels Jake was ready for bed. He settled amazingly well. He slept in my room so I could get up if he needed anymore syringe feedings, but he did well. He slept through the night...probably worn out from his adventure of getting lost from his mama.
Our next big thing was finding a name for this little guy. My mom wanted to name him Bubba. I was horrified! I hate that name...I always think of rednecks that call their brothers and sisters Bubba and Sissy. So, she came up with Jake and we all thought it fit. So now we have little Jake. He's still adjusting to life in our home. His eyes aren't all the way open so he stumbles around like a little lush. It's totally cute to watch! He's been allowed to explore the livingroom, but we have a ton of places where he could crawl into and we'd lose him. He is tiny! So, we have to watch him pretty close. He's finally found one corner where he likes to hide.
This is a lot different from the time when we brought Morty and Dex home. They were already 12 weeks old and we think Jake is less than ten days because his eyes aren't completely open yet. It's been an experience but we're loving it!
Also, if anyone has any tips for introducing a new kitten into a household with another older cat please share! Dex sniffs around at Jake and then smacks him around with his paw. We're having to watch them extra closely. Thankfully, Dex hasn't attacked but he sure watches him closely. We just want it to be a smooth transition because Jake is part of the family now!


Deb said...

I vote for Jack----no Bubba. Bubba reminds me of rednecks out in the farm wearing overalls. Sorta like the caliber you find on Texas Chainsaw Massacre.

Although I am highly allergic to cats, I have a huge heart for animals, and it's great that little Jake found a place like yours to stay in.

Now I need an allergy pill from reading this all. ;)

mikster said...

Will Jake be making the move with you?

Steff said...

Deb: Exactly...rednecks! I'm NEVER allowing my kids to call each other bubba and sissy. And I'm right there with you about the allergies. Mine have been going haywire from all the cuddling. Thank goodness tomorrow is shot day!

Mike: He'll be coming for the move, but only because he's too little to leave here by himself for a week. He can barely make it in and out of the litter box on his own! Anyway, it's yet to be determined if he'll come stay with me or if my mom will keep him. When we lost Morty last November it was hard on her because they were her "babies" and Jake looks like Morty did so she's kinda attached.

Jamie: Isn't he though! And we're pretty happy we found him too. He opened his eyes today and it's so cute to see his playful side coming out. There for the first day all he did was cry, eat, and sleep.

doodlebugmom said...

If he was wondering around, his eyes are probably gunked closed from distemper...not from being young. Better check with your vet :)


doodlebugmom said...

Yep Steff, it really looks like distemper. We just lost a kitten to that last call your vet. Get some med for him and some eye drops. Gentamicin Sulfate 0.3%

I'm not even supposed to be here today said...

that poor little things looks like he's been through the wringer! Here's to a quick recovery!

Steff said...

Linda: I took your warning to heart and Jake went to the vet this afternoon. While he doesn't have distemper, he does have an upper respirartory infection. He was loaded down with special food (evaporated milk isn't cutting it)packed with protein, two antiboitics, and he was dewormed. The little guy has been through a lot so it was understandable when he came home and crashed. I'm glad you said something otherwise we might not have taken him in. Thanks!

Rachael: I think it was something like the wringer...thankfully he's on his way to being well. He goes back next week for a check up. And we found out two important things...he is a boy and he's also about 5 weeks old.

MarylandMommy said...

So cute!!!

WordBearer said...

Reminds me of my old cat. That was one masculine feline. He would lay wait and ambush anyone who came to our front door. Plus he killed no telling how many birds. He fathered untold numbers of kittens.

He died on Christmas about four years ago. I think someone poisoned him. I found him laying on my lawn with no signs of trauma. My neighbors were animal hating dicks so I think they did it.

Steff said...

Queen: You're not alone...I know a lot of Bubbas myself. I just don't care for the name, but thanks for the well wishes!

Marylandmommy: I thought he was pretty darn cute, but I didn't realize when I posted this that he was extremely sick at this point. He looks a ton better and I'll get an updated picture up soon!

WB: Aww, I hate that your cat was poisoned. And I can relate to the dead birds...Dex (the older cat) likes to bring them in and show them off. I guess he doesn't understand it just grosses me out.

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