Saturday, July 08, 2006

Home Sweet Home I

This is the left side of the front of the house. Aren't all the plants pretty?

This is the other end of the house (plus a little more past the tree) and a good picture of my front deck. Excuse the was in the way of my picture taking.

This is the front yard view from the porch. Again...there is the It is very green down in there but the green is in the back. The front is kind of mostly dirt.


WordBearer said...

Looks like a nice place steff. Reminds me of my grandmother's place.

Get a deck with a hot tub and you will have all that is required for the perfect life.

Oh and you still need a gun.

Looks like you are living out in the sticks. A TP&W buddy of mine told me that there have been black bear sightings in the area where you will be moving.

The Texas black bear is making a great come back after nearly being hunted to extinction. If you see one of these great creatures let your local game warden know. Be sure to keep your garbage cans closed up tight.

FYI, there have also been bigfoot reports in that part of Texas. I'm not joking.

Steff said...

Jamie: I'm growing pretty fond of it myself. I'm sure that will increase once I'm there and I get to put my personal touches on it.

WB: Hot tub: I'm not allowed to sun's in my lease agreement Gun: I do have one...I need to learn how to work it Bears and Big Foots: Thanks for scaring the crap out of me. PS...I'm still working on a reply to your "informative" reponse to your post about teachers. I had to do some research before I replied.

WordBearer said...

I await your reply with baited breath. I have reams of data I have not unleashed on you. No one can out research me.

That bigfoot stuff is real. I have seen strange things on the land I hunt in east Texas...stuff that would turn you white. It is hard to tell when I have been turned white. I am a pasty Irish guy.

Hot tubbing is not sun bathing. Still your yard looks nice. Are you going to have to mow it yourself, or will your landlord hire someone to do it?

The only real problem I can see that a lot of rain might turn your front yard into a swamp.

Get some citronella candles when you get the chance.

Steff said...

WB: I doubt I can out research you but I think the debate will be informative for me and maybe a little bit for you.

Perhaps you're right about the hot tub but that's not in the budget and probably won't be for a while. And yes, I'm going to find someone to mow the yard.

It rained every day we were there and it wasn't too muddy. It's more like that sand stuff and rocks. There are a lot of exposed tree roots too.

Irish from Ireland and just visiting or American from Irish desent?

WordBearer said...

Irish descent

Steff said...

WB: So can I start picturing you as those guys on the cover of my historical Irish romance novels? LOL

WordBearer said...

yeah but paler and with a whisky bottle.

Deb said...

Hey! Good luck with your new place! I'm sure you'll warm it up with nice dinners, bbq's and great beverages. Please keep in mind I drink Ketel One martinis. Have one ready by the time I get there??? :)