Thursday, September 21, 2006

Mrs. Hildabrant

I'm kind of tired tonight (oh fine...I am tired but mostly I'm engrossed in Grey's Anatomy) so I'll just leave you with this little gem from class today. I have some big lemons with my house, but I'll blog those later.

Today a little boy came up to my desk. He was overwhelmed by the assignment to "be creative!" (The assignment was to invent their own calendar.)

Student: "Mrs. Hildabrant, I don't know how to be creative!"
Miss Stewart: "What's my name?"
Student: (as he pauses to think...he looks up and put his hand to his chin...totally adorable!) "Oh...Miss Hildabrant, I can't be creative!"
Miss Stewart: "Who am I?"
Student: (I swear a light bulb came on over his head) "Oh...Miss Stewart. I might get confused again and call you Mrs. Hildabrant. She was my teacher last year. I don't think she asked us to be creative."

It might have lost something in translation, but it was just one of those moments where my heart melted. I have awesome kids!


Anonymous said...

Totally cute. BUT more importantly, what did you think of Grey's? Little bit of a let down to me, but that's to be expected....I can't wait for next week, so I guess it did it's job!!!

Love ya hon!

Anonymous said...

Oh, and another thing, my kids forget my name all the time. This is bad considering my name is the same as the school's. Yeah. But I still love them....

Sophia said...

Mrs Hildabrant I will never forget you name. And I can be creative if you would like.
I watched Grey's Anatomy as well and didn't allow anyone in the house to speak during it.
I am glad you are enjoying your kiddos

Anonymous said...

Wowing the younguns huh?

Deb said...

Kids are so cute sometimes, and the things that come out of their little mouths are precious. They must adore you!

Edtime Stories said...

funny I always thought it wasn't that we had to teach kids to be creative, we had to stop beating their creativity out of them.