Monday, October 30, 2006

We Now Return You To Regular Scheduled Programming...

Finally...I'm back. Yep, I'm sitting at my own computer (fully functional now) in my own living room typing this post. It feels good to use a computer where I don't have to worry about the powers that be seeing what I'm typing or looking at. School was a rough place to carry on email conversations and I didn't dare even think about my blog there. There is some crappy catty stuff happening at work that I'll probably post about and I didn't want it getting back to those pesky powers that be. Anyway, it's nice to be home.

The Halloween party was Saturday. It was extremely fun! There were seven people (a nice number considering my seating situation) and it was a group that really meshed. Anyway, I cleaned and preped food Saturday morning and came to the following conclusion. Help is like sex...take it from whoever and whenever you can get it. Stop...that is NOT my personal take on sex but it is my take on help. As this was my first hosting experience in my new abode I really wanted to be the hostess with the mostess, but next time when they ask if they can bring something...they can. Anyway, it was a blast and I thoroughly enjoyed it!

At school things are rocking along rather nicely. Two weeks ago I missed turning in lesson plans. That was a horrible week. Being disorganized does not look good on me! Anyway, this week I had lesson plans done and turned in by Friday. Today went so well! We're tackling double digit subtraction...we know how to do it, but explaining how to do it is taking some trial and error. Thankfully, I think that they are starting to get it. Mini quiz tomorrow so I'll know for sure.

Well, I'm off to check out blogs. I've missed some serious reading time!


Edtime Stories said...

welcome back... looks like you have a bit to tell us about.

Anonymous said...

Welcome back...I meant to dust in here in your absence but I've been lazy lately.

Anonymous said...

WElcome back to the world of BLOGGING!!!!!!!

Sophia said...

Glad to know that you can go to the corner now and work it **wink wink***
I know the feeling about being disorganized since that seems to be my life lately.
I am glad to hear the party went well. I am looking forward to pics