Thursday, February 15, 2007

Poor Blog

My poor blog! If you ran your finger across it big dust bunnies would stick to your finger.

Unfortunately, this isn't the night to dust if off.

I just felt like I should say here it is.

Why are blonde jokes always about women? Are blonde men NOT as dumb as blonde women...not that I'm saying blonde women are dumb. But, still...I'm curious.

Far from profound but at least a date from this week.


Edtime Stories said...

I have wondered about that too.

But I think because there are so many dumb guy jokes there might be unnecessary.

Valerie said...

just a little something to ponder:

if a man sees a tree fall in the forest and no woman is there, is he still wrong?

most likely.

Trina said...

Hmmmm....I never even noticed that all the blonde jokes ARE about women! Does that make me blonde? LOL
This is like an epiphany for me...whoa! Well from now they are going to be about men. There was this blonde MAN...

Anonymous said...

Five jokes about blond men: