Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Random And Weird...Yep That Is Me!

If you've been reading, well since yesterday, you know that have a thing for questionnaire type things. I think this stems from the fact that I'm a curious person by nature. Sometimes I'm reading someone's blog and I just want to ask the weirdest question or know the most random thing. Also, it doesn't hurt when someone asks you to do this type of thing! Yep, I was tagged by Jaded. Thank you! So, fellow readers and or bloggers...here is to getting to know more about each other.

Rules: I'm supposed to give seven random and weird facts about myself and then tag seven other people. I'm not going to do that because I don't like this rule. And if you've known me long you should realize that I follow the ones I like and try to find a way around the ones I don't.

1. Random: Since I have to get up at the crack of dawn (well really before the crack because it's still dark outside when I get up) I watch TV to get me going. I'm not sure how I stumbled on it, but I've gotten hooked on re-runs of Coach. I remember watching it when I was younger (when my parents would let me) and now it's a lot funnier since I know what all those jokes and innuendos actually mean!

2. Weird: I can't pee without first checking the shower to make sure that no one is hiding in there. I know it's completely irrational but I can't help it. I guess I don't want to literally get caught with my pants down. Though seriously if someone ever did jump out I'd be in the right place because the crap would probably be scared out of me. Too much info...sorry!

3. Random: I still have a crush. I've refrained from calling it inappropriate because what defines inappropriate? It's all about rationalizing baby!

4. Weird: This is completely unladylike and in some circles it is pretty gross, but I think farts are funny. It's one of my "guy" traits. Sad right? Did you know that the normal human body farts 12-40 times a day?! Seriously! How can you not find that funny?!

5. Random: One of my biggest fears is living a life of unfulfilled dreams. I dream a lot. I have things I want to try or things I want to do, but sometimes I settle for them just being dreams. I settle because I know that it is completely going to be out of character for me. I know that it is something no one expects and that some might even be disappointed in me. There are certain aspects of my life that only I control. It's selfish and frankly I don't care. I'll make the final decision, but there are some dreams that will remain just that because I can't live with just thinking of myself. I've had many dreams that I've been able to fulfill and I'm still dreaming. I just want the realities and dreams to balance out in the end!

6. Weird: I don't like lipstick. I prefer lip gloss. I usually feel too pale to wear lipstick...hence the gloss.

7. Random: I have picture frames out in my living room that don't have any pictures in them. Sometimes I just like the frame.

Okay, so there are seven facts (some random, some weird, and some things you probably already knew). If you're up to it, take up the random and weird challenge. It'll save me having to ask you later!

1 comment:

Lori said...

I laughed out loud at #2 - not about checking the shower b/c I totally GET that! But the scaring the crap out of you and being in the right place! ha! Oh...and I think farts are funny too! I get a chuckle out of it everytime! hee-hee!