Saturday, October 13, 2007

Saturday Project

Today has been the best kind of day! To begin with it is Saturday and that in and of itself is enough to make one happy. Also, I spent a very enjoyable morning in bed. I slept late, enjoyed some happy texting, got caught up on some tv I'd missed this week, and finished up a book. I only budged from my cozy place of sanctuary for those necessary bathroom and breakfast trips. Who knew a girl could waste half a day just being ridiculously lazy in bed?! Too, after the week I'd had I thought a little pampering in bed was just my due.

Once I did manage to wiggle out from the covers, I decided to take on a project. There is nothing like getting those batteries charged to make me productive. I'm taking on my spare bedroom. This was supposed to start out as my scrapbook and craft room. Right now it's just the catch all. Go ahead...take a peek for yourself.

I'm sort of embarrassed to post this on the all you people know my worst kept secret. I'm messy! Though to be honest, sometimes life just isn't worth it if there isn't a little mess involved. You're not buying that either huh? Well, that's my story.

Anyway, I thought if I took a picture of that disaster area and put it on my blog I'd feel compelled to get it in some semblance of order and then re-post showing off my new scrapbook haven. I have to admit that I'm not feeling very compelled at the moment but I'm sure that will come. Being the listy that I am (my term for my obsessive need to have lists in my life) I've made a list of the stages of organization.

1. Shame yourself into cleaning that room by posting horrible pictures on the internet....check

2. Move entire mess to living room and hope that you have no unexpected visitors for the next few weeks.....semi-check (I've got a lot left to haul into the living room)

3. Separate mess into smaller, but just as messy, piles of like mess

4. Organize (and by that I mean toss the stuff you don't want)

5. Put stuff I do want in cute containers and label

6. Arrange furniture pieces in spare bedroom to get the maximum amount of space out of that tiny room

7. Put newly organized and labeled stuff back in the room

8. Take pictures of your accomplishment and post on blog to redeem yourself from step 1

See...there is a method to my madness. Unfortunately, with my schedule I think my madness might take a week or two to get fully completed. I'm doing this all in the hopes that my desire to scrapbook will return. I creativity has taken a vacation and finding her has been a challenge. To quote my friend Valerie...she's probably slutting around at someone else's house. Maybe she'll come home once she sees all the hard work I went to for her!

So, there you go. This is my current home project. Maybe I should have titled this SaturdayS (as in plural Saturdays) Project?!


Val said...

It is both a blessing & a curse that "MOST" Sat's I have to W*O*R*K!?! (at least it is a handy excuse most weekends, when I come home & take a NAP after bustin' it for half a day on Sat...)
You are so brave to post those pictures -- good luck on the organizational project!
But Huntsville, hmmmm -- not so terribly far away -- if you were interested in riding, "it could be arranged". We will actually be in the Piney Woods next weekend!

Anonymous said...

ooh, I so love a good project! Wish I was there to help; I'd dive right in!


Niners said...

I can't wait to see the finished product. My spare bedroom now looks like that, and I am just waiting for my batteries to kick in, so I can clean it. School wears me out, so when I get home I am tooooooo tired to even think about cleaning. Maybe the desire will come in a few days, weeks, months, who knows.

Becky said...

I am glad to see that I am not the only one whose office/scrapbook area looks like that. Maybe I should post pics of mine too - that way we BOTH get inspired to get it all together and organized. I can't wait to see what yours will end up looking like.....I am sure your whole house is SO cute!!!

Steff said...

Val: Wow...I didn't realize you were close enough to be in my neck of the woods!

Diva: I wish you were here to help too!

Nina: Well, as soon as it's ready you are more than welcome to come over and take a look! Hopefully your batteries will be charged soon. :)

Becky: You inspired me with all your talk of cleaning and organizing your house. So, this is really your fault!

Lori said...

What a PERFECT Saturday morning!! I love mornings like those!!

Can't wait to see your scrappin' haven emerge! :-) I love to organize- your post made me want to organize something myself! ha! If I were closer, I'd be knocking on your door to help!

Valerie said...

good for you - only i'm not sure which one sounds best: cleaning up or lazying around?

oh who am i kidding? lazying around is da bestest!! :o)

Melissa said...

That looks like our office at home. We have this "situation" wherein if the rest of the house is clean, the office is not, and if the office is clean, the rest of the house is not.

You'd think that after three years of living here, we'd finally get that rectified, but no!

Lindsey said...

I love projects like these when they are DONE!!! How's it going??