Thursday, June 05, 2008

Another Applicant

Know those dating site commercials where the people say how great they are, but then a big white REJECTED sign pops up over their face...I know how they feel.

I heard back today from the lady that I interviewed with last week. While she appreciates my interest they have decided to recommend another applicant for the position. I am a little disappointed, but I suppose that is the way of things. As my mom is fond of telling me, "If it doesn't work out then it wasn't meant to be."

With that still in mind, I went to another interview yesterday. I think it went as well as it could. They are supposed to make their decision today so I suppose I won't have long to wait.

I'm trying to keep in mind the fact that just because I'm not chosen it doesn't mean I'm a bad teacher or there is something professionally wrong with me. (Thanks for those encouraging words Jersey Girl!) And it isn't like the last time I went on the job hunt. I am still gainfully employed. I'd just like to be better gainfully employed. It is a process...I know.

In other news, I found out that the reports about the apartment complex weren't exactly true (always nice to talk to the local police to clear things up). Every place is going to have good points and the not so good points. So, I'm still moving. In 17 days...I'm going to be so busy.

I know I haven't made the rounds lately, but I really appreciate you guys that still come by and leave words of encouragement! That means so much. Y'all have a great weekend!


Lori said...

Bummer about the job but your mom is right - it wasn't meant to be. There is a place for you - it will come I just know it!!

Glad it worked out ok on the apt., so not all bad news! :-)

Anonymous said...

I completely agree with your mother...everything happens for a reason.

So glad to read about the apt. I'm glad you checked things out for yourself!

Keep smilin' darlin'!


Anonymous said...

Mom is always right, you know?? Maybe the 1st job didn't pan out because this second job is the one! Fingers crossed for you. Good luck with the move, glad to hear the reports about the apartment complex were false.

Anonymous said...

Best of luck in the move and job search. Fin

Melissa said...

You don't want just ANY job, and I can tell it - you want the RIGHT job - and that's what we're shooting for!

Niners said...

I am so excited you are moving across the street. Now after our long shopping days, we will both have equal distance to drive home.

Jaded said...

I'm with everyone else on this one... it wasn't meant to be. You don't NEED a job. You're just looking for the RIGHT job, like Melissa said. There's no sense jumping into another job you don't like just to escape this one. There are so many factors involved in hiring that you can't possibly know why someone else was chosen over you. Maybe they had a friend in the district. Maybe their dad went to college with the Principal's dad. You never know. Just be confident that you are a good teacher and you have much to offer the right school. Remember, you're interviewing them as much as they're interviewing you. Make sure they're worthy of you!

Good luck with the move. I'm relieved to hear that the complex isn't a bad neighborhood. I HATE moving, but it's still kind of exciting to get a new place!