Thursday, September 11, 2008


While I don't live in Florida, I am close to the coast where Ike is expected to make landfall. Actually, I've vacationed exactly where Ike is expected to make landfall. That was a pretty sobering thought. Despite my distance from the coast, we are still expected to get 80-110 mph winds and 8-10 inches of rain. Right now everything is "expected" so my hope is that we get the unexpected things.

Yesterday on my way home (which by the way usually takes me 25-30 minutes on a good day took me 2 hours as we all creeped along at 12 mph) there were cars on either side of me packed to the windows with clothes and boxes and personal belongings. I knew these people were heading to safety but it was certainly an eye opener. I could only imagine how they must have felt having to leave (many areas it was mandatory) their home knowing that the likelihood of returning to it in the same state were very slim. My heart went out to these people.

After listening to many news reports, I decided to stay put and weather out whatever Ike dishes out at home. I've taken all the precautions that I could take to make sure that I'm as safe as possible at home. The only concern I have is that my back patio usually collects water as I'm right next to a gutter drain. On a normal rainy day it comes about half way up my patio, so I'm worried that it might come and rise up to the back door. Taking my mom's advice (finally!) I went and bought some big bags of potting soil and put one on the outside and put a rolled up towel and the other bag of potting soil against the inside of the door. We could call it a make shift sand bag! Otherwise, I have my battery operated lantern, my battery operated radio, plenty of water, and some food that doesn't require refrigeration...just in case.

While I am all the way cautious and want to be smart about this, a little part of me is excited to experience a hurricane. That sounds completely loony toony doesn't it?! Anyway, I am going to unplug my computer and cover it up to keep it from getting fried. I will update about how I weathered this storm as soon as I can!

Please just keep everyone who has been or will be effected by Ike in your thoughts and prayers!


doodlebugmom said...

Stay safe!

Anonymous said...

I'm glad that you made some preparations. I was thinking of you last night and wondering how much of the storm you would experience.

Becky said...

Steff, hope you are doing okay! Stay safe and dry and it definitely sounds like you were prepared - I didn't even think about the battery operated lantern! And props to your Mama for the makeshift sandbag. I hope you and Toby are riding things out okay and if you need a place to stay during long term power outages, just head this way! You have a place here!

Melissa said...

Hey, I weathered Bertha in an old farmhouse in NC in 1996, while watching Schindler's List. It can happen!

Stay safe Steff - and check back in when you can!

Anonymous said...

This morning on the radar it looked like you were really getting pounded. I hope your floor stays dry.

Anonymous said...

I'm hoping that you made it through safely. Please let us know when you can. You know I worry!!