Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Unattractively Attracting Attention

***Is unattractively even a word? Well if it's not it should be because it works perfectly for my title.***

Anyway, here I was today, thinking that this would be a non-blog night because nothing really exciting happened today. Though sometimes that's a great reason to post, but then I went to the post office. Yep...a normal trip to the P.O for stamps. I get in line and right away notice that the woman in front of me is wearing the most unattractive of outfits. See if you can picture this (and for those of you who can' glad). The woman of a mature age is wearing short overalls. This wouldn't have been too bad except that the straps apparently didn't fit and she let them hang down her sides while still attached to the buttons in the front. A bad situation was made worse by the fact that they cupped under her bum and well emphasized something I'm sure she didn't mean to emphasize. Now moving up...she's wearing a bright pink halter top that has apparently seen better days and smaller people. The string (and yeah it was a string) that was around her neck was barely able to support her rather large (and saggy) chest. I'm talking more of her was exposed than was actually covered.

Now, I know you shouldn't judge a person on what they are wearing...I wasn't exactly styling either, but at least everything that would get me arrested was covered. Finally, after what seems like forever that I've been looking at this woman, she moves to an open window to do her P.O business.

As luck would have it, I get the teller right next to her. I had several packages to mail so my guy was busy weighing and repeating his probably standard "would you like insurance on this ma'am?" line. I couldn't help but notice that the teller helping the woman was having a hard time looking away from this woman's chest. I found myself leaning backwards a little so I could get a better look at what this woman was wearing. Appalled and a little ashamed, I focused on the guy now ready to take my money. While this was going on, apparently the woman finished and left because the teller started to crack up.

She even went so far as to ask the next person in line ( a man nonetheless) if he'd noticed this woman's breasts. She actually said the word breast! At the post office! Anyway, the gentleman assured her that he hadn't been paying attention therefore, no, he did not see the woman's breasts. He didn't say the word breasts.

This finally, and I'm sure some of you are quiet glad, brings me to my point. The other night I was reading fellow blogger midwest_hick's account of something similar. Well it was a group as opposed to one and she was considerably older than jailbait so maybe not so similar. But the feelings were the same...well not exactly the same because I didn't well...nevermind. But the point is, young girls aren't the only ones wearing objectionable outfits these days. Here was a woman that supposedly should have known better than to go out in public in an outfit that didn't cover her completely. There was even a small blurb on the morning news show about teenagers wearing clothes that didn't cover or conceal anything.

I guess the day wasn't so uneventful after all.

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