Thursday, November 24, 2005

Coming Soon....

...the festive recap post.

It's 10:40pm and today has been wonderful.

Tomorrow I have to be at work at 5:40AM...yes, apparently it does come twice in one day. Who knew? Anyway, since I work retail I will be assisting crazed Day-After-Thanksgiving-Sale shoppers. I'm not a morning person exactly. I can get up and get going, but sometimes I'm not always nice when I first wake up. Hopefully these people won't be expecting too much from me. Then when I get off, my family and I are going to my grandparents for the rest of the holiday weekend. I'm not sure what I'll do without being able to check my email and my blog for three days.

Miss me...I'll certainly miss you.


mikster said...

The 'dreaded' black a great weekned tho!

Tracy O'Brien said...

Early mornings are horrble aren't they!! I'm working tonight, finishig at about 4am. Not looking forward to that but I can sleep in tomorrow!! Thank you for your virtual hug, feeling much better today : ) Hope you have a lovley weekend, enjoy!!

mal said...

Oh my...hope you survived the crush into the stores...

I'm not even supposed to be here today said...

I hope you survive! I've heard such horror stories about the friday after t-day. Please, let us know you made it on Monday!