Tuesday, January 24, 2006

The Only Thing That Stays The Same Is Everything Changes

Big changes are coming to my little world.

I quit my job. I had a part time job that was going to supplement my subbing. I didn't know how steady that would be so I figured that it would be better to have something with a steady income so I took a part time position at the local scrapbook store. I do love it (well except for the whole cleaning part...which is NOT why I quit) but something better came along in the subbing department. The subbing thing will let me sub five days a week for several weeks...also known as a long term assignment. I debated long and hard about this because I'm a penny watcher and the bottom line is important to me. I'm trying to get out of my old bedroom and zero funds going into the bank account isn't conducive to that goal. So, Friday, I gave my boss the news. She handled it okay I'd say with a little guilt thrown in for good measure. But seriously, teaching is what I went $20,000 into debt to pursue and I need to focus on that goal. So, as soon as my two weeks are up (I wasn't a total witch) I'm going to be a single income person again. There is good and bad to this decision, but I think that this is for the best.

Quitting might not sound like a big change to some people, but believe me, it has certainly been big for me. I hate uncertainty. I like knowing what's coming down the pike and being prepared. Sometimes I make plans for all outcomes. Oh great...did I just admit to being a worry wart? I'd like to think of it as cautious rather than worry wart. I made a comment on a friend's blog that I thought she was brave for just stepping out there. Well, I'm not a step-outer. At least without knowing exactly what I'm stepping in. So, this is a big change for me, but I have a feeling that it's the best thing I could have done!


mikster said...

Ha ha worry wart...I commented before getting the e mail...So there....take that!

Any lessons you'd like to teach me btw?....*snickers*

mikster said...

Damn....how rude of me....I failed to convey any thoughts as the the actual post...(go figure huh?)

Good luck with the teaching gig...and I hope it turns into a full time gig for you....I'm pulling for ya!

Tracy O'Brien said...

Hi Steff, I agree with Mike and Dumb Ox, you have to take risks sometimes and follow the path you set out to get onto when you started college! It's what you want to do, so go for it, put your heart into it and don't look back. It's good that you're not rushing into a decision, you wouldn't make a decision lightly, I think you are just worried because it was a decision that only you could make.. for yourself! If I was you.. I'd have done the same thing, hopefully the hours will increase, but either way, it is great experience and will definitely stand to you. Good luck pet,
Baloobas xx

Tracy O'Brien said...

oh and I sent you an e-mail so you have my address again!!!

doodlebugmom said...

Congrats on the long tern sub job!

I have never regretted quitting any job in my past. It was time for you to move on. Go for it!

Linda :o)