Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Burn Baby Burn

"Burn ladies...feel that burn!"...that's what the new water aerobics teacher at the new water aerobics place kept saying tonight. Well lady...I'm burning all over!

Technically, I think that exercise is way over rated. Yeah, I know it's good for you and you'll probably live longer and get into size 2 jeans, but sometimes it's just not fun. I exercise for those reasons...not out of some giddy happy fulfilling feeling I get when I'm done. So, about a year ago I joined up at the local YMCA for some water aerobics. I really do have a fond place in my heart for all those older women....they are great! But, yesterday, a friend told me about another health club that offered water aerobics at A.) a lower cost (girl on a budget here) B.) 30 minutes earlier than the Y (this makes a difference when you still have to come home and fix dinner or shower) and C.) "the workout is better."

So, I called this morning and asked if I could come in for a trial run with this place and see how I liked it. The lady said sure. She sounded young and really friendly. I keep harping on this older/younger thing, but you'd just have to get water aerobics to understand. Most of the people that do this (not saying all) but most are older women. Anyway, she said to come on in tonight at 5pm. There were several things that I noticed right away that I liked. First, the pool is only 31/2 feet deep. I'm used to a no impact deep end workout. This doesn't get my heart rate moving very fast. Second, the ladies are still kind of older, but the instructor is my age. Third, the hot tub is also 3 1/2 feet deep. Fourth, the pool is heated. The urge to exercise isn't strong anyway with me, but when I have to get into water that feels like it came directly from the Arctic that urge disappears all together. So, I get in and things start moving. And I mean moving.

She had us running, frog jumping, kicking ourselves in the butt (literally), lunging. Then we started the cardio part...arms and legs moving. I'd never worked out like this before. This woman meant business. Just when I thought it was time to catch my breath the real torture began. We started to work our thighs and legs. I'm going to have thighs that can crack a nut in six weeks if I keep going there! The instructor kept saying that if it wasn't burning then I wasn't working hard enough. I wanted to ask her if she'd call the fire department because as much burn as I was feeling I was sure I was on fire. My legs were kind of jello-y when I got out. But the workout really was better. And there lies a slight problem. I'm going to change gyms. As much as I hate to leave my teacher buddies at the Y, I really do need to be at this new place. It's more workout (you know since exercise was my main goal) and it's cheaper and well everything just works.

I still haven't opened the jump rope...I'm aiming for tomorrow. But tonight I don't think I could have jumped rope if my life had depended on it. At least my legs aren't still shaking and thankfully the burn has turned to a dull ache in my upper thighs. Oh the things I do for the sake of being healthy.


mikster said...

So....what I got out of this is that cold water induces 'shrinkage' in ladies as well as guys huh?

Deb said...

Mike, a cool breeze give you shrinkage. Ooops, I believe I said too much. (hehehehehehhee) I'm sooo bad....soWWy!

Swimming with the geriatrics, huh? Swimming alone is the best exercise you can possibly do. It works all the muscles...I know, different than aerobics... but working out through the water is intense!

Size 2 jeans? Oh I can dream. I can dream. I still run on the treadmill going absolutely nowhere...and neither does my weight. *sigh*

Ho hum. Self pity part of one please!

Steff said...

Mike: Actually, cold water causes some perkiness in ladies...snickers. You're wifey is talkin' about you...lol.

Deb: I love to swim. I used to swim on a swim team and really firmed up, but I like the water aerobics too. I really think that I'll get a much better workout with this new gym. And size 2 jeans are a dream for me (I have a curvy bum and hips). I was using that as an example. God bless all of us out there that try to stay healthy.

mikster said...

Well...that 'perking up' phenomenom is something i knew you would come back with.




the 'wifey' does enjoy dissing me daily...but she's cute...so what can I do?

Trina said...

Hey Steff, great post!!I actually felt a little disgusted with myself sitting here at the computer not feelig a burn anywhere whatsoever....*sigh* I may actually have to do something about that. Keep it up baby, you are going to look amazing for Summer!!

Steff said...

Mike: It's like you know me or something...lol

Trina: Don't feel disgusted...there are several times when I don't even want to go and don't. Amazing might be pushing it for summer. I'd be happy to just tone and firm up a few problem areas and just look decent in my swimsuit. :op This actually makes me want to write a post about why women put so much pressure on themselves to be some Barbie doll size and shape. (kinda a soapbox issue with me)

momto3blessings said...

Thats awesome im glad you found a great work out. Keep up the good work.

Tracy O'Brien said...

As they say.. "no pain no gain" ; ) I'm not sure that is always true though, you have to make sure you're not actually causing damage too! Glad to hear you are motivated and actually going to the classes.. that is more than I can say for myself! Give yourself a pat on the back, and keep it up!

Tracy O'Brien said...

oh and I just clicked what you meant by jump rope!! Skipping!!!

Anonymous said...

Heya girl, I guess I better get with the exercise program if I want to look as good as you for next spring break huh? Can't let you show me up....

love ya, hon...

Anonymous said...

Water is the Best! Our instructor at the YMCA Cape Cod keeps us going! We do at least 10 min strong arms workout and then switch to legs workout for another 10. Abs and back are not left out. With a pulse check most of us get up to 125 at least . No doubt water is the best!