Thursday, March 30, 2006

Little Flirt

I subbed in a kindergarten class today and I had the time of my life! The kids were a handful but it was the fun kind of handful. I even got proposed sweet is that?! This little flirt came in this morning and did a double take. Here is a transcript of our conversation:

Little Flirt: "So, what's your name?"
Amused Teacher: "Miss Stewart."
LF: "Like Stewart Little...I like it."
AT: "Thanks...please sit down and color your morning work page."
LF: "You are pretty Miss Stewart."
AT: " You still have to sit down and color, but thank you!"

I prefer the older grades, but I'd forgotten how much fun six year olds can be. Most of the day was a blur of chaos, but fun nonetheless. There were several more flirty comments about my shoes, hair, necklace, and smile. Someone is raising this boy right! But the absolute highlight of the day came before he left. I had all the kids sitting on the carpet playing the quiet game.

LF: (in front of all the kids) "Miss Stewart...are you married?"
AT: "Nope."
LF: (with the most adorable little grin) "Me either."

Since I've started subbing there have been a lot of things that didn't amuse me, but today was one of those days that reminded me why I love kids so much!


Tracy O'Brien said...

that is absolutey gorgeous! Little scut!

mikster said...

Gotta like a flirt huh?

Steff said...

Jamie: He absolutely did. Trust me...he wasn't an angel, but he certainly brightened my day!

Baloobas: This kid is going to break hearts someday!

Mike: There are some guys a girl just can't resist. :o)

mikster said...

Yeah...I'm a sucker for flirtatious women too...know any?


Deb said...

Wow...they're starting out early these days, huh? I just hope I don't see your mug on the news or CNN reporting you eloped with one of these kids... ;) It seems to be the trend these days. lol

Steff said...

Mike: Oh you're funny. I'll put your number on some bathroom stall doors and we'll see what turns's that?


Deb: I think we're not in any danger there! Though it is pretty sick with all those teachers running off and having babies with their students.

PokerGodo said...

How cute!!!

That would have made my whole week!!

momto3blessings said...

Awe what a cute little flirt. Kids are so fun.

mikster said...

You have my number?

Steff said...

Shari: It was pretty flattering. He was a super cute kiddo and I know he'll be breaking hearts right and left some day!

Cheryl: I love it when kids say things that just come out adorable!

Mike: Was there a touch of concern in that comment?

mikster said...

lol...Can you imagined me being concerned over that?


*~Annette~* said...

AWwwww.. Gotta love them kiddos!

Steff said...

Mike: Just to settle your I don't have your phone number. BTW...still no email answer to the question on your blog...tsk tsk. Must be pretty "that".


Annette: I know. Next time I see you I'll have to make the face he made...that's what made it so precious!

Anonymous said...

Wonderful story, Steffany!

I'm not even supposed to be here today said...

that is so cute!! My little boy isn't quite there yet... girls are strictly for friendship. He even closes his eyes when people kiss on TV!

Trina said...

What a cutie pie!!! That mama is raising that boy riiiight! Glad you can appreciate it all.