Saturday, March 11, 2006

My 100th

This is my 100th post. I think that's pretty amazing considering I wasn't sure I'd even stay faithful to my little blog.

I had a great day today visiting with my friend D. We were roommates in college and the connection just gets stronger. I miss her like crazy now that I'm not living in Wichita Falls anymore. Trouble just isn't the same!

Anyway, D has written a little write up about our trip to New York. I'm excited to have her give her thoughts on this trip. Last I heard it was a little over nine pages in Word so it'll probably appear in parts. I can't wait!!!


momto3blessings said...

Congrats on your 100th post!

mikster said...

So is this the guest blogger you were alluding to a while back?

and...9 pages????!

Steff said...

Blessings: Thanks!

Mike: Yes. She's in grad school so I had to give her some wiggle room. And what??? No Survivor

mikster said...

Oh...that previous post was a survivor post huh?

I thought that show would be off the air by

Steff said...

Mike: I guess it takes a cultured person to enjoy Survivor...snickers.

Jamie: I forgive you!! You'll catch up soon :)

PokerGodo said...

Congrats Sweety!!! Glad you are faithful and keep the rest of us informed!!! (Even though I don't return the favor)

mikster said...

I think a friend of yours from wichita falls visited my

Trina said...

*whistles and confetti*
Congrats on your 100th post!!
I bet you are excited to get your hands on those 9 pages. I love reading other peoples perspectives on something we did together. It seems like everyone takes away a little something different from an experience. I'll be checking back in.

Deb said...

Congratulations on your 100th post! That's terrific! .... And you went to New York without saying hi to your ol' bloggy friend Deb? Ah...I see how you are! ;)

Keep writing!

Steff said...

Shari: I don't know how note worthy all these 100 were, but I'm glad you find time to stop by! I had so much fun this weekend with you guys...the Godo Resort gets five stars in my book!!!

Mike: Yep...I think she did too.

Trina: I'm pretty excited to see it too! This is spring break and she uses the university computer lab so we'll see if she can get it sent off this week. But she told me a few things and I think it'll be an enjoyable read.

I'm also toying with having a question and answer segment for her too.

Deb: I would never come to NYC and NOT see you. Unfortunately, when I went I didn't know you. If I had we so would have made plans to meet!