Thursday, April 27, 2006

Loose Ends

The last two weeks have been full of all kinds of activity in my life. So, since I don't have much blog worthy news today, I'd tie up a few of those loose ends. I'd hate to leave my adoring fans (all two of wondering.

Nanny: It was determined that she had a massive heart attack. She's doing as well as can be expected, but she can no longer live alone. Yesterday she was transferred to a nursing home. She has been relatively passive about going which if you knew her you'd know that was completely uncharacteristic for her. I'm sure settling into this new routine will have bumps, but so far the going has been smooth.

MRI: I thought since my doctor didn't call last week, it meant that there wasn't anything wrong. Well, by Tuesday I hadn't heard so I called to double check. The nurse said that he had just received the results and X-rays that morning and he'd call back after he read them. Within the hour he was calling me back. I have a bulging disc in my neck that is close but not yet compressing on any nerves. Also, according to the X-rays, I'm having severe muscle spasms in my neck. So, I'm going to start on a steroid pack to try and relieve the pressure and shrink the disc back into place. I'll go back for follow-up next week sometime.

Jobs: I got a new job!!! That is exciting. Yesterday went so much better than Tuesday. I guess the kids got their button pushing done then so we were able to have fun and actually learn yesterday. We made parachutes to talk about gravity and wind cool is that? Anyway, I was also offered full time (40 hours a week) in the summer at double digit rate of pay. This is a very good thing.

That should bring you up to speed. Nothing new much going on...just settling into routines now.


*~Annette~* said...


Deb said...

Sorry to hear about your grandmother. Hope she does okay....

As far as the MRI goes--what a pain in the neck, huh? Sorry you have to go through that. Listen, be careful with those steriods that they prescribe to you. They're known to make you very nervous and hyper---and possibly can give you anxiety. So limit your intake of caffiene if you can.

Congrats on your new job! That's a positive

mikster said...

Congrats on the job and have a great weekend!

*~Annette~* said...

Congrats on the new job. And no news is good news on the MRI, huh?

Anonymous said...

I'm glad to here about the new job. Sorry to hear about the bulging disc. I hope the treatments work.

So, is the new job anything I'm familiar with??