Sunday, August 20, 2006

Daddy Would Be Proud

If some of you couldn't guess, I am a daddy's girl. And being the only daughter, I was used to a lot of "pampering" while I lived at home. He used to kill the bugs, take out the trash, clean up the after-effects of the stomach bug, check the oil in the car, you know...all those things that girls should know how to do but guys usually do.

Well, now that I'm living alone 400 miles away from my daddy I'm appreciating all those things even more.

Take for instance this morning's little mishap that normally I would have asked my dad to help me with. I have a front porch but it doesn't attach to my trailer so there is a little 2-3 inch gap. I'd been grocery shopping so I had my hands full with bags and while fumbling with the keys and the bags, the keys ended up falling in that gap. Just great.

I have a lot of bushes and plants along the front of the house so venturing under the porch to get the keys was like going on a jungle safari. But, no guy to do this for me. So, I looked under the porch and saw that there were spider webs and since it rained yesterday lots of muddy places. I started to panic...I should have listened when he told me to get an extra key made.

Well, there was no point in whining now. I needed my keys to get in my house. I searched my yard for a really big stick and went back up to try and reach my keys and drag them to the edge of the porch. But I dropped the stick down the hole too.

There was no other alternative to getting the keys than to get another stick and go into the jungle and get my keys. Finally, I reached the keys and pulled them over to where I could grab them. Yes! Keys in my hand without having too much dirt and bugs on me.

My father would be so proud of me!!! Maybe I still get squirmy when I have to kill a bug (like the huge water cockroach that was feet up in my tub the other morning, or the spider that crawled out of the closet yesterday) or when I gag at the smell when I have to take my trash to the dumpster, or when I have to check the dipstick for the oil level but I'm learning.

I had it good at home with my dad, but I'm glad he raised me to be resourceful (that stick idea...brillant today) and not too squirmy. I'd like to think I'm doing my daddy proud!


mikster said...

Ohhhhhh....poor 'lil princess.


Steff said...

Mike: Princess better be a term of endearment!

Jamie: OMG! I didn't even think about snakes. I am thinking about snakes.

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear you are surviving and learning from what Daddy taught you...what about me (MOM)! I'll tell Daddy about your keys and he'll say you should have gotten that spare key made! LOL! Love you!

Staci said...

LOL Mom!

Glad youe keys came out fairly easy Steff!

Deb said...

It's great to have things our parents taught us stuck deep in our minds! I hope that doesn't "bug" ya. ;)

KWR said...

Steff, I know exactly how you feel. When I lived in the country and had to climb under the trailer to do something I was always worried about bugs and things. It was worse when I was in the woods. Then the roaches and spiders and stuff really accumulated. When we moved to a pasture area it was not so bad but I was next to a gully so we did have the snake potential - actually had to deal with a few.

Here's a tip. Get a cat to keep outside. They are great in keeping the field mice and snakes away. Better than a dog. The dog just barks at the snakes but the cat will actually do something and keeps them away. One word of warning though, either get a male or spay the female. I had a couple of females and the herd grew to the point that I was surrounded by 14 cats at one point (plus 2 dogs). The males go out to have their fun, the females keep the litter home and the herd keeps growing. I'm certain those cats were involved in some kind of insestual thing because the brain power of those kittens was certainly a few ears short of a bushel.