Sunday, August 13, 2006

The First Days Of School

Well, those first first days have come and gone. And, I'm not running to the human resources department asking about information on early retirement. I'm feeling good...really good.

Thursday I was a mass of nerves. Parents started bringing in their kiddos about 7:30am and it was a mad swirl of activity. When my conference period came I was glad to sit down and catch my breath. About that time it hit me....I am the teacher. I'm not the sub, I'm not just filling in, I'm not observing...I'm in charge. I am the teacher! It didn't bring tears to my eyes but I was pretty excited.

The first day was a little hectic but Friday went a lot smoother. Wanna know why? I made a list. Yep...a list. Those things are so helpful for me. I plan to make a lot more!

My kids are really great. I have a few talkers but I was a talker so this is probably payback. And to prove that point, my talkiest talkers are sitting next to each other. If I pause to take a breath then they are there to fill in the void. I foresee a lot of parent

Everyone told me that the first year is the hardest year. Now I know don't have anything planned. I've spent the last few hours getting a lesson plan in order for next week. Nothing is copied and waiting, all extras will have to be prepared in the here and now, and it is all new. Hopefully I can get ahead soon.

Anyway, there is the update. It's all going well!


Anonymous said...

Hey, this is absolutely wonderful! I'm so glad to hear that you are having a good time and that it is going well. Your very own classroom. What a wonderful thing!

Deb said...

I used to be the 'talkiest talker' along with the pack of chickies I hung out with. Teachers hated us. They dreaded our presence. But.....once the teacher went silent, and darted her eyes right on us....we'd shut the hell up right away.

Good luck!!!

mikster said...

You, a talker? Whoda ever thunk that?
