Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Go Wild About Books

The PTO always comes up with a theme for the school year. For the coming year we're doing a wild jungle theme. I wasn't all on board at first because that was the theme last year. I like to mix things up a bit, but after a vote more teachers liked it than wanted to have to come up with a new one. Anyway, I've been gathering things to make my reading center very jungle-esq. I've got a fake ficus and some big tiger, lion, and zebra animal pillows. And on the wall with cute punch-out letters it's going to say Go Wild About Books! Pretty cute huh?

Well, in keeping with my wild about books theme, I found this questionnaire over at Valerie's and decided I just couldn't resist. It's all about books and reading - one of my absolute favorite things to do!

Hardback or paperback? The majority of things that I read are paperback. They are cheaper and easier to handle. I do have a few hardbacks though.

Buy on line or in a store?
I like to shop on (I love how you can find books for a penny sometimes!) but I don't like paying for the shipping. Also, I'm pretty impatient so I like the convenience of a store.

Favorite bookstore?
Books 2 Enjoy! It's a little used bookstore in my hometown. They have a great selection and I could spend hours in there browsing the shelves. I've built up quite a credit there so I can get a lot of books for a little bit of money...always a good thing!

Bookmark or dog ear?
I know that every librarian will cringe, but I'm a dog ear-er. I've tried bookmarks but I either lose them or something of that nature. So, I dog ear.

Keep, throw away, or sell?
I keep my favorites and then usually trade in the rest at the used bookstore. Sometimes I pass them around in my family or sell at a garage sale but most of the time I trade them in.

Short story or novel?
I prefer a novel. I think short stories can't always get you deep down into the's just too short.

Stop reading when tired or at chapter breaks?
Oh that is a toughie! I usually try for chapter breaks, but sometimes I can't make it and have to find just a break in the text.

New or used?
Used...I'm not picky. But I won't turn down a new book.

Morning, afternoon or nighttime reading?
Mostly at nighttime before bed, but one a weekend or vacation I'll read anytime.

Stand Alone or Series?
I think I'm pretty even. I do enjoy a good series because I can revisit favorite characters.

Favorite Series?
I loved Sweet Valley High when I was growing up! And since I started teaching I've grown pretty fond of The Magic Tree house series (or as my kids say...the Jack and Annie books).

Favorite Books Read Last Year?
Bad Girls of The Bible by Liz Curtis Higgs and Too Much Temptation by Lori Foster. I really enjoyed those two.

On your “to read” pile right now?
There is a lot! I buy faster than I Just a few are One Night Standards by Cathy Yardley, Hello, Darkness by Sandra Brown, Keeping A Princess Heart by Nicole Johnson, and Feeding Your Appetites by Stephen Arterburn

Favorite books of all time?
Oh there have been so many favorites...I couldn't pick just a few. I have favorites from childhood (The Berenstain Bears, Romona), from my teens (Sweet Valley High, The Babysitters' Club), and from now. There is no way I could list them. Though some of my favorite authors are Carla Niggers, Lori Foster, and Stephanie Laurens.

I have so many things to do today (pack for Math conference, shower, go buy stamps, etc.) but now I'm just itching to pick up a book for a few minutes!


Lindsey said...

I too loved the Sweet Valley and Babysitters Club series!! I was obsessed, and my step sister was too, so we would take turns buying and sharing so we could read them all! Honestly, I would start reading them again NOW even when I'm an adult! B Bears are awesome too, and my students enjoy them as much as I did. Good luck at the math conference!

Steff said...

L: I never really liked The Boxcar Children, but my mom gave me a boxed set. I read one to my class and guess what...they loved it!

Allison said...

Ah Sweet Valley and Babysitters Club! I loved, loved, loved them! Just ask mom... I must still have at least 100 of those books...

marykathryn said...

So funny..I also loved Sweet Valley High when I was growing up..couldn't wait to get back to the Library to get the next book in the series..small world!!

Lori said...

I loved Sweet Valley High too! And...I enjoy reading the Magic Tree House to the kiddo's at school.

I am trying to think of a new theme for my room. I might steal your jungle idea - ok?

Valerie said...

nothing like talking about books to make you want to read...kinda like going grocery shopping when you're hungry.

Nikky said...

UGH! I simply cannot wait until my summer session is over! I have so much reading for both Ethics and College Writing II, that I haven't had time to do any 'recreational' reading in ages! Even my spring semester, without any reading-heavy classes, was still too busy with 19 credits to do any fun reading. I'm going to check out some of your pile there, see if I can find some good ones to place on hold til mid July (end of summer session)

Nadine said...

Hi, I stopped by because Mary gave you an award and wanted to say congratulations. I do love to read also. I love Ted Dekker.

Humor Girl said...

What a great questionaire! I loved it! I'm a total buy new at Barnes and Noble...I don't know why. I'm also a keeper. I like having a library. :)

I'll def. be back..