Monday, June 04, 2007

I Need To See Your Passport Please

Just let me start this post by saying there are about a hundred other things I should be doing at the moment...namely packing. See, I'm leaving tomorrow (because I'm leaving for the summer and blah blah blah...) and I haven't packed a single thing. I have made a list (you know because I think lists are almost divine) of things to pack but as of right now not a single thing is in a suitcase. As a matter of fact the suitcase is still in the closet. Do you think there are support groups for people like me? Hello, my name is Steffany and I'm a procrastinator.

And speaking of procrastinating, I've been planning the upcoming cruise since November. You'd think someone who liked to make lists and make sure everything was planned down to the last minute would have had her passport in her hands months ago.'d be wrong. I've been meaning to, but I haven't. I've checked with the cruise line and while it's not required that I have one it wouldn't hurt either. So I'm getting one. And paying for my procrastination to the tune of $60 to rush it...whatever rush means to the US Government.

Yesterday I went to get my passport picture taken. I'm going to stop right here and just say that a passport picture is like all other pictures needed for documents...they suck. It's not a horrible picture mind you, but I'd never want to willingly show it off. Anyway, not thinking about the dimensions of said picture yesterday I wore a super cute black off the shoulder top. I walked into Walgreens and asked to have a passport picture made. The lady told me where to stand and said okay on three. She said three and I smiled. Since it was only going to take five minutes or so I decided to wander around the store. I found myself in the greeting card aisle (surprise surprise) and up comes the lady with a goofy grin on her face. She told me that she'd like me to see the picture because it looked like I was naked. Yes, she said "It looks like you're naked!" very loudly in a semi crowded Walgreens. We walk back to the photo lab (the whole time with her repeating how funny it is because I look naked) to the screen where I'm 2" x 2" and yes I look very...unclothed in the picture. She's still going on about how I looked naked (still very loudly) and I quickly asked her if we could re-take the picture.

She took me back over to the background and we tried it again. I literally had to hold the sleeves up on my shoulders and when she said three let them go and smile. It's amazing that my hands actually weren't in the picture and I did have a smile...well one of those fake ones. This time I hung around the lab counter so if I still looked naked she couldn't yell it as far. Thankfully, this one came out much more...decent. So now I have the required pictures minus a little bit of my dignity.

The moral of this story...when you book a trip out of the country in November get your passport pictures taken in November. You'll most likely be wearing long sleeves and you'll dodge the "you're naked" bullet in a crowded store. See...I might not have my clothes packed, but I've just performed a huge public service!


Valerie said...

nothing but turtlenecks for mine, girlie. not only do they hide the 15,000 chins but they keep you from looking nekked.

Lori said...

LOL!! Don't you just love people who's voices are loud and carry? ha!

BTW, I love lists too! Right now, I have a major one going at work and another one for packing my camping stuff!

Steff said...

Valerie: You always crack me up!

Lori: In this particular case...nope! It's after 10pm and I've finally gotten enough done that I can feel okay about going to bed. I even have a last minute list so I don't forget anything tomorrow!

Anonymous said...

LOL!!! Being a photo tech makes this even more funny!!! Being the wonderfully nice person I am, I would have printed it feel lucky you had someone who cared! And by the way, I (the non-planner of the two of us) already have my passport in hand. I'm so proud of myself... But I'm not packed for this week either, so I should get busy... Love ya hon!

Sandman said...

Have a great time!

Steff said...

Amanda: Oh yeah...go and amuse yourself and your co-workers with this Walgreens gem! Can't wait to see you! Love ya too.

BJ: Thanks...I plan on it!

Nikky said...

In my passport picture, you can just see a hint of my McManager tie. I had to go down and get the pic taken on a break from work... stupid golden arches are visible if you know where to look... I'd rather have been naked!

Have a great time (with your list AND on the cruise!)

Melissa said...

That story gave me a little laugh. Have a great time on your trip!

smileymamaT said...

I think it was a funny coincidence that you didn't have your clothes packed yet...what if you were to just simplify and take a naked vacation? That way you could have kept the first passport photo..HA!! KIDDING!!