Saturday, July 28, 2007

A Tad On The Crispy Side

So, how do you like your world (and yes if you get to use a passport you can officially say world!) traveler? Crispy and just a tad tired?! Oh, good! Then you won't be disappointed.

The cruise was great and I had a wonderful time. Of course there are so many details and pictures to share but not tonight. Believe it or not, laying out on the deck, splashing in the waves, and eating yourself silly is quite tiring. :) Oh and the slightly charred back, arms, shoulders, thighs doesn't help either. Much more on that topic coming up.

Anyway, I just wanted to touch base and settle any one's mind who feared I'd drink and fall overboard (you so know who you are...) that I didn't do much of the former and didn't do any sort of the latter. Safely back at home now. And thanks for all the well wishes in the previous post's comments. It was indeed a great vacation. Just give me a few days to get back in the groove and I'll share until you'll wish I'd stop!


Anonymous said...

Hey girlie, glad you had a good time. Welcome home. I'm really looking forward to the photos.


Anonymous said...

Same from her 'other half'.

A little scoop for ya which has not appeared on JS yet is that plans for the lady above here and moi to take a ride on that boat on my top post are well under way for the fall.


Steff said...

Bethany: There are certainly going to be plenty to choose from. I'm not nearly as good a photographer as you are so that might limit the

Fin: Would those plans include a wedding? You two keep pretty mum about stuff like that! I'm sure you'll have a wonderful time. Just wear more sunscreen than I did. :s

Anonymous said...

Can't wait to 'hear' all about it. I love cruises! It's been 15 years since I've been on one! *sigh*

Melissa said...

So glad you made it back - even if you are a 'tad' on the crispy side!

Nikky said...

I think the lobster look is definately IN for those returning from vacation! Good for you!

Glad you made it back in one piece (and thx for emailing pics! Looks like a hoot!!)

marykathryn said...

Okay we will be patient..But don't make us wait too long..LOL