Wednesday, August 22, 2007

It's All About The Blog Roll

My brain is still a little fried today (another 6 hours of boring...) so I'm doing a meme but maybe I should call it a youyou! I can't mention everyone (and if you're not linked please don't feel bad!) but anyone who needs something interesting to read can always find good stuff over there on my sidebar!

Answer the following, and be sure to link to their blogs. This is an efficient, cheap, and shameless way to increase traffic.

1. Blogger who is most like me:
I think this is an easy one...Lori! When I first started reading Lori I'd think "oh too!" and we'd comment and discover more and more that we had in common. For instance we're both teachers. We're both into scrapbooking. And there are a ton of other similarities. Oh yeah...we're both totally cool!

2. Blogger I read who is LEAST like me.It's hands down Wordbearer. To start with he's a guy and I'm a girl. He's a law student who is very "in the know" when it comes to current events. As you know I'm not very into news. He's also very opinionated and outspoken. Now, some of you that know me personally are going to think that's not very unlike me, but he does it in a style uniquely WB. Even though we're different, I enjoy reading his blog because I get to find out a little bit about the world around me. We don't always agree but I like that!

3. Name 3 bloggers of the same sex you’d like to have drinks with.
Okay this is one of those times where I'd pick you all but it says only three.
1. Nikky because she seems like she would be the life of a party! I love to hang out with "my" crowd, but in some sets I'm shy until I get to know people. I think Nikky would just jump right in there and liven things up! Plus, any chick that makes me jelly has got to be on this list!
2. Valerie because any girl that would post a picture of herself with milk dribbles on her chin has got to be fun! Plus, I think she'd pass along some great scrapbooking tips and tricks to me.
3. Becky because she's a dear friend that I haven't seen in so long! Becky and I were college roomies who had some rough patches but are back on the road of friendship. I miss all the good times we had and I sure do wish we were close enough to hang out and do fruity pink drinks together!

4. Name 3 bloggers of the opposite sex you’d like to share a hot tub with.This one is equally hard if not harder (and please don't read too much into that!) because I don't draw a lot of male readers. And if you are a male reader and you've been lurking then say something and let these guys know they have some company! Oh and also let me add that hot tub could easily be replaced with a game of bowling and such!
1. Fin because he's so knowledgeable about so many things! Plus he tells the most amazing travel stories (the guy has been everywhere it seems) and the travel bug in me loves to hear about those adventures. He also usually has some pictures to share too. Fin is also my friend Bethany's husband-to-be so I hope he'd bring her along too. It'd be nice to catch up with her!
2. Ed because he's fun! I found Ed blog hopping one day and I discovered that he's a pretty talented writer. I've mentioned before that I enjoy reading romances and he writes about that at it's most elemental level. He also does it in a way that isn't trashy but instead insightful and sensual.
3. This blogger doesn't blog anymore, but I really liked it when he did. I understand the need to take a break from blogging, but I really enjoyed when he was sharing the day to day aspects of his life. Mike is another one of those travel guys. He recently came back from Europe and I'm so jealous!

5. Which blogger would you vote for in a political campaign?Hmm, you know why this one is tough right?! I don't really follow politics that much, but I'd pick Melissa because she's a newspaper editor so she's got to know what is going on! Plus, Melissa seems very down to earth. I'd like that in a candidate...someone I can relate too. If you ever run Melissa...I've got your chad covered!

6. You are thrown into a dimension where you can read one, and only one, blog. Which one is it?Ick...I'd hate to not be able to read all of my blogger friends! But, I'd have to say that I'd really miss reading Trina. She has such a sweet spirit and her love for the Lord shines through every word. I truly admire the love she has for God, her husband and family, and friends! She writes from the heart and touches on the good and sometimes the hard stuff that comes with living a life in God's will. I strive to be that humble and open!

7. Which blogger is living a life you think YOU might like to be living.I've discovered that the grass may be greener on the other side of the fence but they probably have a high water bill and have to mow more! I love my life (even the hard parts) but if I had to pick I think I'd go with Allison. She's a young lady with life spread open before her. That's not exactly that different from me, but she's younger and enjoying college life. I made a lot of choices and decisions in my college years that are far reaching. I think if I were in college again I might do a few things differently. Plus, I really miss 10:00 am classes and sleeping late!

There you go...just a few thoughts about the people that I enjoy reading! It wasn't everyone but just know that if you're on that roll over there I really enjoy reading what you have to say! And if you found yourself linked here...get busy and spread the blog roll love around!


Edtime Stories said...

thank you for the vote of confidence... I am glad you like my writing.

Becky said...

You are definitely blessed with your blog friends. I hope to establish a close knit group like you have. I was very honored about your comment about me/my blog in your entry. We did have some hard times but I really cannot imagine my life without our friendship. Also I hope to fix that never seeing each other thing! I am working on it!

Valerie said...

ah, shucks.
thanks for the plug, missy!

Anonymous said...

I've never seen anything like this one. How interesting and how difficult to have to just pick one of each! Now I'll be following your links to see if I can get stuck on these ppl as well. lol


Steff said...

Ed: Yep, I do!

Becky: You'll build those ties. Just start blog hopping around...that's how I found the majority of the people I read!

Valerie: You're welcome!

Diva: Not everyone enjoyes the same thing, but I'm sure there are several people you'd enjoy reading! Great scrapbook layouts too!

Lori said...

I've got to log in to my Masters class in a few minutes and just wanted to stop in and say - I gave you an award last night. Check it out!

I'll be back to read this post after class - looks fun! :-)

Nikky said...

Awww, Steff, a few drinks? I would LOVE to!! This is a very cool meme (youyou, I giggled at that one!)
Thanks dear!

marykathryn said...

Great list!! Oh yeah I awarded you a little something, so come check my blog out!:-)

Trina said...

ACK!!! You seriously choked me up Steff!! That is just the sweetest thing. Thank you so much for the kind words. I have to say that I love your heart too, and you have always been a great read for me too. I remember the very first post that I read of yours that put you on my blogroll. The one about how you went to the gym to workout and you were undressing next to some gal who was a nudist...hahaha You have always had a great flair with the pen! Thanks again,Steff, you made my day!!!

Anonymous said...

Ah to be considered to share a hot tub with that lovely and smart and nice gal Steff and friends. I'm honored and flattered...and at my age that (along with a few other things) is a very good thing! Thanks Steff darlin'!

Anonymous said...

You know what Fin has been almost everywhere. It's a good thing he doesn't mind going some places twice or we wouldn't have anywhere to visit on vacation. ;)

Allison said...

Oy... 10 am classes? What are those?! More like 8:50... hmmm... maybe I need to try harder... lol. Thank you for choosing me!