Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Spam Spread

To begin with, the first days of school have been great...just busy! Monday night I went to bed about 9pm completely wiped out. I have a great class but full of talkers. I guess it really is true what my mom said - I'd be teaching kids who were just like me! And because what is a good teacher post without an "out of the mouths of babes" moment here is something overheard today during our restroom break.

Little Boy: "This is how you hold your bubble." (He was showing this little girl how to close your mouth and not speak in the hallway...doing a great job...lol!)

Little Girl: Looking at him with her face scrunched up.

Little Boy: "Whoosh (all the air from the bubble coming out). Did you see?"

Little Girl: "You're annoying."

I had to hide my grin behind my hand. It was priceless and I can't wait to see what little daily funnies this year brings!

Okay...on to the topic of this grossly titled post. Sunday I made the grocery run. I was out of everything. Don't you just hate when everything seems to empty at the same time? Anyway, I was walking up and down each aisle when something struck me on the canned meat section. Canned meat section...you know this can't be good.

Maybe I should put in a disclaimer like if you've just eaten or if you ever want to eat again stop reading here. Keep reading and then let me know what you think?!

Stuck on the end of a shelf next to the little weenies in the can is a tiny tin of Spam Spread. Picture Spam (hopefully without the jelly that comes out of the can with it) blended up and put back in a tin. Everyone swallowed that bit of bile that just came up? I picked up a tin and then quickly put it back. I didn't want anyone thinking I was actually considering buying it!

Now, let me stop right here in this tale of perversion and say that I don't have what anyone would call a sophisticated pallet. I mean I think $0.33 no name weenies are just fine for my bun. I even like...prepare yourself...Spam. I have some great memories of my mom being gone on business and my dad making us fried Spam and bologna sandwiches. Spam isn't too bad in mac and cheese either. No one is ever inviting me over to dinner huh? Or maybe I should say no one is coming over to my house for dinner huh?

Well, I like Spam but I draw the line at Spam Spread. I can't even fathom what you put Spam Spread on. And frankly, it turns my stomach to think too hard about it. So, when you're on the canned meat aisle, make sure you grab the tuna or the chicken and not Spam Spread!

Okay...I feel like I've officially done my good deed for the day.


Becky said...

Okay, for the first time in my life I think I might be actually speechless. Ummmm....nope! I would definitely agree with you about drawing the line at Spam Spread. I also agree that some people are just too picky with what they eat sometimes. Whatever seems to catch my fancy and sounds good I will like, regardless if anyone else thinks it is good.

Anonymous said...

Hope you week continues to be great! Your classroom looks great!
I can't wait to hear all the kids funnys!

Jaded said...

I used to love Spam when I was a kid. My mom never served it, but my best friend's mom did. I thought it was a treat! I'd eat it now, except, I developed a really bad allergy to pork, so, it would probably kill me!

Glad school is going well. Jadette starts kindergarten on 9/6. Even though she's been in school since her 3rd birthday (preschool disabled) I will probably still follow the bus to school and weep like a maniac at my little one going to "big girl school."

Nikky said...

wow, thanks for the Spam warning... I live in Minnesota ya know... home of Spam. That's right, I have even driven past the Spam factory in Austin Minnesota (dayyyuuumm, that whole town stinks!)

But I have never eaten it, and barring any force-feedings, I never will. No, I'm not a food snob, I just cannot bring myself to eat Spam... don't know why.

Lori said...

I LOVE out of the mouth of babes! funny!!

Anonymous said...

Spam. I can't even think about it. I was forced to eat it as a child and it just turns my stomach now, so, thinking of Spam Spread, well, good thing I ate dinner a while ago!
