Thursday, October 18, 2007

Just An Odd Ball

Today was appointment with the doctor about my ear. It's been chalked up to an ear infection, but something happened that was rather odd. My doctor has that pokey thing in my ear and she's looking around. Next I hear, "Mmmm. That is odd." Do you ever want to have a doctor who has some sort of instrument inside your body say that is odd?! After asking what exactly she meant by that she explained that I have a bulge on my ear drum. Apparently bulges aren't supposed to be on your ear drum. Anyway, I walked away with a prescription for some ear drops and strict instructions to come back in five days if I'm still having problems.

I stopped at Walgreens on my way home to get the ear drops, but I didn't stick around to wait. How come Walgreens is always so backed up?! It was going to be 45 minutes. I wasn't in a waiting mood so I guess the bulge will have to wait until tomorrow to begin the process of becoming un-odd. I had to pick up some supplies for a birthday party at work tomorrow so I was doing a quick cruise of the aisles (I said I wasn't into waiting...I was into shopping!) and I wound up on the Christmas aisle. Now I love Christmas...everything about Christmas actually. And I'm a wrapper. I like to wrap the presents (including matching paper, ribbon, and bows) and not just stick them in a sack. Well, all the nesting boxes, wrapping paper, bags, tissue, and ribbon was out. Also, the labels. I love the labels. I have several packages (more than gifts I'll actually give) that I bought on sale after last Christmas. I had to refrain from dropping a package or two in my basket.

Goodness...maybe I am an odd ball. I guess my ear drum is just following suit!


doodlebugmom said...

Be careful with that bulging ear drum, you don't want it to burst!

Ooooh! Christmas wrapping. I actually bought a present today. I saw a cute little angel ornament and picked it up for my friend Marianne =)

Anonymous said...

I can't even get my hands around the fact that Halloween is near, let alone Christmas ... and, truth be told, I love that holiday!



Becky said...

I am sure you found all sorts of cute things for Xmas. You always did amazing me with your ideas and how cute everything looked when you were done. I want pics of your home all decorated!!! I mean if I can't get my house very cute, at least I can live vicariously through yours.

Lindsey said...

You're not an odd ball...I love that stuff too!!!

Lori said...

Yep - not exactly what you wanna hear from your doctor! Keep us posted!

Melissa said...

I was in Sears over the weekend, and I kid you not, they had yellow caution tape across the Christmas aisles! It was like they were toying with us, letting us get a far-off glimpse of all that holiday merriment without actually getting to partake - I wonder if there's going to be some sort of tape-cutting, and then people are going to rush in like some sort of clearance sale madness?

Hope your ear gets better!