Thursday, October 11, 2007

A Much Needed Vent

I need to vent. I need to vent in the worst way, but I sort of feel like my vent is blocked.

I need to vent about work. I feel very unappreciated there. Oh, it's not by students, parents of students, or my team.'s my principal. There is a mini history there from last year, but who would be that petty to let that carry over? Oh who am I kidding?! I can certainly hold a grudge with the best of them. Anyway, I have a problem with the fact that I have to work so hard to communicate with her.

I don't need constant hand holding or never-ending praise, but when I feel like she doesn't respect or even like me as a person and just barely as a professional there is something wrong. Right?

Oh I don't know. Maybe I just need a long hot shower to wash away the mental stress of today. Apparently I suck at venting. I mean I want to really get on a roll, but frankly she just doesn't seem worth it. I just want my sensitive feelings to get the heck back in check. Plenty of people do appreciate me so who cares if the principal doesn't. Crap...I do.



Becky said...

Steff, I would like to tell you that I know where you are coming from but this is your vent so you go right ahead and VENT girl!! You have every right...I am sorry to hear that your principal isn't respecting or showing you the gratitude that is due you. The only thing I can offer to help somewhat is that your kids know and love you and that is what is important - not someone who isn't worth anything. You are a wonderful teacher!! If you need to vent more, you can always email me girl. Take a nice long girly bath, listen to some great music and be all comfy in bed....sounds like heaven to me!

*~Annette~* said...

Oh man... my first year, I had a principal that I SO clashed with. She was a real nut job, too. Ended up running one of the other first year teachers into the looney bin. It was REALLY bad.

This woman didn't want ANY special areas (music, PE, gifted, library, and the assistants) at all in the school. She didn't feel the "need" for them. So made all our lives miserable. It was terrible.

I got to the point I refused to say ANYTHING in her office when she called me in because I was afraid it would come back to haunt me. She even tried to tell me that I needed to change FRIENDS????

In the end, I applied for a new job and got it. I didn't even bother telling her so she could start recruiting. She was an AWFUL principal and that was the only way I could get back at her AND leave.

For what it's worth, the next year I had the BEST principal EVER.

Lori said...

It's a principal thing - don't beat yourself up over it! You vent if you need to but I would try not to give her the time - then she wins!

Sending you hugs!

Niners said...

Did something happen between you and S today? I noticed you didn't seem your cheery self, and S didn't seem herself today either.

This is your blog, so if you want to vent, then you just go ahead and do it. It is better to get it all out than to keep it in, trust me, I know. If however reads doesn't like it, then to hell with them, they should get their own blog.

I think the entire school has reached their maximum level of stress, and are very overwhelmed with all the changes that are going on, yet no one really knows how to "positively" say how they feel. Well you know you can always call me if you need to. I think a hot shower/bath will help, and some ice cream. Ice cream is the miracle worker.

I hope things get better for you.

Nikky said...

Venting is healthy, and good for you, and it sounds like you needed and deserved to vent here.

It sucks being unappreciated, but you've got the right attitude, plenty of people think you're GREAT!

smileymamaT said...

Yes, venting is healthy! Clean out your vent and LET 'ER BLOW! Ha! You are doing a great job and those little hearts who love you and those parents know how hard you work, they DO appreciate you!

Anonymous said...

I agree with you, some people just aren't worth wasting a vent on! Glad you realized that before you got too far into your vent. lol


Valerie said...

mean people suck.

'nuff said.

vent away!

Niners said...

Are you going to vent or not, because I really would like to know what is going on.

Steff said...

Thank you everyone for your thoughts! This past week was just stressful...mostly emotionally and mentally stressful. I'm taking my mom's advice (cause she's just so calming that way!) and I'm going to "wash that trash right out of your hair!"