Monday, October 01, 2007

Week Of The Itch

I itch!

At first, I thought I was just feeling sympathy for my mom (who spent several hours in the ER this weekend due to an allergic reaction) or maybe my friend Lindsey who has suffered from poison ivy. Now, I'm not so sure.

I have several bug bites on my foot and ankle. I'm pretty sure I'm a magnet for things that creep and crawl and bite. Saturday night I was locked out of my house (long story about a cheap landlady and a door that swells and locks me out) and I had to wait for the landlady to bring her extra key to me. Five minutes on my porch and I was eaten alive. Thank goodness for Benadryl itch gel.

And then there is the other itch. (Sorry guys...probably want to turn back now.) The itch that involves a blunt tipped syringe, waddling like a pinguin to bed, and lying still for about 20 minutes. Ladies you know what I mean. My friend Gela suggested I get in touch with my inner dude and scratch in the privacy under my desk. I refrained...just barely. That was probably too much information...sorry.

Now, if you'll excuse me I have some creams to apply.


Valerie said...

ew for both.

really sorry about the *ahem* last itch. it really is a bitch.


Steff said...

Valerie: Oh yeah. As my friend would say, "My vagina is cussing at me!"

Edtime Stories said...

well hmmmm I got nothing....

Sophia said...

Sorry you are itching and I wish you all the best with your scratching. Remember all bad things that happen to women we must blame on Eve.... that heffer.

Val said...

Betadine douches -- all I've got to say ;-)! Buy 'em cheap at the Evil Empire (i.e. Walmart).
I like your blog! Beautiful photos...

Lori said...

I probably cursed myself by laughing! We've all been there - it sucks! Hope it's gone bye bye for ya soon!

Anonymous said...

Oh, now that just sucks! I HATE those itches! Both of them!

Hope all is well on your end!


Melissa said...

I'm a flea magnet - when I lived at home (i.e., not married to a man who is allergic to the very word "cats") and the cats would get fleas, I'd get eaten alive and no one else.

In fact, I have a few mysterious bites around my ankle in the last couple of days, and I have no idea where they've come from!

Lindsey said...

Oh girl I so know your pain!! Hang in there...the end is in sight. I never thought it would be, but it does get better. I hate the itchies!!