Saturday, November 24, 2007

Frightful Weather

Remember that holiday song, "Oh the weather outside is frightful..."? Well, the weather here is pretty darn frightful! All weekend long the temperatures have hovered around the forties. There was even snow on Thanksgiving in my hometown! We weren't there (we were at my grandparents' house) but according to the television there was 4-6 inches of the white stuff. I love that! What I'm not loving is all the wet and cold weather that followed me home today. It is currently 40 and the rain hasn't let up all afternoon. Now I know what you Northern readers are thinking...what a wimp. True, but remember that I'm from Texas! I say that like it explains so much.

Anyway, I had big plans of getting home early in the afternoon and getting a jump start on getting my Christmas decorations up. Unfortunately, I've pushed that back until tomorrow. Getting to sleep last night was a chore and staying that way was even harder. Plus, the wet weather has brought on a runny nose and sore throat. When I got home I crawled under the heavy covers and took a nice long nap. I'm still excited about getting my tree put up and decorations out, but I think I'll just start fresh tomorrow.

Thanksgiving was great! The food was plentiful and delicious. I even snagged a Glad container of dressing to bring home! But, of course it wouldn't be a holiday without a little misadventure in the kitchen. In my family, my Mimi, Mom, and I are the only ones that like sweet potatoes. I volunteered to get them ready for the oven. I know how to smash and stir in ingredients. I just wasn't too sure about the recipe. I added some of this and some of that and covered them with mini marshmallows. Sounds fine right? Something terrible happened in the oven. When we pulled them out, the marshmallows were a little too brown and the potatoes were a horrible sludge brownish black. Not wanting to write them off completely, I tried them. The tasted great, but boy were they terrible to look at! My Mimi said, "Steffany your potatoes look like heck!" and that was the nicest thing that was said! I'm still puzzled by what went so wrong, but even if they weren't the most eye catching thing on the table at least they tasted okay!

I hope that everyone had a Thanksgiving that was just as wonderful as mine turned out to be!


Lori said...

Being from Texas does explain why you'd be freakin' out over this crazy weather! It has gotten COLD fast!! So much for fall...but it does put you in the mood for those Christmas decorationS!!!

Steff said...

Lori: Freakin' out better have been said in love! Seriously, I like cold weather. Winter is my favorite season, but kill the rain.

Anonymous said...

Rain is better than what we're getting here in beautiful sunny so cal.


Steff said...

Jaquie: That is so true. I'll go out and try to shoo it your way! At the moment nothing is coming down, but there were some huge thunder booms and lightening last night.

Lori said...

Of course it was said with love! LOL!

Sandman said...

Oh it's nice and brisk up here. I had a nice quiet Thanksgiving. Very nice.

Melissa said...

We were in GA, and it was pretty chilly. Big change from the 70's we'd been having (and so had they). Now it's for real cold around here, and raining too!

Lindsey said...

If only you had taken a picture of the sweet potatoes. That would have made my day, cause that's what would happen to me if someone let me in the kitchen!

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