Thursday, December 27, 2007


Either I was a very good girl this year or Santa just went overboard. I have a feeling that it was the latter! Anyway, I raked in the goodies. (Yes, I know Christmas isn't about the presents, but rather spending time with family and loved ones. And our family had a lot of prayers answered the last few days so I have a very thankful heart and enjoyed the time of resting and relaxation! But for the purposes of this post, I'm going to focus on the goodies part...forgive me.)

Now, I'm sure this doesn't come as a surprise to many, but I'm challenged in many areas. One of the biggest happens to be in the area of technology. Yes, I admit it. I'm technologically challenged. I enjoy the places I can go and the things I can do with technology, but I do not understand it for anything.

During the last few days before school let out, my kids were asking me what I'd be asking Santa for in the way of presents. I admitted that I really wanted an MP3 player. One of my darlings announced, rather loudly, that he already had an MP3 player. I'm sure he knows how to work it and all too. Anyway, I wanted one and I planted enough seeds in Santa's mind to know that this would most likely be among the presents under the tree. You know, asking for something you want and then knowing what to do with it when you get it are two totally different things.

Yes, I got an MP3 player. No, I didn't know what to do next with it. I carefully read the instructions that came with it, but they were very limited. I'm sure that the instructions writer assumed that I would probably know how to download music from the Internet to my computer so he would only need to tell me how to get it from my computer to this device. Oh, he needs to talk to my Papa about assuming. (My Papa taught me the valuable lesson about what assuming does for you...) Well, I was already confused and I hadn't even touched the computer. My mom (which bless her has more patience than I, but knows just about as much as I do when it comes to this MP3 stuff) said that she would help me.

Trying to get as much information as I possibly could, I called a friend for some pre-attempt advice. I'd heard a lot about itunes and assumed (maybe I should have listened to that advice a little harder too) that it would be what I'd need. Let me say right here that I did not get an ipod. Also, let me say that if you own something other than ipod you can not download music to it from itunes. And if you can, please don't enlighten me as my brain can only hold so much information and that just might send it into brain failure!

Anyway, after several hours of impatient huffs and resisting the urge to toss my new MP3 player out of the window I believe I have the downloading of music part down. Thank God! I'm now sort of up-to-date with the rest of society! If you've got a favorite song please leave me a comment. I'm in the market for songs these days!


Melissa said...

Yay! I do have an iPod, but that's mainly because I already had music on my Mac at work and that was the only thing that would work with it.

My husband has a Zune, and he gets his music from the Zune marketplace website (like iTunes but for Zune). I don't know if it will work with whatever player you have.

BTW, my sister works at a couple of elementary schools in a YMCA before and after school program, and at least two of her kids - first and third graders - got iPods for Christmas! Who buys that kind of expensive stuff for such small kids?

(Sorry for the long comment, and I don't have a favorite song right now!)

Anonymous said...

I absolutely LOVE my Ipod! I listen to it almost every single day. There probably isn't a popular song out there from the 50s through the 90s that I don't have. Less popular as we move through the 2000s.

Congrats on your player. You'll love it! I promise!


Tan said...

I love my iPod!! I got it last Christmas and besides my computer it is by far my most "played with" toy. Of course, I only got my own iPod after my daughter received one for her 10th birthday. She was forever having to pull me away from her new toy, so I think she had a lot to do with Santa bringing me my own last year. Hmmm...I wonder if Santa has an MP3 player.

Nikky said...

Congrats on the goodies!
I got my iPod nano for Valentine's Day last year, and I really love it, JP just gave me a "thingy" so I can play it in my vehicle, too (thingy... see, I'm a techo goob, too!)

I can think of two songs that really get me going... one is from the soundtrack for Chicago (We both reached for the gun... don't know if that's the actual name of the song tho)
and "Bittersweet Symphony" by the Verve.
Those two songs really get in my head and stick (and not in that annoying way either)

Long comment, sorry, but I'm glad you got the goods for Christmas, good luck with the MP3!!

Niners said...

Well you already know I have an IPOD, and I love it. Although I think I am ready for an upgrade, but that wont be for a while because the one i want is very expensive.

I call myself song challenged because whenever I go to itunes, I can never think of any songs to put on my IPOD.

Enjoy your MP3 player

Colleen said...

I feel so out of touch without an iPod or MP3 player! hee hee Hope you have fun with it!

Trina said...

Oh man the men in this house are all about downloading music! hehehe However, I think that if I didn't have all of them to show me the ropes I would be just as lost! I don't really download any songs, but I know that you will have to start asking for itunes cards for gifts now too. My boys love to get them so they can download and download and

Steff said...

Melissa: I think it is crazy that my second graders have things like ipods, cells, computers in their rooms, etc. I thought I was really something when I got a stereo system for my room on my 14th birthday!

Jacquie: I've only got seven songs on it so far partly because of the trouble we had getting them on there but also because when I go to the marketplace to buy songs I can't think of any I want! How sad right?!

Tee: LOL. I have a feeling this will be my new favorite toy too! Now what to do with my portable CD player and cds??

Nikky: I'm glad I'm not alone in my techno dorkiness! I think my next purchase will probably be the thing that lets me play the music in the car too.

Nina: Well, you're not alone. I guess besides being technologically challenged I'm song challenged too. I couldn't think of any last night. Hopefully my search will be more productive today!

Colleen: I felt out of touch too. I didn't want an ipod because why get more technology than I need right?! I'm sure I'm going to enjoy my MP3 player a lot. :)

Steff said...

Trina: We must have just passed each other! Technically I don't need the itunes things because my player isn't compatible with the ipod stuff. This morning I'm going to tackle getting my favorite songs from my CD collection onto the player. I'll tackle songs to be downloaded after that!

doodlebugmom said...

I have an mp3 player, when my son got a new one, I got his hand-me-down.

And right now, all mine has on it is Christmas music.

Lori said...

I am way behind the times b/c I don't have an ipod or MP3 player. And, I don't want to have to figure them out! ha! I bet you could take it to school and your kids could teach you how to use it!