Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Back To Normal

Well, I've enjoyed more time off than anyone really expected to get three weeks into school so I suppose it is only right that things start up again. My school was the last school to receive power back in the aftermath of Ike, but it was restored this morning so I'm off to work at noon. I guess I could pretend that I was already out and about today and didn't get the message, but frankly I was getting a little stir crazy! So, I need to get ready and take care of a few things this morning and then I'm heading off to work...finally!


Lori said...

Woo-hoo!! Hope the kids settle in nicely and are ready to come back too! Are you gonna have to make these days up???

Niners said...

I hope your kids weren't as wild as mine were. I am not sure what was wrong with them today, but today was a hard day. Hopefully it will get better, but I did enjoy my time off.