Thursday, July 19, 2007

Oh Babies!

Do you remember these adorable little ones? They are my friends' twin boys. I couldn't believe how much they had changed from the last time I'd seen them. If possible they were even cuter and the personalities were plain as day. John seems to be very laid back and mellow. Taylor is the little ham...always laughing and squawking. Actually that squawking is really cute. It's just like he's telling everyone all about it!

Anyway, holding them and loving all over them for the weekend caused just a few pangs of baby envy. On most days I want to have kids some day. But some days I think well...I'm not sure. Everyone (okay well most everyone) loves a baby but they don't stay that way for long. Pretty soon they are kids and then teenagers who will think I don't know anything. It's easy to say I want a baby, but before I jump into being a mama I want to make sure I'm ready for them to be toddlers in the terrible twos, little kids who'll play in the dirt and get dirty, teenagers who might storm around and slam doors, and young adults you have to let go off into the world.

Truth to tell, I'm still a little selfish right now. Now that I'm older I can see just how many sacrifices my mom made for me. And I love her even more for them. I'm just not sure I'm ready to do that yet. All the moms that stop by might find that a little bad on my part, but I'm being honest with myself. It makes me wonder what kind of world we'd live in if more people thought about what having a baby meant before they had one. Those babies are cute but they come with a lot of responsibility. Before I take that on I want to be sure I'm ready for it.


Humor Girl said...

Babies....but NO way I'm ready. :) I just love other people's

Steff said...

Humor Girl: I'm not ready now either, but I enjoyed getting to love on these boys!

Nikky said...

Hon, I think it's very responsible of you to have these thoughts. And yes, I think the world (and a whole lot of children) would be better off if everyone had that kind of serious "talk" with themselves!

As a mom, I can tell you this: I don't like babies very much. (shocked horror, I know) I like other ppl's babies, because I could GIVE THEM BACK! I prefer my kids at the ages they are now (13, 10 & 9)as opposed to when they were babies, because they're so much more independant now. I am not required to watch over them every second, I do not care about their bowels (except in the case of Alex's constipation, which still makes me giggle)
And if they're hungry, they can cook simple things for themselves, (Did I mention that I HATE cooking?)
Good lord, I think I am a skinny rosanne barr...
(sorry so long) but I just think everyone is different and you have to do what's right for you!

doodlebugmom said...

Oh Steff, I hate to tell you, but you will never "be ready!" lol

Steff said...

Nikky: LOL...well I wasn't lovin' when they spit up down the front of my shirt and across my lap!

Linda: You're probably right about that! But I need to be more "not ready" :)

Lori said...

I am actually the opposite - I am scared of babies and do get any urges to have a baby when around them...but put me in a room with a toddler and I melt every time! Ha!

BTW, if you don't hear from Lindsay in a few days - shot her another email. She may not have gotten it if she's having troubles! (or check her personal site - in my sidebar - Splatter Painted Life and make sure she isn't just super busy!!) Can't wait to see what you get!!

Steff said...

Lori: I guess I should change that "everyone likes a baby" statement! I suppose people each have their own favorite stage. Mine is the baby one. :)

And thanks for letting me know. I filled out the questionnaire but I haven't heard back. I'll give her a few more days.

Niners said...

Oh the babies are so adorable. Well you already know I am ready. I mention it all the time. I am considering doing the foster parent thing. I haven't decided yet, but I am really leaning toward yes. But who knows, I may just skip the whole foster parent thing, and just have my own. However in the meantime I am just going to love on other peoples babies.

smileymamaT said...

Well I think that was a sincere and down to earth statement, and it sounds like you are "on the road to ready", because you seem to have the right idea.....just takes a little time, and they kinda help you figure it out along the way!

Melissa said...

Yeah, ditto what everyone else said - you aren't bad for thinking this way! And it's MUCH better to figure this out now rather than AFTER you've given birth.