GRRR I'm having job woes once again. I was pretty sure that I had my summer job lined up and in the bag. The after school job was supposedly suppose to flow into a summer program. Well, due to some weird twists of events I'm not sure I'm still employed. Here is what I know (I know...another list but they help me think):
1. I asked the week before school was out if I was going to be working. I asked my immediate supervisor and she said yes. And at one point I'd even been asked if I'd work 40 hours a week.
2. I got sick (allergies...the darn things) and I missed two days (the final two days) and the appreciation banquet. I'm sure missing two consecutive days in the beginning stages (about four weeks into the job) of a job isn't a good thing.
3. I called to see what the summer schedule was (since I'd missed the last day) and was told that they weren't sure everyone would be staying on because they hadn't finished up with summer enrollment. Call back next week (today) and we'll know something.
4. I called today and was passed around like a platter of chocolate dipped fruit. Finally, I spoke to the same lady that told me to call today. She said that they are still processing the enrollments and that I'll know something by Friday.
5. I'm not calling again until Friday afternoon if I haven't heard anything.
6. While I have one more pretty decent paycheck coming from the school district, I'm taking a mini vacation (Arlington...scrapbooking...$$$$) next Friday.
So, instead of being relieved tonight I'm just full of more questions:
1. Will I have a summer job?
2. How can I make $150 go the furthest at convention?
3. Should I start looking for another job?
4. How the heck do I not worry about stuff like this?
5. What should I have for dinner? (Yeah this isn't really related to the job but it is about that time...)
So there you have it. A day that should have come with answers and a deep sense of relief has left me less than satisfied and still full of questions.
UPDATE: I was called on Thursday and told that I didn't have enough senority to be kept on. I was a little disappointed, but I think I've got some options. My great grandmother's house needs some serious cleaning and organizing before it can be sold so my mom is seeing about just paying me to do it. This would be a blessing because I can still sleep late (always a plus!) and if I need to travel for job interviews (you know...the whole teaching thing) the "boss" will probably let me off without much trouble. And then my CofM&N friend (love ya Sophia!!!) let me know about a possible job opening that wouldn't be bad either. I went and applied for that yesterday so we'll see what happens. I appreciate all the thoughts and well wishes.
Wednesday, May 31, 2006
Relief...Not Here (Updated)
Monday, May 29, 2006
My Daddy Is...
Early last week I had some severe allergies. My mind was fuzzy because most of it was running out of my nose and down my throat. I still sounds gross. Anyway I was doped up on Advil, throat spray, and kleenex. I even took a day off from my various jobs to stay in bed and moan and groan. And while I was at it I watched a lot of tv. Mostly CMT...I think the music helped lull me into fits of restless sleep. And that brought about a question.
Who's your daddy?
Yeah, I know this is supposed to be some sexual reference, but could someone please explain that to me? I mean who is thinking about his or her daddy in that kind of way? Sorry, I hope I don't have Arkansas readers! But, come on...who's your daddy?
This is everywhere. Once I started thinking about it I started to hear it everywhere. Heck, I even flippantly said it to a certain daddy aged reader in my comments. First, there was this movie. I don't remember the name (I barely remember anything from that day...something to do with my brains running out my nose...) but there is a couple in a little bed. Apparently, they are visiting her family so they are staying in her father's house. Well, they sure have some nerve because they are getting busy and he busts out with "Who's your daddy?" And it wasn't just once either...he said it like four times. Finally, you hear a shout through the wall as her daddy says "I am...I'm her daddy." Seeing as how I've never personally been in this situation I can only assume that would kill the mood.
Then, back to the CMT thing, there is this song by Toby Keith about who's your daddy. And some other song by someone about how "you've got the only daddy that'll walk the line...". All these songs about guys being the daddy...and I don't think we're talking about the paternal kind of daddy.
Okay, one last example of the whole daddy craze. Have you ever noticed how older people call each other Mama and Daddy? I know that when I was growing up and I'd visit my grandparents my Papa would call my Mimi "Mimi". And when we're all there (all kids and grandkids) she calls him "Daddy". Do you suppose they've forgotten what their names are? Do parents lose their identity and forever become "daddy" and "mama"? Don't get me wrong...I think it's kind of cute.
Anyway, maybe this makes no sense....I am still sneezing a little bit. But, ah the things that come from a drug induced recovery!
Saturday, May 27, 2006
Summer In Texas...
Only native Texans can understand what a summer in the Lone Star State is really all about. It's more than just hot. It's sorching. You can see the heat waves and a sheen of sweat is a permanent thing from May through September. Some people relieve the heat by wearing next to nothing. I'll stick to cold lemonade and my air conditioner! I was sent the following in an email the other day and it's so true. Here is just a little taste of what I'll be in for during the next several months:
The birds have to use potholders to pull worms out of the ground.
The trees are whistling for the dogs.
The best parking place is determined by shade instead of distance.
Hot water now comes out of both taps.
You can make sun tea instantly.
You learn that a seat belt buckle makes a pretty good branding iron!
The temperature drops below 95 and you feel a little chilly.
You discover that in July it only takes 2 fingers to steer your car.
You discover that you can get sunburned through your car window.
You actually burn your hand opening the car door.
You break into a sweat the instant you step outside at 7:30 a.m.
Your biggest bicycle wreck fear is, "What if I get knocked out and end up lying on the pavement and cook to death?"
You realize that asphalt has a liquid state.
The potatoes cook underground, so all you have to do is> pull one out and add butter, salt and pepper.
Farmers are feeding their chickens crushed ice to keep them from laying boiled eggs.
The cows are giving evaporated milk.
Ah, what a place to call home. The following picture is one that reminds me that not too long ago I was somewhere that required me to wear multiple layers of clothes and my heaviest winter coat and expose as little of myself as possible. I'm sure the first time I burn my hip on my seat belt buckle I'll be wishing to be back in New York City in the middle of winter!
Thursday, May 25, 2006
Fluffy Post
Well, I told you to expect a few fluff posts and today is one such post. I'm at school (picture me jumping for joy!!!) so I can't really watch 30 kids and type out a post, but I can manage to fill in some useless information about myself. Enjoy...or endure...your choice!
2. WHAT BOOK ARE YOU READING? Summer of Secrets by Muareen Child (I'm a sucker for anything romantic. But if you ask some people...ahem Amanda...they'd say it's soft core porn.)
MORNING? I wish I could sleep a little more!
6. FAVORITE COLOR OR COLORS? purples, blues, greens
8. HOW MANY RINGS UNTIL YOU ANSWER THE PHONE? however long it takes me to get to it
9. FUTURE CHILDS NAME? Tanner Henry (boy) and I don't really have a girl name in mind. Hopefully I'll have a creative husband to help out with that. I do like Meredith and Shelby though.
10. CHOCOLATE OR VANILLA? Neither...I don't care for chocolate ice cream and vanilla is boring. But if I have to choose I'd pick vanilla because I can add other stuff to it.
11. DO YOU LIKE TO DRIVE FAST? two speeding tickets and four accidents ...what do you think?
12. DO YOU SLEEP WITH A STUFFED ANIMAL? If I'm sleeping alone then yes, I have a big white stuffed teddy bear that I can squish into any shape
13. DO YOU LIKE THUNDERSTORMS? absolutely! I think the thunder and rain set a very (well in case my mom is reading this) romantic atmosphere.....
14. WHAT WAS YOUR FIRST CAR? I don't even know the make and model but it was a light blue hatch back. At the time I'm not sure I appreciated it fully (I did crash and destroy it five months later) but I sure wish I could redo that car again!
16. EAT THE STEMS OF BROCCOLI? Yep, that's the only part I like.
17. IF YOU COULD HAVE ANY JOB WHAT WOULD IT BE? a teacher that helps kids learn their learning styles and how to be successful in any environment (man do I sound like a teacher :P)
18. IF YOU COULD HAVE ANY COLOR HAIR, WHAT WOULD IT BE? I'd like to have the auburn hair that my grandmother has. (She'd probably tell me I can have it too....Natural Instincts Spiced Tea should do
19. FAVORITE MOVIES? Beaches, American President
20. WHATS UNDER YOUR BED? lots of crap....a couple of those space bags with quilts in them, an old text book, monsters probably...
22. YOUR SINGLE BIGGEST INTENSE PAIN? emotionally: thinking my mom wouldn't make it through her surgery when I was in college physically: I fracutured the growth plate in my ankle when I was in middle school. For several weeks my foot was at a 90 degree angle.
23. PERSONS MOST LIKELY TO RESPOND TO THIS? I really don't care...use it if you want to.
25. KETCHUP OR MUSTARD? Ketchup as a main rule. I only eat mustard on my weiners and tator tots
26. HAMBURGER OR HOTDOG? Hotdogs (with mustard, chili, cheese, and a pickle spear)
28. THE BEST PLACE YOU HAVE EVER BEEN? Colorado at Christmas time
29. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE FAST FOOD? Oh gosh that is tough...I'd say it's a toss up between Sonic (cranberry limeades...omg...yummy) and Taco Bueno (anything on the menu)
30. WHAT IS YOUR BIRTH NAME? Steffany Lynn
Wednesday, May 24, 2006
High School Forever?
Has anyone else noticed that life seems to just be a continuation of high school? I'm not talking about the homework and curfews. I'm talking about how people react to each other. The girls are still catty. The guys still base everything on looks. And New Year's Eve is prom all over again.
Remember how the girls used to treat each other? If you didn't wear the right brand of clothes they made fun of you. Your boyfriend (or lack of one) was always up for inspection. You were defined pretty much by the group you hung around. Well, in that respect life hasn't changed much since high school.
Girls can still be bitches.
I'm not excluding myself from that statement. I can still make snap judgements about people. I've been known to say something that if just anyone passing by heard it would sound fine, but to the person I said it to it was biting and hurtful. Oh it's usually not about clothes and grades anymore but about jobs, husbands, and who has the biggest house. I just assumed that people (and by that I mean ladies) would eventually grow out of that.
Apparently not.
Friday, May 19, 2006
Making Friendships Work
I've been blessed in the respect that I have a lot of friends and making friends comes fairly easy to me. I'm also blessed to have a wide variety of friends. I have friendships with people that are my age. I have a lot of friendships with people who are older than me. I have guy friends and girl friends.
I'm a lucky girl, but I've discovered that friendships take work...a lot of work. Don't get me wrong, it's always rewarding to make the effort to keep in touch and make time for friends, but sometimes it truly is work. My mom cautioned me in high school to make time for my friends. That sounded crazy then because they were who I was with if I weren't with my parents. But, as I've already alluded to, I tend to get overwhelmed with activities and general business. Unfortunately, it's so easy for me to let the little things like staying in touch slip through the cracks.
I've noticed this a lot recently. I'm usually the person that sends the cards or emails. I've never been a girl that talks a lot on the phone (my parents are still thanking their lucky stars for that!) so my favorite method of staying in touch comes from some sort of written communication. Consequently, I did get into a lot of trouble for writing notes in school. Lately, I've slipped severely in that department. This really hit home when I got an email from a friend asking me if everything was okay because she hadn't heard from me in a while. And just the other night I got to talk to a friend that I haven't talked to in months. Early this week a delightfully funny card showed up in my mailbox from a friend that hardly ever does that. Apparently I was being missed.
I talk about finding balance, but at some point I think it comes down to simply saying I will do this. Friendships are very important to me and I'm a little concerned that I've let so many people slip by (some months on end) without getting in touch or seeing how they have been. I'm ashamed by that and I've committed to rectify that situation.
For those friends that don't live close by...expect mailbox cheer soon! For those friends that are here in blogland....expect some comments. For those friends that are here close by...expect some girls' nights out. For those friends that I've let slip away totally...expect some thoughts and prayers sent your way.
While writing this whole post I've been humming that song I learned in Girl Scouts...."Make new friends, but keep the old. One is silver and the other gold...." How perfect!
Monday, May 15, 2006
Doing What I Shouldn't
Ever have one of those days where you're doing everything you shouldn't?
I shouldn't be blogging at school. Especially since the computer is near students' desks instead of at the desk like at the other school.
I shouldn't have spent my planning period resting my eyes. I shouldn't have enjoyed the little day dream about lining up these brats and shooting them...with a cannon. Okay, I don't seriously want to line them up and shoot them. I don't look good in orange and life behind bars doesn't appeal to me.
I shouldn't be thinking about taking another trip to NYC with D again. She wants to go and I admit that I probably could find someone to take me bar hopping....hint hint Deb!
I shouldn't be wearing these shoes. They hurt my feet and aren't particularly flattering, but my mom bought them for me so I'm trying to break them in.
I shouldn't be whining because nothing is really wrong...just busy and wishing I could have slept a little later this morning.
So, what shouldn't you have done today?
Tuesday, May 09, 2006
Just Your Typical Day
I'm busy people. Yeah, I know you're probably thinking "How busy can she be?" and the answer is extremely busy. And unfortunately, blogging is suffering. Oh blogging isn't the only thing, but it is certainly an important thing. I never would have thought blogging would be so much fun or relaxing for me, but it is. And I hate having to say I don't have time for a post....though I do have some time to skim my comments and leave a few comments on other people's blogs. Anyway, I thought today would be a good example of busy and it might entertain my readers. And hopefully, it will show that I truly am busy and not just blog slipping. Hang with me people!
5:45am (I know!...who knew it came twice in one day?) The alarm goes off. Thankfully it's set for a country music station so I'm not rattled out of bed by a ridiculously loud BEEP BEEP BEEP
5:46am I wake up enough to at least find the snooze button and hit it. Because I was tired last night I didn't take a shower on the pretense that I'd take one this morning. Thinking I could just do a fancy updo to my hair (which do better dirty) and do a quick hit-the-main-areas wash Id' be fine.
5:51am The alarm goes off again. Damn. I hit snooze and turn back over...again. Then I do a quick foot run down my calf and feel the stubble. Crap. (I have dark hair from the top of my head straight on down my body to my toes so it's noticeable when I don't shave.) I turn the alarm off and stumble into the bathroom.
5:55am - 6:25am Go to the bathroom, wash my face, shower, shave, dry off
6:25am - 7:15am Put on my make up, dry my hair (which frizzed by the way...nuts), dress. Thankfully, I had time to plan what I was going to wear while I was in the shower. sad is this...I knew where the jewelry was to a certain outfit so that is what I wore. I'm a girl that likes to coordinate from jewelry to shoes to handbag.
7:15am - 7:30am Eat breakfast, look at what is in my email inbox. I didn't check it...just saw what was in there. Read my blog comments and made a morning stop at a few favorites. Packed a lunch (fruit and a hot pocket for those of you wondering), said goodbye and went to school...err I mean work.
7:30am - 3:15pm School. Not a lot happened during the day. The art teacher was there (that is actually a really good program...a local artist teaches some type of technique (today was blending colors) through the local museum) so I got to sit at the back of the room and read a book. Seriously...I got paid a sorry sum of money to read. I got through 14 chapters of a book by one of my favorite authors. Uhm maybe I shouldn't brag about that kind of thing....
3:15pm - 3:30pm Drive over to my part time job. Yawn and think this is like the middle of my day. I also thought about why I stretch myself so thin. I tend to get cranky (shock...I know) and I also tend to get these huge dark circles under my eyes when my body hasn't had enough rest. Resolve to spend at least three nights a week at home....starting next week because I'm already booked for this week.
3:30pm - 6:30pm Part time job. Today was interesting. Starting with the fact that the lady that sets out the snacks left milk (yeah you read that right...milk) for the kids. The cartons were warm to the touch. I refused to give the kids hot milk, but a few (two boys...go figure) drank some of the curdled milk. I'm gagging just thinking about it. Anyway, to cut out a lot of grossness lets just say they didn't end up drinking that milk. We cleaned our room. I should say I supervised and the kids cleaned. I finally got what my meant about having kids so you don't have to clean anymore! We watched a little of Pirates Of The Caribbean. Johnny Depp is so hot. Hmmm Sorry..where was I? Oh yeah, we let a kid go home with a lady that wasn't authorized to pick him up. Thankfully, that situation turned out okay but we're expecting a staff meeting just anytime this week. Finally...time to leave.
6:30pm - 7:00pm Take out...again. I read somewhere that it isn't healthy to eat in your car. If the fast food wrappers in my front passenger floorboard is anything to go by I'm obviously not following the food pyramid. Anyway, I eat and drive out to a friend's house for a Creative Memories party.
7:00 - 9:00 This party...that I've been to about five times before. I'm sick of making these dang story card things! I said at the last one that I'd turn down anymore invitations to this kind of thing. I do scrapbook, but I'm not all about the CM cult. But, another friend has just started being the sultan...I mean consultant and I couldn't say no. Bad Steffany...Just Say NO!!! Well of course I couldn't leave without buying something so I bought this little sorter thing for photos. I think I'll actually use it. But NO MORE CM PARTIES STEFFANY!
9:00pm - 9:30pm Drive back into town and catch up with a friend I haven't talked to in a few days. Decide that other friend lives too far out in the freaking country to be driving alone at night.
9:30pm - 10:20pm Catch my mom up on all the latest gossip I heard at the party. Watch the tail end of a show, watch the weather, turn back my bed, think about putting off blogging and crawling into cool sheets and sleeping, decide no, I haven't blogged in a while.
10:20pm - now (currently 11:08pm) Blog about my day like people actually care about the ins and outs of my daily routine. You do right...I'd hate to think this was all for nuttin'
Well, there you have it folks. This is what my life will be like until the end of school and then I'll fall into a more normal routine...hopefully. So, while I might not make it to blogland as often as I'd like, or leave snickery comments or comments period very often please know that I still adore my blogging buddies. I just can't show it right now. Be prepared for some pretty fluffy posts until I can learn to balance!
Okay...bed is calling and I'm answering.
Saturday, May 06, 2006
Smurfy Confusion (Cleared!!!)
My first post in several days and it's a post of not much substance. You know...the kind that will probably amuse a few, disgust a few, send anonymous after me with threats of the "there is a name for girls like you...", and hopefully be a little thought provoking for a few.
I was at one of those social engagements this weekend (partying with my girl Jamie and Sophia...if she'd get her bum in gear and get her blogger up I'd link her too) and the subject of Smurfs came up. Here is a little snippet of the conversation:
This Blogger: "Where did all the baby smurfs come from if Smurfette was the only girl smurf in the clan?"
Favorite Store Owner: "No, there were other female smurfs. There was an episode where a Mama smurf was looking for a baby smurf."
S%phia (who doesn't have her blogger up yet): " was just Smurfette."
FSO: "You're going to have to prove that one to me."
Wicked Friday Night Hostess: " was just Smurfette."
S(WDHHBUY): "Face it...she took one for the team."
WFNH: "More like she took one from the team." is the question...was Smurfette the only girl smurf?
(How many of you are wondering what the heck I did Friday night? LOL)
Answer: What would I do without my favorite Baloobas?!! I'd still be wondering about these smurfy things. Thanks chick for getting this cleared up for me!!!
There were THREE female smurfs. Smurfette was originally supposed to be bad (guess you were right Mike...the tramp). Sassette Smurf was created to be a sister for the smurfs (and I might mention there was a little link you could click to see how she was "created"...yeah blue guys three apples tall creating a girl smurf...not what I want to see at 11pm). And lastly there was Nanny Smurf...who as her name emplies was the smurfs' nanny. Alas...we can all rest easy.
Wednesday, May 03, 2006
Gone But Not Dead
Between subbing, working, social engagements, and doctor appointments for this neck thing I've fallen behind on blogging. Hopefully, I'll be back later in the week.