Thursday, August 31, 2006

October Baby

A friend sent this to me in an email. I was shocked at how closely this fit my personality. I'd say it's 95% true. Strange....

Loves to chat.
Loves those who love them.
Loves to takes things at the center.
Inner and physical beauty.
Lies but doesn't pretend.
Gets angry often.
Treats friends importantly.
Brave and fearless.
Always making friends.
Easily hurt but recovers easily too.
Does not care to control emotions.
Extremely smart
but definitely the hottest AND sexiest of them all.

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Living With The Aftermath

Today is the anniversary of Katrina and I, like a lot of people probably, am reflecting back on the past year. Well, that is not entirely true. I'm really thinking back to those few days at the end of last August and early September.

I felt bad for all those people who were living down there and watching their city and homes destroyed. It was pretty easy to sit back in my comfy dry house and feel sorry for them. And I did. Please don't misunderstand. My thoughts were sincere and I did feel bad for all the human life lost and the unbelievable damage left in Katrina's wake. I didn't personally know people that lived there but I knew people who did. It was one of those things that touches you even though it doesn't truly touch you.

Anyway, I'll admit that while I did sympathize and feel sorry for the whole region, I pretty much went back to my life and being wrapped up in me. Unfortunately, I think that is what a lot of people did. I said it in respect to 9/11 and I'll say it again. I think our country has a very short memory. We do feel bad at the moment but it doesn't last.

I live closer to the coast now so I pay attention when I hear anything about hurricanes or tropical storms. And also, living closer to the coast I've met some people that are Katrina and Rita victims still trying to rebuild their lives. For them, it is still as real today as it was a year ago.

I also saw an article in the Houston Chronicle about an IMAX movie that was supposed to premier today. I don't know if it did or not, but the article talked about how this production company was shooting a film on the disappearing wetlands in Louisiana. When Katrina hit they went back to film the aftermath and destruction. They even bragged about being able to gain access to restricted areas by using a borrowed helicopter from the set of Miami Vice which had Police written on it. To me that is just horrible! When true police and emergency medical people were needing to get in, here was this Hollywood production team getting access. That just seemed wrong. Anyway, while this movie about the aftermath of Katrina's fury (Hurricane on the Bayou) will bring in profits none of those profits go to Katrina relief. The proceeds will be split between educational programs and producing conservation films. Is it just me or is there something wrong with cashing in on the devestation and agony of Katrina and then not donating even a portion of the proceeds to the victims?

Anyway, my heart goes out to those people who are still rebuilding their lives and putting their cities back together.

Sunday, August 27, 2006

From The Mouths Of Babes...

There are a ton of things that are great about teaching, but one of the best are listening to the little gems that come from these little kids' though process. Also, I know a teacher shouldn't have favorites, but I think one little guy has wedged himself into my heart. He's totally adorable and a pretty smart cookie to boot.

Friday was the wrap up of our unit in Social Studies. We've been talking and learning about communities. Earlier in the week the class had discussed the difference between urban, suburb, and rural areas. We made a graphic organizer (a chart for those of you old school readers) and drew an illustration about where we'd chose to live if we could. I have some talented students!

Well, anyway, Friday was the assessment (we don't call them tests anymore). I had my kids divide into groups and work together to make a brochure (second graders do not have a concept of the word brochure) about the community that was assigned to them. I learned a few things while assessing what they had learned:

  • students need a lot more practice working in groups
  • anything involving drawing is going to go over well
  • don't laugh at the students when they come to the front of the room to share their work

That laughing part sounds cruel but wait till you hear my side of the story. The little boy that has become one of my favorites was up at the front of the room. And, as is his normal, he was dominating the conversation. His poor group members kept looking at him like can we talk please. One of the things they had to include in their brochure was what I could do for fun in their community. Since he hadn't covered that, I asked the group to explain what I could do for fun in an urban area. We'd talked extensively about museums, parks, zoos, etc. that are found in urban areas. So imagine my shock and yes...amusement when this little boy said (in a very put out voice) "We did draw a motel Miss Stewart."

I'm still not sure what he was referring to, but I can only imagine! Funny things are said on a daily basis so I don't want to bore you with them so I'll keep the mouths of babes posts to only the funniest.

Friday, August 25, 2006

Chalk It Up To Peer Pressure

I'm stupid. No...don't try and make me feel better. Just listen to what I signed myself up for at work. I'm in charge of the yearbook. Okay...I'm co-in charge of the yearbook. A (another first year teacher) and myself were sitting in our team meeting the other day and on the agenda were groups that needed a sponsor. A thought yearbook sounded fun. I thought student council would be fun. At this point I just thought that they were looking for some teachers to help out. Little did we know that they were looking for teachers to head up these projects.

Well, A mentioned that she really wanted to work on yearbook. Our mentor teacher (who is usually so helpful) said that it would be great for two friends to co-head together. We were so wrapped up in our new teacher happy feelings that we just agreed that we'd do it. A has a photography degree and I'm an avid scrapbooker so what two better people to head up yearbook? Again...I'm stupid.

After the initial high wore off, A and I looked at each other and said..."What did we just agree to do?" Yeah that's right...we've agree to be the solely responsible for the school yearbook. Pause while I laugh hysterically. Okay..done.

So, bottom line is that in addition to all the first year struggles and responsibilities we've gladly taken on yearbook.

Yeah...this year is going to be fun.

Sunday, August 20, 2006

Daddy Would Be Proud

If some of you couldn't guess, I am a daddy's girl. And being the only daughter, I was used to a lot of "pampering" while I lived at home. He used to kill the bugs, take out the trash, clean up the after-effects of the stomach bug, check the oil in the car, you know...all those things that girls should know how to do but guys usually do.

Well, now that I'm living alone 400 miles away from my daddy I'm appreciating all those things even more.

Take for instance this morning's little mishap that normally I would have asked my dad to help me with. I have a front porch but it doesn't attach to my trailer so there is a little 2-3 inch gap. I'd been grocery shopping so I had my hands full with bags and while fumbling with the keys and the bags, the keys ended up falling in that gap. Just great.

I have a lot of bushes and plants along the front of the house so venturing under the porch to get the keys was like going on a jungle safari. But, no guy to do this for me. So, I looked under the porch and saw that there were spider webs and since it rained yesterday lots of muddy places. I started to panic...I should have listened when he told me to get an extra key made.

Well, there was no point in whining now. I needed my keys to get in my house. I searched my yard for a really big stick and went back up to try and reach my keys and drag them to the edge of the porch. But I dropped the stick down the hole too.

There was no other alternative to getting the keys than to get another stick and go into the jungle and get my keys. Finally, I reached the keys and pulled them over to where I could grab them. Yes! Keys in my hand without having too much dirt and bugs on me.

My father would be so proud of me!!! Maybe I still get squirmy when I have to kill a bug (like the huge water cockroach that was feet up in my tub the other morning, or the spider that crawled out of the closet yesterday) or when I gag at the smell when I have to take my trash to the dumpster, or when I have to check the dipstick for the oil level but I'm learning.

I had it good at home with my dad, but I'm glad he raised me to be resourceful (that stick idea...brillant today) and not too squirmy. I'd like to think I'm doing my daddy proud!

Thursday, August 17, 2006

Tell Someone

Okay, for any sensitive readers, I'm about to go off on a rant that could be perceived as self-righteous and judgmental. There...that's your warning.

I'm so sick of those commercials about how living with your STD is manageable and darn right easy with the help of a little pill. But the one that really infuriates me is the one that has all the women saying that they want to tell someone (usually their friend, their daughter, their niece, their whatever female) about the link between cervical cancer and a common virus. HPV is the "common" virus that can be linked to cervical cancer.

Well, guess what? HPV isn't a common virus. The flu is a common virus. HPV is a sexually transmitted disease. There are 100 different types of HPV but the ones that are linked to cervical cancer are the sexually transmitted types. Perhaps they mean common as in 20 million Americans have HPV. I'm not one of them because I'm picky when it comes to my sexual partners. Apparently, there are a lot of people out there who aren't. And, while that isn't the way I chose to lead my life, I'm not judging those who do handle their health in such a frivolous manner. But if someone is going to make a commercial educating me on the dangers of cervical cancer and HPV then I'd appreciate being told that HPV is a sexually transmitted disease. That way I don't have to worry if I've been exposed and if my cervical health is in jeopardy.

Oh, and while I think it's a good idea to "tell someone" about the link between cervical cancer and HPV, I think it's even more important to educate those young women about HPV and how to avoid it. I think as a generation, STDs have become so common place that no one thinks twice about trying to educate people on how to avoid them. It's much easier to just help them deal with living with STDs.

All information was provided by .

Thanks for telling me.

Sunday, August 13, 2006

The First Days Of School

Well, those first first days have come and gone. And, I'm not running to the human resources department asking about information on early retirement. I'm feeling good...really good.

Thursday I was a mass of nerves. Parents started bringing in their kiddos about 7:30am and it was a mad swirl of activity. When my conference period came I was glad to sit down and catch my breath. About that time it hit me....I am the teacher. I'm not the sub, I'm not just filling in, I'm not observing...I'm in charge. I am the teacher! It didn't bring tears to my eyes but I was pretty excited.

The first day was a little hectic but Friday went a lot smoother. Wanna know why? I made a list. Yep...a list. Those things are so helpful for me. I plan to make a lot more!

My kids are really great. I have a few talkers but I was a talker so this is probably payback. And to prove that point, my talkiest talkers are sitting next to each other. If I pause to take a breath then they are there to fill in the void. I foresee a lot of parent

Everyone told me that the first year is the hardest year. Now I know don't have anything planned. I've spent the last few hours getting a lesson plan in order for next week. Nothing is copied and waiting, all extras will have to be prepared in the here and now, and it is all new. Hopefully I can get ahead soon.

Anyway, there is the update. It's all going well!

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Meet The Teacher...That's Me!

Okay, first before I start in about Meet The Teacher night, let me tell you about a little food adventure I had recently. I'm one of those people that likes to try new things at restaurants. I've been out numerous times with others that never have to look at the menu because they order the same thing every single time they go somewhere. (Okay...I can't be too hard because I always eat the same thing at Chili''s all about the grilled chicken Caesar pita.) Well Monday at lunch a group of teachers when out to eat at this Mexican restaurant. I decided to be daring and try something besides safe choices like enchiladas or nachos. I ordered a stuffed avocado. I love avocado and it was stuffed with fajita beef and cheese. Who wouldn't love something stuffed with beef and cheese? Well, imagine my surprise when a big brown deep fried thing came out! They stuffed my avocado alright and then deep fried it. Fried avocado isn't....good. The meat was good, the cheese was yummy, and the beans were to die for, but the avocado...yeah not so good. I left more than half of my meal on my plate. But nothing ventured nothing gained. So if you're ever in my neck of the woods and we're eating at said Mexican restaurant just take my advice and don't order the stuffed avocado. the teacher night. For you to fully understand the night I should describe my afternoon. Or maybe even my last week. Anyway, I've had a hard time getting my room in order. I had a lot of crap...err I mean learning materials and the classroom that I moved into was previously inhabited by the team leader of second grade so she left a ton of stuff too. Organizing it has been an adventure to say the least. Well, up until this afternoon about 4:30pm there were boxes and papers sitting all over the room. It was NOT ready for parents and students. But, it is amazing what a few cabinets will hide. By the time parents and students came in it looked good. It'll look better after I spend all day tomorrow in there too.

Ah...parents. God, what a mess some of them are! Most picked up on the fact that I didn't seem like the seasoned teacher and flat out asked if this was my first year. Or in a friendlier way inquired about how long I'd been teaching. While I wasn't advertising the fact that I was a first year teacher I wasn't going to hide it either. Most were very supportive and as enthusiastic about the year as I was, but one just looked me over (I felt like a bug under a microscope) and said "Well this ought to be an interesting year." I felt compelled to point out all the fun things we'd be doing and learning but she just smiled at me (like she didn't want to leave her child's learning up to me) and said "Like I said, it'll be interesting." That just makes me want to go out and show her just what I'm capable of doing. They didn't give me a degree for nothing.

Anyway, at the end of the day I'm still thrilled to be teaching and ready for whatever comes next!

Sunday, August 06, 2006

Pooped Out

It was brought to my attention that my posts have been lacking something lately...namely consistency. And the question was posed if my move kicked my ass...and the answer is abso-freakin'-lutely!

Well, to be fair and lay the blame at as many doorsteps as possible, it has been a combination of things that have me pooped out. I didn't plan very well with my timeline. I should have moved the week before I actually did and then spent the next week setting up my classroom. I don't know how people do it when they only have themselves to rely on. I just wish my parents could have stayed a little longer.

Okay enough with the whining. My classroom is beginning to look like a classroom rather than a school supply store. I'm excited to meet the kids and begin the year. Plus, there is a really cool theme for the school this year....WILD about learning. I've been having jungle fever for days

I wish that I had something more interesting to blog about, but this is pretty much it. Sorry fellow ass has been kicked. It needs a little break and then I'll be back to regular posting.

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Home Sweet Home

Oh it's good to be back! I can't believe how much I actually missed blogging. And while I was in the process of moving, I missed my first anniversary of blogging. Last late July, I began blogging after a couple of friends kept talking about all the fun they had with theirs. It doesn't seem like one year has passed...time keeps getting away from me these days. Anyway, happy (late) anniversary to me!

Now down to the dirt...moving is HARD work people! And I'm fairly new in the world so I can only imagine what it would be like to move if you'd had time to accumulate a bunch of stuff. And while I'm on this subject I just want to give a lot of mention to my parents. There is NO WAY that I could have done this on my own. Also, a lot of thanks and love to A for coming and helping to unload and paint my wall. My living room looks spectacular thanks to this chick!! So, for all you that helped me....THANK YOU AND LOVE YOU LOTS!!!

A few people have asked that I post pictures and I will (as soon as my digital camera computer stuff arrive....a casualty of moving...left stuff) as soon as I can.

I'm sure that I had a typical move in experience. It poured the day we arrived so we couldn't unload the U-Haul. My parents stayed on the air bed and A and I took off for a hotel room. Monday morning we got started bright and early (9am is early right?) and thankfully got things unloaded without any problems. I did discover or rather it was brought to my attention that I have a lot of stuff...even for a person just starting out. The living room accent wall was painted (we were all over Extreme Home Makeover!) and I got the kitchen mostly unpacked. And at some point that day we discovered that I had no hot water. Par for the course I was assured.

Tuesday we went grocery shopping and again got to unload in the rain. I've been told that it doesn't normally rain this much but I'm beginning to doubt this theory. I think that day we had plumbers, telephone people (yeah...when the new carpet was put in the wires to the jacks were cut), and the handyman over to work on something or other.

Wednesday through Sunday was an endless time of unpacking and hanging stuff up or putting it in it's right place. And there were a good deal of "projects" that my dad worked on with tools. I even discovered that I like electric drills and screwdrivers. Those things are fun to use...I even asked for an electric screwdriver for my birthday.

Anyway, there are so many details that I couldn't tell them all (but I will give the highlights because I'm planning on posting room pictures with the highlights of that room included) and honestly I'm afraid I'd lose my audience.

So, I do have about four boxes left to unpack and did I mention that school starts in 8 days? I'm just a busy gal these days! But I did want to take time to get a post up and spend a few minutes catching up on other blogs. Thanks for all the well wishes that were sent my way. I appreciated them!