The PTO always comes up with a theme for the school year. For the coming year we're doing a wild jungle theme. I wasn't all on board at first because that was the theme last year. I like to mix things up a bit, but after a vote more teachers liked it than wanted to have to come up with a new one. Anyway, I've been gathering things to make my reading center very jungle-esq. I've got a fake ficus and some big tiger, lion, and zebra animal pillows. And on the wall with cute punch-out letters it's going to say Go Wild About Books! Pretty cute huh?
Well, in keeping with my wild about books theme, I found this questionnaire over at Valerie's and decided I just couldn't resist. It's all about books and reading - one of my absolute favorite things to do!
Hardback or paperback? The majority of things that I read are paperback. They are cheaper and easier to handle. I do have a few hardbacks though.
Buy on line or in a store?
I like to shop on (I love how you can find books for a penny sometimes!) but I don't like paying for the shipping. Also, I'm pretty impatient so I like the convenience of a store.
Favorite bookstore?
Books 2 Enjoy! It's a little used bookstore in my hometown. They have a great selection and I could spend hours in there browsing the shelves. I've built up quite a credit there so I can get a lot of books for a little bit of money...always a good thing!
Bookmark or dog ear?
I know that every librarian will cringe, but I'm a dog ear-er. I've tried bookmarks but I either lose them or something of that nature. So, I dog ear.
Keep, throw away, or sell?
I keep my favorites and then usually trade in the rest at the used bookstore. Sometimes I pass them around in my family or sell at a garage sale but most of the time I trade them in.
Short story or novel?
I prefer a novel. I think short stories can't always get you deep down into the's just too short.
Stop reading when tired or at chapter breaks?
Oh that is a toughie! I usually try for chapter breaks, but sometimes I can't make it and have to find just a break in the text.
New or used?
Used...I'm not picky. But I won't turn down a new book.
Morning, afternoon or nighttime reading?
Mostly at nighttime before bed, but one a weekend or vacation I'll read anytime.
Stand Alone or Series?
I think I'm pretty even. I do enjoy a good series because I can revisit favorite characters.
Favorite Series?
I loved Sweet Valley High when I was growing up! And since I started teaching I've grown pretty fond of The Magic Tree house series (or as my kids say...the Jack and Annie books).
Favorite Books Read Last Year?
Bad Girls of The Bible by Liz Curtis Higgs and Too Much Temptation by Lori Foster. I really enjoyed those two.
On your “to read” pile right now?
There is a lot! I buy faster than I Just a few are One Night Standards by Cathy Yardley, Hello, Darkness by Sandra Brown, Keeping A Princess Heart by Nicole Johnson, and Feeding Your Appetites by Stephen Arterburn
Favorite books of all time?
Oh there have been so many favorites...I couldn't pick just a few. I have favorites from childhood (The Berenstain Bears, Romona), from my teens (Sweet Valley High, The Babysitters' Club), and from now. There is no way I could list them. Though some of my favorite authors are Carla Niggers, Lori Foster, and Stephanie Laurens.
I have so many things to do today (pack for Math conference, shower, go buy stamps, etc.) but now I'm just itching to pick up a book for a few minutes!
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
Go Wild About Books
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Home Repaired Home!
When I left a few weeks ago, I left my house a little broken. I promise, I'm not a horrible tenet! There were just a few major structural things that desperately needed to be repaired. There was a weak place in the bedroom floor that had become a major dent type thing. Thankfully the carpet hadn't been torn through! Also, several weeks ago during a really heavy rainstorm a limb had fallen onto the roof (right above my bed no less) and punctured a hole in it. That eventually filled with water and I got a leak. That lead to some molding and get the picture.
My landlady, who really is sweet even if she is a little nutty, said that she'd have everything taken care of by the time I came home. I was doubtful, but when I came home yesterday I had a new bedroom floor and the ceiling had been repaired. I can't tell you how glad I am that she came through and it was all taken care of! As you might guess I'm not Ms. Fix-it so it was really nice to go away and come back to a repaired home!
I can't believe that I'm coming up on a year here! Despite a few probably common house problems (you know that shower faucet, the bugs, the bedroom) I really do love this place. It's in a great location (close to work and very pretty grove of trees) and it really does feel like home. And that is the sweetest part of all!
Labels: this old house
Monday, June 25, 2007
He said don't feel guilty.
She said guilt wasn't what she felt.
And that was the truth and at the same time a lie. She'd told herself she wasn't going to cross that line again...with anyone...the line of being fine for a moment, but not enough for the long run. Crossing that line always left her feeling a little used and caused a trimmer of self doubt.
When he told her not to feel guilty she found it slightly amusing that the guilt she felt wasn't because of what they had done but rather in her lack of regretting it. She fully understood what those moments of hollow pleasure would do and how she'd feel, but that obviously wasn't enough to keep her from going headlong into the situation. And if she was deep down honest, she'd probably cross the line again if given the opportunity. She couldn't help but wonder if just a tiny part of her was growing hard and cold.
Would she never learn?
Labels: this life
Thursday, June 21, 2007
Stuff Only A Mother Could Love
I'm pooped out tonight.
Last October my parents moved into a new house and were slowly bringing things over from the old house (and from here on out NH means new house and OH means old house...I'm pooped remember?) to the NH. And when I say slowly I absolutely mean slowly.
Anyway, we've (okay they if you want to get technical) are having a garage sale in a few weekends and most of the stuff from the OH needs to go into the sale. So, my mom and I have spent the last two days over at the OH sorting things into garage sale, keep, and trash piles. Trust's not as fun as that clean sweep show makes it seem!
Today we finished up the dining room and started on my parents room. And there was the treasure cove of things I'd made for my parents. I should stop and say right here that I do not have a pack rat gene in my body (I know my dad has it and I think my mom has it too though her's is much less pronounced) and I was trying to trash all sorts of things. I think she was afraid my feelings would be hurt if she got rid of something I'd given her. They weren't. You can only keep stuff so long you know?
Well, my mom came across this little ring pot (how else to describe the lopsided clay creation is beyond me) I had made one year at Girl Scout camp. It was the ugliest little creation. I'd made it with clay which I'd then painted to "match" the decor of their bedroom. It was maroon with turquoise and light pink dots all over it. I swear it looked like it had some kind of dot disease! I asked her if she was keeping it and she said of course. I turned my nose up and carefully set it in the to keep box. That's when she mentioned that some things made by children were things only a mother could love and appreciate! I guess so.
The second memorable child created creation wasn't even a creation. I'd gone on some trip when I was little (the travel bug bit early!) and I'd sent my dad a postcard. It had a fisherman on the front. On the back, in my childish handwriting, I'd written about how much fun I was having and that I'd seen that postcard and thought of him every time I looked at it. My dad loves to fish so apparently it was oh so appropriate! Anyway, at the bottom (after addressing it to Daddy Stewart) I signed it love, your little gril (Steff). I didn't want him to get me confused with all his other little grils I suppose. Apparently my bad spelling started early too! I thought it was pretty sweet that he'd saved it all these years! It was one of those things that I didn't know he'd done it and to find it fifteen plus years later was touching.
I suppose that all parents keep those lopsided clay creations and misspelled postcards too. And if you don't...start. It touched my heart today and reminded me of what I've always known. I am loved so very much!
Labels: childhood memories, chores...ick
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
It is no surprise that I love it when people stop by and read, but I enjoy it so much more when they take the time to leave a comment! I aren't surprised considering the little picture over there in the sidebar. Anyway, I have made some really neat blogger friendships through the leaving of comments. Those friendships bless me in a great way!
I want to just take a minute and encourage you to click through to my real world friend Becky's blog. She's a great read and I love that we can stay in touch this way. Just some back ground information, we were college roommates and really good friends who went through some major pot holes on the road of friendship. After some growing up, honest reflection, and extending forgiveness we've reconnected and I couldn't be happier about it! And I feel pretty safe saying she feels the same way. She's kind of stuck for the moment out in West Texas and I know she's longing to be home again. Some of you dear readers always have such an encouraging way about you and I wanted to send some of that her way!
It's a win-win'll get introduced to a great new blog and she'll (hopefully) get to enjoy all you wonderful blogger people!
Labels: friendships
Friday, June 15, 2007
Learn From Me
Today I was reminded of quote...You can't make all the mistakes yourself so learn from other's screw-ups.
Okay so maybe that's not it word for word, but it sure does fit my post. Remember the post about waiting so long to get started on my passport? Well, consider this part two of the whole debacle. At least I was fully clothed for this round - that's about the only good thing I can say.
I went to the downtown post office this morning (I should mention that it's practically on the opposite end of town than where I live) and waited in the passport line for about ten minutes. Then I heard the somewhat grumpy guy behind the counter ask for the guy in front of me's birth certificate. That's when I remembered that I didn't have mine with me. Oh I'd wagged it from home, but it was currently in a bag at my parents house. I grumbled and then left.
This afternoon I went back...armed with said birth certificate. I was pleasantly surprised that it was a different guy altogether at the counter. He was friendly and quite chatty. He saw that I lived in Huntsville and asked if I was married. Strange question, but I answered. Then he wanted to know if I was any one's pen pal or working on an escape plan for some guy who'd ended up in the pin for robbing a convenience store for a snickers and tank of gas. I assured him that wasn't the case. Things were moving along smoothly when he stapled my birth certificate to the passport pack. I asked if he could make a copy and that's when he realized that it wasn't an "official" copy of my birth certificate. He directed me to the county courthouse to purchase an "official" one for $23. Grumbling some more I left.
I made it over to the county courthouse and waited in line there. I guess there was a run on birth certificates today. Anyway, I step up and the lady informs me that they only take cash. By now my grumbling is starting to be vocalized and just a tad unlady like. I asked if there was an ATM and of course there wasn't. I mean come on...that wouldn't fit the theme of this whole passport thing! She did inform me that there were two banks where I could get cash from the ATM. So, I left and returned with the required cash. Finally I was able to get my "official" birth certificate. And just so you know, an "official" birth certificate is just a copy of the original one with a Texas seal punched into the corner.
I returned to the post office to discover that the friendly guy wasn't at the window any longer, but rather that by-now-really-grumpy guy was there. I handed over my "official" birth certificate and we started the process of finishing things up. I asked for expedited service and apparently this was just what ticked this guy off. He looked back to my anticipated departure from the country date and let me know in no uncertain terms that I'd be lucky if it reached me in time. Well, thanks a lot Mr. Grump...I don't recall asking for your opinion on the matter. Anyway, I said thanks for the information and then we got to the big bucks part of the transaction. And when I say big bucks I mean it. Just to recap:
Practically naked passport photo $7.99
"Official" copy of birth certificate $23.00
Expedited passport paper work application $127.00
Post office processing fee $30.00
Expedited over night service to L.A. California $16.25
Expedited over night service of passport back to me $16.25
And there lies the lesson, friends. Get your passport crap together early! Do not wait until the last minute! I left the local post office this afternoon with a much lighter wallet and several new brain wrinkles when it comes to staying on top of things.
And I've also come to this decision...I will travel out of the country...a the next ten years to make this whole experience worth it!
Labels: putting things off, travel
Thursday, June 14, 2007
Because I Just Can't Resist...
...I was tagged by Lori (one of my new favorite teacher blogs!) to do a meme (seriously people...what the heck is a meme?) and since I kind of have a thing for questionnaire type thingies I'm going to do it. Besides, y'all want to know as much unimportant information about me as possible...right?!
But, first I have to go on and on about my poor big toe. I wouldn't consider myself klutzy per say, but some of the bumps, bruises, and now gashes on my body might beg to differ. Tuesday morning I was taking some mail to the front door to be put out for the post man. Well, the clip was on the opposite side of where the door opens so I just stepped out (leaving my right foot inside the house) and reached for the clip. I couldn't reach so I leaned a little further and pulled the door back just a bit and screamed in pain. Apparently in my quest to reach the clip I completely forgot about my foot still inside the house...directly in the line of the door. I should say that this screen door is metal and well I basically scraped a huge chunck of my flesh off the corner of my toe. I hobbled in and got the first aid kit. I don't care what the bottle says...peroxide stings on an open wound! I'm sure I was a sight bent over blowing on my big toe. After several swipes I began to realize that that dark pink slash wasn't blood but rather toe meat. I know that sounded disgusting...sorry. I've been hobbling around the house and doctoring my toe. Thankfully today it's starting to heal up some. I bet I get a nifty scar out of the deal. Hmm...I wonder if dudes dig scars too?
Okay, on with the meme!
Tagged ... It's all about meme (what the heck is meme by the way?)
INSTRUCTIONS: Remove the blog in the top spot from the following list and bump everyone up one place. Then add your blog to the bottom slot, like so:
Whee! All The Way Home
Melanie in Orygun
Queen of Drama
These Are the Days...
An Inside Look
Next, select five people to tag: (I'm going to tag because it's part of the instructions and I'm all about following the rules...sorry a fit of giggles over came me!...but if you don't want to do this it's okay.)
What were you doing 10 years ago? Ten years ago I was 15 and probably just starting high school. I was wishing I was old enough to drive already, harboring a crush on Peter Abrigg, and hating algebra.
What were you doing 1 year ago? I was beginning to give up on ever finding a teaching job and questioning God's will for my life. Then just about three weeks later I got hired to teach second grade (which I absolutely LOVE!), planning a major move to Huntsville, and realizing that God's timing is perfect!
Five Snacks You Enjoy
peanut M&Ms
cucumber sticks
Cheetos Asteroids
A&W cream soda
Five Songs That You Know All The Lyrics To
Reba - My Sister
Kenny Rogers - I Can't Unlove You
Beaches Sound track - Otto Titsling
Celine - I'm Your Angel
Cher - Jesse James
Five Things You Would Do If You Were a Millionaire
Pay off student loan
Help family
Travel (anywhere my heart desires)
Build a huge and organized scrapbook room onto my house
Quit my job...I think.
Five Bad Habits
I don't make my bed unless I'm changing the sheets.
I tend to look at the bad before looking for the good.
It's hard for me to forgive and the forget.
I don't pick the hair out of the drain.
I watch Nip/Tuck and Dirt on FX!
Five Things You Like To Do
Shop for just about anything
Check my email and lavish attention on my blog ;)
Watch tv and movies
Five Things You Would Never Wear Again
Tapered jeans
panty hose (unless I absolutely had to)
a side ponytail
anything with a cartoon on it (I went through a Disney on my shirt phase)
a thong
Five Favorite Toys
cell phone
digital camera
TV/Dvd player
Zyron machine
Monday, June 11, 2007
Good To Be Home
Oh, it's good to be back home. I had a great time with my family, though sadly the convention was slightly lacking. Anyway, like I said, being with my family was wonderful! I completed 12 layouts (most really great and two that I thought were just okay) and I have pictures but it will have to wait a while until my digital camera is once again connected to the cord thingy and my computer (please don't get weighed down by my use of technical terms!). To sum up everything...I shot my creative wad somewhere about Friday night. I'm going to get back in my groove, but until that happens (never fear I'm sure it'll be very soon) I've left you with one of those questionnaire thingys I like so much!
You Are Sunshine |
![]() Soothing and calm You are often held up by others as the ideal But too much of you, and they'll get burned You are best known for: your warmth Your dominant state: connecting |
Labels: questionnaire thingy
Tuesday, June 05, 2007
While You Wait
Load the car...check
Make the bed...check
Take the last minute trash out...check
The only thing left is to turn the air up and then go to my hair appointment before I head out of town. I'm really excited! The only downer thing is that I won't have access to a computer (it's freaky how I've grown addicted to it!) so I won't be able to update my blog or make the rounds to visit you lovely people. Awww, I know.
Anyway, I've made a little list of links to some of my favorite posts. Feel free to click around and enjoy the read!
The New York Experience - this is a recap of my last big trip. I went to New York City with a good friend. We had so much you'll read.
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
The Joy of Ordinary Days
Dex: The Fat Kitty (though his wobbly parts aren't really seen in this post)
A Questionaire Thingy
I think that's probably enough. And if you've read all of those you need to get up and take a break! Take care blogging friends!
Labels: fluff
Monday, June 04, 2007
I Need To See Your Passport Please
Just let me start this post by saying there are about a hundred other things I should be doing at the moment...namely packing. See, I'm leaving tomorrow (because I'm leaving for the summer and blah blah blah...) and I haven't packed a single thing. I have made a list (you know because I think lists are almost divine) of things to pack but as of right now not a single thing is in a suitcase. As a matter of fact the suitcase is still in the closet. Do you think there are support groups for people like me? Hello, my name is Steffany and I'm a procrastinator.
And speaking of procrastinating, I've been planning the upcoming cruise since November. You'd think someone who liked to make lists and make sure everything was planned down to the last minute would have had her passport in her hands months ago.'d be wrong. I've been meaning to, but I haven't. I've checked with the cruise line and while it's not required that I have one it wouldn't hurt either. So I'm getting one. And paying for my procrastination to the tune of $60 to rush it...whatever rush means to the US Government.
Yesterday I went to get my passport picture taken. I'm going to stop right here and just say that a passport picture is like all other pictures needed for documents...they suck. It's not a horrible picture mind you, but I'd never want to willingly show it off. Anyway, not thinking about the dimensions of said picture yesterday I wore a super cute black off the shoulder top. I walked into Walgreens and asked to have a passport picture made. The lady told me where to stand and said okay on three. She said three and I smiled. Since it was only going to take five minutes or so I decided to wander around the store. I found myself in the greeting card aisle (surprise surprise) and up comes the lady with a goofy grin on her face. She told me that she'd like me to see the picture because it looked like I was naked. Yes, she said "It looks like you're naked!" very loudly in a semi crowded Walgreens. We walk back to the photo lab (the whole time with her repeating how funny it is because I look naked) to the screen where I'm 2" x 2" and yes I look very...unclothed in the picture. She's still going on about how I looked naked (still very loudly) and I quickly asked her if we could re-take the picture.
She took me back over to the background and we tried it again. I literally had to hold the sleeves up on my shoulders and when she said three let them go and smile. It's amazing that my hands actually weren't in the picture and I did have a smile...well one of those fake ones. This time I hung around the lab counter so if I still looked naked she couldn't yell it as far. Thankfully, this one came out much more...decent. So now I have the required pictures minus a little bit of my dignity.
The moral of this story...when you book a trip out of the country in November get your passport pictures taken in November. You'll most likely be wearing long sleeves and you'll dodge the "you're naked" bullet in a crowded store. See...I might not have my clothes packed, but I've just performed a huge public service!
Labels: putting things off, vacation
Friday, June 01, 2007
Look Out Summer!
Yesterday was officially the last day of the 2006-2007 school year. Summer school is being held on our campus this year so I've got to square away my room (there is this rumor that summer school teachers have sticky fingers) a little more on Monday, but essentially today was the first day of summer!
I know people are probably sick of hearing about what I'm doing this summer, but I'm excited about it all. And now to add to the mix...a week long trip to the beach with some girls from work in August! Some song with the words "beach baby beach baby...and that's as far as I get" keeps playing in my head. I think this is first summer in a long time where I'll spend so much time around sand.
Everything kicks off on Tuesday when I leave for Arlington. I'm going a scrapbook convention with all the ladies in my family! I can't wait. Scrapbooking is my absolute favorite hobby and I love spending time with my family. (By the way, if you click on each of those words you'll get to see an example of my scrapbooking talents!) Then it's on to my parents' home for some much needed catch up time.
A friend today was saying how it must be nice to have those long summer vacations. Yeah...I agree!
Labels: summer